A Great Morning

French Toast Fiasco

 It was a few days after the embarrassing stunt that involved him and his door, when Seunghyun finally gave in to his cravings for a smoke or two. He didn't know why, because even though he was currently drowning on thick pile of blankets and fluffy pillows, he still felt chilled.


 A glance at his clock on the bedside showed him a quarter past seven in the morning, and there he was, puffy-eyed and wide awake like it was the most natural thing for him to be doing.


 The haunting smell of those cursed French toasts effectively pulled him out of sleep, just like it always did the past few mornings. Seunghyun swears he's been doing his best to block off the buttery aroma by shutting off all the windows and even went as far as buying thicker curtains to replace the previous ones for a good measure.


 He's been sleeping lesser and lesser because of his current predicament, inevitably resulting of him falling asleep at work and getting caught by his (thankfully) over indulgent boss. But then again, on a much brighter side, his tardiness was getting fewer and fewer by the days that it actually compensated for him hitting the sacks during work hours.


 Getting up from the bed, Seunghyun reluctantly peeled off the blankets on his body with a heavy sigh. Being forced to wake up against his own bitter will was a hard beating for someone like him who loved to sleep a LOT.


 Those French toasts was better than any alarm clock in the world since it managed to rouse him without any difficulty. Not that it was anything to brag about, but he was quite legendary to the people who was close enough with him, as someone who slept like the dead; and he'd bet his left leg that if his mother ever found out that he's been waking up the earliest he has ever managed his entire life, she would throw a party in celebration for it.


 Seunghyun pulled on a hoodie then grabbed the rumpled pack of Malboro's hidden behind their family photo ( a trick he came up with to induce guilt) and a lighter before chucking them on his front pocket. He then ambled out of his bedroom, desperately ignoring the sweet, sweet smell that called onto him and for a grudging moment thought that his neighbor must have been doing it on purpose to torment him.


With a yawn so huge his jaw would have split separately, he mindlessly headed straight for the balcony, mind clouded with eagerness to feel the curling warmth of smoke inside his chest that only those cancer sticks could provide.


 The moment his fingers made contact with the metal handle of the glass door, memories of the other day came flooding back as his fingers instinctively flew to his nose at the sudden recollection of the throbbing pain it suffered from.

 Seunghyun's toes curled in embarrassment and briefly considered running back to his room and dive under the covers for the rest of his pathetic existence.


 Smoking inside his apartment was not an option since it already smelled badly enough as it did, nor was doing it outside, in plain view of the permed ahjummas with hawk-like eyes that never failed to spot things to gossip about.


 Oh well, it.


 He opened the door with a deep breath and took a step out into the warm morning light. His immediately dug inside his pocket and produced the cigarette and lighter without sparing a glance at his surroundings. He moved quickly, hands expertly lighting a stick and hurriedly taking a drag so he could finish faster and slip back inside.


  But despite everything, Seunghyun could not help but let his eyes close and let out a contented sigh at the familiar taste invading his senses. It was enough to make him forget what he was so worked up about and simply savored the comforting feeling of nicotine once again. He felt so peaceful and contented at the moment that nothing can ever---


 “You know smoking is bad for your health right?"


 As much as he would have liked to vehemently deny and save face, Seunghyun let out an unnaturally high pitched yelp at the voice that suddenly came out of nowhere and made him drop his smoke that nearly burned a hole on his fluffy house slipper. 


 So lost was he on his musings that even his neighbor, who had the softest and kindest voice he's ever heard (not that he heard him talking a lot), surprised the life out of him.


 Admittedly his knees felt weak at the shock not a few moments ago and could feel it grow even more weaker when his eyes landed on the glowing creature who was blowing softly on a steaming cup of coffee, a smile playing on the full, pouty lips that had Seunghyun staring (again) like a lovesick fool.


 “How is your nose?" His pink haired neighbor asked, cutely pointing at his own nose. “Does it still hurt?"


 Seunghyun cringed and wondered if the question was meant to embarrass him. But judging from the way his neighbor's eyes earnestly showed genuine kindness and concern, all the dubious thoughts that circled inside his head was forgotten.


