Saturday Night

Voice of my heart { DISCONTINUED }


It was lunch and Sungyeol had wanted to ask you if she wanted to have lunch together but as he approaches her locker , he notices Nam Woohyun talking to her . He hid behind the wall and stared at them . He scanned you as she nodded to something that Woohyun said . What are they talking about ? He thought . He saw Woohyun walk away and you’s face portrayed a happy expression as she waved bye to him like an idiot .

“ Yah . Aren’t you waving too over zealous ? ” Sungyeol said jealously as he approached you and gave her a small hit on her head . you looks up at her best friend and squealed loudly .

“ Oh my god ! Woohyun just asked me out ! Can you believe it ? ” She screamed in Sungyeol’s ear as she held tightly onto his wrist .

“ Oh … ” he says softly as he mentally imagines an image of his heart breaking into a million pieces .

-Flash back 2 years ago-

“ Sungyeol , I have a crush on Nam Woohyun . ” The 15 year old you said as she looked up at the pink-ish coloured sky .

Sungyeol felt a pang in his heart . He has liked , no , loved you ever since they were kids but you doesn’t see him like that , they’re best friends . He couldn’t confess to her now , he was afraid of ruining their friendship . He was scared of losing her .

“ Then why do you look so sad ? ” he asked her .

“ Because he will never notice me . ” she replied sadly .

you , one day I’ll confess to you and until that day , I’ll prove to you that I’m a man , not just your best friend . I want to protect you . If you were mine , I’ll never make you sad . Until then , please stay by my side and wait for me .

-End flashback-                             

“ Yah . Sungyeol ah ? You there ? Helllooo ! ” youshouts as she waves her hand infront of Sungyeol’s eyes , who remain unresponsive .

“ SUNGYEOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! ” you screamed as loudly as possible into Sungyeol’s ear , making him jump out from his thoughts .

“ Huh … oh . It’s you . ” Sungyeol said blankly .

“ Hey , you alright ? You seem out of sorts . ” you asked worriedly . Sungyeol scratches his head and drags you off to lunch without replying her .


The bright light of the sun shone through the windows and blinded you as she woke up . It was Saturday afternoon .

It’s Saturday today , what should I do ? OH WAIT . TODAY IS THE SATURDAY DINNER WITH WOOHYUN !

you hurriedly went to bathe and dressed in her favourite stripped blue top and black denim shorts before putting on some concealer and lip gloss . Dressing like this is okay right ? After all , its just BBQ not a fancy dinner . She thought to herself .

It was still too early to be there . you paced up and down her house , anxiously waiting for the time to pass .

“ Why is the clock ticking so slowly ! ” she shouted in frustration as she checked her watch for the 20th time .

Finally , it was 6.40pm and she could finally leave the house . Since her house was near to school , it would only take 10 minutes to walk to the BBQ shop . you walked to the toilet to do a final check , making sure she looks alright when she meets Woohyun . She puts on her shoes and gets out of the house .

“ Umma ! I’m going off now ! Bye . ” you screamed to her mom as she closed the door behind her . She squealed excitedly as she walked along . What would she say when they meet ? What are they supposed to do on a date ? Wait , should this even count as a date since he said it was just a apology dinner ?

She decides to call Sungyeol and ask him since he has been on dates before .

/ring ring/

“ Hello ? YAH MYUNGSOO NOOOOOO- ” Sungyeol seemed to be screaming at someone in the background as he answered the phone .

“ Sungyeol ?

“ YAH SHHH . Oh hey you , what’s up ? ” he asked .

“ Well , I’m on my way to my date with Woohyun and I don’t know what to do . So I called you . ” she told him .

“ Just be yourself . Relax okay ? ” He said calmly on the other end , even though his heart was filled with jealousy right now .

“ HOW CAN YOU ASK ME TO RELAX RIGHT NOW WHEN MY HEART IS BEATING SO FAST ! ” She screamed in the phone as she walked across the road as the green man was shown .

“ CALM DOWN FOR GOODNESS SAKE . JUST ACT NORMAL ! ” He screamed back at the phone as he looked at his friend , Myungsoo , giving him a suspicious look .


Her voice was gone and a loud screech could be heard before the line got cut .

you ? ARE YOU ALRIGHT ? ” Sungyeol screamed anxiously into the phone but there was no response .



A/N : Okay part 2 is up ^^ I know its kinda short but i've been upset lately over Heechul's enlistment so my brain juices aren't working that well . Anyway I'll give yall abit of intro on the characters . Please comment ^^


(you) Samantha Jung Jae Min , 17 . Student . Best friends with Sungyeol . Has a crush on Nam Woohyun .

Nam Woohyun , 18 . Student , Celebrity Blogger . Best friends with Min Ae , the queenka . Has a crush on Samantha .

Lee Sungyeol , 17 . Student . Best friends with Samantha . Has a crush on Samantha .

Jo Min Ae , 19 . Student , same grade as Woohyun because she studied overseas in the past . Queenka of the school . Best friends with Woohyun . Dislikes Samantha . Has a crush on Woohyun .

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inspirtgirl #1
Chapter 1: Awkward.. is there someone got the same username as me?
kongsamantha #2
How dare you give us a sneak peek of the chapter! Now I'm spazzing!! Os he gonna take her to a romantic dinner or something cute?! I dunno you didn't write it! You better update right now! <br />
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Please ^^
Chocolato #4
new reader here (: bring on the woohyun fluff !
kongsamantha #5
Hehehehe woohyun <3
belated happy birthday. ;)<br />
i'm sooo looking forward for the next chapter. ;)<br />
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i can't wait. ;)<br />
love your story! ;)<br />
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waaah!!!<br />
can't wait for the next chapter. ;)<br />
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Seang Gil Chukha Hamnida~~!!!<br />
I dunno what to give you so I gave you Infinite *hands over confuse looking Infinite*<br />
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Sungjong: Hyung, what are we doing here?<br />
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Sunggyu: Just shut up and be cute, like that girl told us to do.<br />
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Sungjong: U-Uh neh. *does aegyo* Saeng Gil Chukha Hamnida~ sarang hae~<br />
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Infinite: *All cheers and does aegyo*<br />
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>>Yep, I'm sorry if that turned out terrible *playfully glares at Infinite* <br />