Pissed and Hungry

Book 3: FIRE

"I swear I'll never agree to any of your blind dates again", Hwan Jae whispered to her best friend Jang Mi, exasperation evident in her voice. If only Gikwang, her bestfriend's boyfriend, is not in front of them and eyeing them through their exchanges of whispers, she would have screamed already. 


A week ago, Jang Mi came up to her, while she was watching her favorite drama, with her oh-so-wonderful idea, of doing a double date, and hooking her up with one of Gikwang's buddies. She immediately said no. Jang Mi's previous attempts of setting her up on a blind date failed miserably.  She has no time for dates, and quite frankly, she's not interested in dating anyone at this point of time. It's just that she feels she's not ready yet.


But this time, Jang Mi is determined. She bugged her for four days, calling in during work hours, changing her morning alarm with, "You have a double date on Saturday!! Weee! It's gonna be fun!", poking her head repeatedly in her bedroom door saying "please, just this once, please??? I'm you bestfriend right?", and of course, ranting on endlessly about how nice and perfect this guy, Yoseob was. 


"He's really friendly, nice, charming, cute, and oh, he sings so well too! You'd wish he would sing for you all night..... Blah Blah Blah Blah...." Jang Mi would say while their eating breakfast, or dinner, or having midnight snacks, practically any time she can.


On the fourth day, she came home overly tired from work that she just wanted to sleep the night away, but Jang Mi, as usual would bug her. She was starting on ratlling again with her well-rehearsed line of how great Yoseob is, when she finally said yes just to get her to shut up and leave her alone to sleep peacefully. And God. That worked. 


Now, she can't put into words how much she regrets agreeing to Jang Mi. As much as she loves her bestfriend, she just can't take this.


This guy Yoseob is LATE, so much fro being a great guy huh.  It's 12:15 now, appointment is at 12:00. One of the things she hates the most is being late, she's very particular with time. How can these inconsiderate people even think of wasting other's time. It would have been better if he said beforehand that he's gonna be late. 


By 12:30, she just wanted to get out of the restaurant and go back home. Just another failed blind date on her list. No biggie. But her friend pleaded her to just stay and wait. What's more annoying is that she's really hungry. Starving. She has not eaten breakfast. 


Finally, Gikwang called Yoseob. Apparently there's an emergency that he had to attend to. EMERGENCY WHATEVER. If she's right it's just a lame excuse, probably he just overslept. Psssh.


"He's not the type to be late. Really.", Gikwang muttered, trying to appease her. As if that will do anything now, Hwan Jae thought. Good thing her best friend got Gikwang. He's always on time, and very polite.  She's just wondering what happened to Hyun Seung, she thought Jang Mi liked that guy.


Anyway, she cannot wait for this guy to come before she can satisfy her growling stomach.  Jang Mi wanted to wait for Yoseob before they order but she will not and cannot wait any longer. She calls a waiter and ordered. She looked at Jang Mi  and gave her a glare. PISSED AND HUNGRY does not go well in her dictionary, her bestfriend knows that, so she just let her ordered.


When her order came 15 minutes after, she happily started eating, not caring whether about Gikwang and Jang Mi. She would have died of hunger you know? Well, that's an exaggeration, but she's too hungry to care. She finished her meal in peace, and Yoseob is still not there.


She looked at her watch, 1:01. "That's it I'm done waiting", she announced to the two and started to stand up, when Gikwang suddenly waved at someone. Jang Mi pulled her down to her seat again. For some odd reason, her annoyance doubled upon knowing that Yoseob finally came. Finally, she'll get to see this 'great' guy. She calmed herself, took deep breaths, and reminded herself to be civil.


"So you're the lucky lady", Yosoeb said as he slid down to the seat beside Gikwang. "Hi I'm Yoseob, Hwan Jae right?" and extended his hands for a handshake. 


Hwan Jae just stared at him. She was sure she could have thrown the half full glass of water she was holding to Yoseob's face, if Jang Mi did not kick her under the table. 


She looked at Jang Mi and said, "You set me up with this pimple laden midget?" He's not pimple laden actually, but he has break outs here and there. She just needed to retort something to annoy the guy.


"Mworago, pimple laden midget? ", Yoseob said, apparently insulted.


Jang Mi did not know what to answer, and Gikwang was close to loosing it, while he tries his best to suppress his laughs. 


"I said hello Mr. pimple laden midget! Thanks for letting us wait for an hour. Clean your ears next time so you can hear properly, ok?", Hwan Jae spat sarcastically and rolled her eyes. 


"First, I'm not a midget, and I'm not pimple laden. I'm just having some breakouts now. And by the way, I can tell you're not that tall ei...."