 He stood there transfixed, when the boy tucked his hair behind an ear, his movements flowing and graceful, that Seunghyun could not help but notice that everything around the boy seemed pleasing. Or exquisite. Maybe even delicate. Or dainty.



 He could go on listing adjectives or spout poems about the other for the whole day and still, it would never be enough for him to fully grasp the effect of his neighbor on him.


 When it was pretty much obvious that he wouldn't pretty much get any answer from the motionless man with the ridiculously colorful hoodie, the pink haired boy tried clearing his throat.


 “I'm Jiyong by the way," He almost shyly said and placed his cup back on the table near a plate of the infamous toasts. “You're Seunghyun right?"


 This caused Seunghyun to actually snap out of his trance and try focusing on what the other just said, stuttering out a question.


 “H-How did you know..."


 “Your name?" Jiyong finished the question for him. “I sort of asked our neighbors about you..."


 Jiyong looked positively guilty at the admission, worrying his lower lip as he waited for any reaction from Seunghyun. When nothing came, the boy sighed audibly and fixed his eyes on the other. “You don't talk much, do you?"


Only when you're around.


 Seunghyun was tempted to say it out loud but refrained himself from doing so. He's embarrassed himself enough to last a lifetime. Instead, he simply shrugged as nonchalantly as he could.


 The gesture surprised a laugh out of Jiyong that awakened the slumbering butterflies in his stomach and flutter their wings; something which he forcefully shoved away and instead focused on trying to form coherent sentences inside his head to explain his behavior a few days ago. Just when he'd managed to find the courage and say his apologies, his neighbor cut him off.


 “Save it." Jiyong said, looking straight into Seunghyun. “I know what you are about to say. It's okay. I'm not angry..."


And as if to prove his point, the boy smiled, all white teeth and pink gums that nearly blinded Seunghyun with its brilliance he would have worn sunglasses. “But if you really want to make up for it... You know could just have breakfast with me. What do you say?"


 “I--- uh, what?" Seunghyun, to put it bluntly, asked dumbly.

 “Let's have breakfast. Together." Jiyong repeated patiently, a persuading smile on his face.


 “What? Now?!"


“Yes, now."


 “But--- but" He tried to think of an excuse although he's not really sure why, but it seemed there was no stopping his neighbor.


 “My front door is unlocked, so there should be no problem for you getting inside." The other informed Seunghyun. “Or..."


 “Or..." Seunghyun prompted the boy who purposely trailed off in his sentence.


 “You could always climb over..." Jiyong said teasingly, his mirthful eyes endearingly crinkling at the sides as Seunghyun let out a loud laughter that echoed off that one beautiful morning.












A/N: Yeah, took me long enough to update this one... But here you go. I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you to the people who took their time reading, and subscribing to this story *bows*


P.S. Pardon for any mistakes I've commited. I'll fix them later.















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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 3: this is really cute!! i love it so far :D :D
please update!! can't wait for the next chapter!! :P
marissachan #2
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
Chapter 3: That's great dear and if that help you to write again is even better ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
TOP seems to fall hard for our GD because to have a lazy wake early willingly it have to be powerful (and I know what I talk about lmao)
I still love it so please continue to make this worth the wait ;)
Daydreams13 #4
Chapter 3: This is so sweet to me. I love it so much!
MaryGTop #5
Chapter 3: I really really like this. So much ^-^
Chapter 2: Ooh it said updated. ... false hope here. ...
alaynestone #7
Chapter 2: Uh... was this updated? I`m pretty sure I`ve read this before.
i can't with the kawainess here
this fanfic gives me a happy feeling
plz updaaaaaaaate soon
Chapter 2: I love this end. .. GD make me laugh so much when teasing his hansome neighbor but It would be a low of I say that I don't want more. ... okay I always want more but I want them to fall in love, to live together, to shout their love to the world, etc...
Btw can I ask for your other stories as well
aa66our #10
Chapter 2: Sequel please?