Demons Run Chapter 4

Demons Run chapter 1

Gavriel's POV

I woke up with a jolt at the sound of a gunshot and a pain filled scream. My head was buzzing and all I remembered was the bartender telling me to leave and then the red headed demons fist smashing into my face. It was my fault for being so damn smug. Idiot, what the hell was I thinking. Without moving from my fetal position on the floor I watched as the last of the bar's occupants scrambled out the door and the bartender drop to the floor while Laxus scowled and an unknown demon grinned wickedly.

I felt my anger flare at the sight of the red headed demon and the intense pain that was fading as my broken nose slowly corrected itself. Holding back a grunt of pain as the hollow crack echoed through my skull I quickly pulled a cloth out of my back pocket to mop up the red blood that had dripped out of my nose.

Once cleaned, I threw the cloth into the puddle of my dropped drink from earlier to hide the scent. I have survived this long, I wasn't going to let a broken nose be the death of me. Moving my attention back to the two demons talking quietly, a fowl look on Laxus’ face as he looked down at what I assumed was the bartender, I slowly reached into one of my jacket pockets to pull out an old digital camera that had been my sisters before she and I split ways. Shifting slightly I snapped a quick picture of Laxus while he was distracted. You’re on my list now .

Smirking, I slipped it back into my pocket and closed my eyes as the redhead and the other demon came out from behind the bar. I expected all I had to do was lie there and play possum and they would leave, the sun was coming up and most of their kind tended to hide from it, but before they got to the door one set of the footsteps faltered.

“Hold on,” I heard Laxus hiss. “There is a snobby piece of blond demon I need to take care of.” I tensed, my fingers itching to grasp the knife strapped to my thigh, ready to jump up and strike once he got close enough.

“Leave the kid Laxus,” the other demon said firmly. “The only thing you need is for him to wake up and put you on your again. I think your ego has taken enough blows for one day.” After several moments of silence I expected the red haired demon to brush off the other’s advice and attempt to take my life, but another minute later, the sound of receding steps and the door clicking closed made a long sigh of relief escape my lips. Guess I will have to wait to kill him until a later date. Probably for the better too. Although he had sounded like he wouldn't have cared if I attacked Laxus, I don't think I would have been able to defeat the other demon as well. Not just because of my low fuel, but he also radiated power very close to that of the bartenders. Strong and old.

I waited another two minutes before peeling myself off of the disgustingly sticky wooden floor and taking a moment to fix the hair clips in my long blond hair then wiped myself off with a scowl. While it was a nice bar, the floor was covered in spilt drinks and a fine layer of dirt that clung to my leather jacket and grey jeans. After failing at getting the majority of the filth off of my clothing I reached into several different pockets until I came up with a small pack of matches. Striking one I let it drop on the cloth soaked with blood and alcohol and watched it burn a brilliant green color before dieing all together with a soft sputter.

Satisfied with the small pile of ash I moved to one of the windows to peek out at the lightening sky. It was too late for me to go out and try to find a hotel, I would be burnt red and weak within the hour. Sighing at my luck of being stuck in this dump for a whole day I locked the door and closed all of the blinds before finally moving around the bar to look down at the bloody mess that was the demon bartender.

There were several shots to his chest and stomach that were almost fully scabbed over and healing very slowly. Maybe I was mistaken about his power level. While it would have hurt like a , those wounds shouldn't have knocked him out. My gaze dropped and I had to swallow the bile that rushed up my throat. Good gods what had they done to him and why?! Gaging loudly I slipped my jacket off and pulled my t-shirt over my head to drape it over the bloody mess that was the demons . Or what was left of it. I dont care what he did or who he did it to, no man deserved that kind of pain. I knew it would grow back, but still… ouch.

Shaking off my shock I draped my jacket over the bar and unsheathed the curved knife strapped to my thigh. He may be out cold right now but i bet the son of a will wake up with murder on his mind and I need to be ready. I had two smaller daggers strapped to each arm, now visible do to the absence of my now blood soaked shirt.

Speaking of blood… I looked around the bar even though I knew we were the only ones there then crouched next to the demon. With gentle fingers I pushed his flopped over hair out of his face. With a small gasp I bit my lip and let his hair drop back into place. Scratch my earlier comment about him being handsome, this demon was downright yummy. Dropping the thought before it went too far i checked his breathing while trying to figure out just how long he would be out for the count. Judging by the time of day and the amount of blood he lost it all depended on how powerful he was. If he was a lower demon he would be lucky if he was awake before midnight, but if he was a higher up he could wake any second.

Might as well make this quick just to be safe, no point in risking my life by being slow. Shifting my blade into a tighter grip I stood and moved so that I had one foot on either side of the demons muscular, slow rising chest. I sat swiftly so I was posed on his belly, his arms pinned to his side. My position was for defence purposes only, if he woke I would be able to put my blade in his chest and stall him long enough for me to better arm myself.

Ignoring the heat coming off of the demon between my thighs I clasped my blade between my teeth and reached behind myself to unclasp my necklace, letting it drop onto his chest. The small vial of dark blue liquid rolled up his chest, dropping to the floor by his neck before I could retrieve it. Leaning forward with a scowl I moved to retrieve the vial only to pause as his body tensed for such a brief moment it might have just been my imagination. After a moment of silence I choose to ignore it and quickly retrieved the vial. Shifting again I maneuvered the cork out and set the open vial on the flattest part of his chest so I could wrap the chain around my tattooed wrist and regain my hold on my knife.

Holding my knife with one hand I raised the vial to my nose, taking in a deep breath. It smelled stale, too old to even drink. “What a waste,” I muttered and dumped the remains of the vial on one of the bullet wounds riddling the demons chest.The old blood was several shades lighter than the fresh blood still drying on his chest, but hopefully he wouldn't notice. Or better yet, I'd be gone before he even woke up.

Shifting all of my weight to my right knee I lifted the demons left arm and sliced my blade across his palm. I watched the bark blue blood swell out of the shallow wound for a moment before it away. When I swallowed my whole body felt like a current of electricity had run through it. this guy was older than dirt. With a wicked smirk I lifted the vial and squeezed the demons hand, forcing his blood to flow faster.

If I hadn't been so distracted by the lingering taste of him on my lips I would like to say I would have realized he was watching me, but somehow I doubt it. I was placing the cork back into the neck of the vial when the demon shifted again. Freezing I looked down to find his blue eyes boring into mine. “!” I gasped without thinking. My knife dropped out of my mouth, landing harmlessly on his chest. Dropping the vial, my hands flew to the blades strapped to my arms, but he was quicker than me. Taking advantage of my arms crossed over my chest, reaching for my blades, his hands shot out to grip my wrists. The next thing i knew, I was on my back once again with the demon still between my legs, pinning my arms to my chest.

For a deathly quiet moment all I could do was stare up at him in complete shock as he looked down at me. A sinister smile split his lips and he leaned down until his lips brushed my neck. With a gasp I tried to struggle, but the most that did was make him laugh. My struggling ceased suddenly when I felt his tongue on my skin and a low rumble of satisfaction emanated from the demon before he spoke a single dreaded word.


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