"Ok, let's just order now, shall we?" Gikwang cut Yoseob before he could finish.


Both Gikwang and Jang Mi ordered chicken,  Yoseob  ordered steak, and Hwan Jae, just a slice of cake.


While waiting for their orders to come, Gikwang and Jang Mi started to throw in some jokes and funny stories to lighten up the mood. Yoseob joined in but she's just too pissed to enjoy their jokes. She would smile occasionally, but that's it.


Yoseob, this guy. He has not even said sorry, for being late, or even explained why he was late. What an . He's not that bad if you look at him, actually. He seems friendly as Jang Mi said, too bad he does not know how to say sorry. Strike two. 


"So," Yoseob started, "You're still in the university right? What university?  What are you majoring in?"



"English Literature", she answered lazily. "What a blabbermouth." she hissed.


"You're good in English?! Assa! You can help me with English then." 


"Excuse me?"


"Help me with English. I'm having problems with my English classes. It's such a headache you know", he reiterated and then made some  faces as if to act cute. Hwan Jae wants to puke.


"Now, what am I your tutor?" Hwan Jae snarled.


Yoseob did not know what to answer so he just resorrted to pouting.


"That shut him up. Thank goodness."  Hwan Jae though as she heaved a sigh.



Their orders came. As she was about to take the first bite of her chocolate cake when Yoseob blurted out "You're only eating that? No wonder you look so thin. Why don't you eat more? You want some of this?" in a matter of factly tone that annoyed the hell out of her.


She calmly put down her fork and said, "Look mister, if you don't know, you had us wait an hour and you think I'll wait for you before I eat? Hell no. This is my desert, by the way. And let me give you an advice too, try to cut down on meat, it might help you with your acne problems.", and gave him a smug smile. Huh! If he thinks I'll back down, no way. 


"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just go to the powder room." She needs some time to cool off or else she might not be able to control herself.  One more snide comment form this guy and she'll sure explode. She's kind of violent and throw anything she has in her hands in her anger fits. 


"How dare he!!!! Aggghhhh!!" She shouted inside the powder room. Good thing there's no one there except her. She just can't wrap around her mind the thought that such kind of man exists. "How can someone be so irritating!"



"Now Yoseob what happened to your charms?" He growled at himself the second Jang Mi followed Hwan Jae. He's hitting his head on the table repeatedly.


"What really happened Yoseob? Why were you late? And what's with you're the lucky lady? Are you nuts?" Gikwang questioned Yosoeb.


With head on the table, he looked at Gikwang. "One by one ok? Junhyung  hyung asked me to buy, no, not asked, ordered me to buy Ttoekboki as I was just about to go here. You know I have no choice. I'm tied to him until the end of the month. And you know how far the ajjuhmma that sells his favorite tteokboki right?"


"Oh, and what about the lucky lady?


"Ah, that, I thought I should just use my charms to make her forget about me being late. I tried to act cool. But that did not turn out right, I guess", he sighed.


"I think you've just blown your chance."


"I know", that's all he can say. Gikwang was right. All this is your fault Junhyung, he thought and made a mental note to make a plan to get back at him.


He immediately sat up straight when he saw them coming back. 


"Guys, Hwan Jae has to go, she has another appointment at 2:30.", Jang Mi announced.


"Gikwang, Thanks a lot for the meal!  I'll be going now. I'll see you some time." Hwan Jae said as she stood up. She went to go but turned back as she seems to have remembered something.


"By the way, Yoseob-shii, a sorry for being late would have worked." She then bowed as a goodbye, and walked out of the restaurant.







Yay for chapter 2! 

I know some might be confused right now, specially if you have read Book 1. You may be asking why is Jang Mi with Gikwang when she is supposed to be with Hyun Seung now. 

The timeline of these stories coincide, and this date occured when Gikwang and Jang Mi went out for some time, and before Hyun Seung and Jang mi got together. 

To my first subscriber, Thank you! layla_star ^__^ I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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Queen J

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lovidovi #1
Chapter 2: lol, this is funny!
ah yoseob how poor you are on the day :))
curious to know what will happen next!
queenj #2
@lehcar_rachel0123711 sorry for confusing you! But it's Yoseob's! Junhyung's story will be featured in Book 5, after Gikwang's in Book 4. XD I'll update soon!
COOL!!!! I thought it was Junhyung's story!! hahaha CUTE!!!!!
layla_star #4
enjoyed the chapter;) looking forward to your next one:D<br />
things are getting interesting~<br />
and i really like the way you write!!<br />
princess_jas #5
Yay! Yoseob's story is up! Looking forward to the next chapters! And by the way, you've got an intriguing description right up there, queenj. :p