The worries of Im Yoona

What I Want to do once I have a lover

A/N Long time no see! hehehe! Happy Yoonyul Day


Yoona have been such a light sleeper these days.


At the beep of her phone, the creak of a bed and just at the thought of Yuri and it was enough to rob her off any sleep.


She wonders if it has anything to do with school. The irony of it all, here she is, always sleeping in class but now when she should be asleep, the horrors of her future and it's uncertainties was enough to keep her wide awake.


Maybe school isn't the only thing to blame, Her body wasn't used to someone else's bed. tonight it was different, different because she wasn’t wrapped up in her Rillakuma blankets. Tonight she was sleeping next to Yuri.



Or she WAS sleeping next to Yuri.


She woke up in the middle of the night and notice that Yuri isn’t in bed. She probably went to go pee or get some water, Yoona curls back in Yuri’s sheets, wanting to go back to sleep.


Only if it was that easy.


Yuri was taking longer, and if she wanted to go to sleep she needed Yuri next to her now.

Maybe she went to go number two, it will be embarrassing if she barge on Yuri doing her thing.


Maybe she’ll wait some more.


Ten minutes pass and Yuri wasn’t back yet, and if she wanted to get some sleep, the only thing left to do is pull Yuri back in bed.




It didn’t take long for her to find Yuri, there was her girl at almost 3 am, drowning in an ocean of textbooks and notes in the kitchen table.


“Yoong?” Yuri’s voice quakes softly.


“Hey…” Yoona pulls a chair out and sat right next to her.


“I’m sorry did I wake you?”


“Nah!” She did, but Yoona refuse to admit that. “Are you studying?”


This was a definition of insane for Im Yoona, which human being dead or alive would sacrifice sleep for the sake of studying?


“The exams are next week and I feel like I haven’t studied enough.”


“Haven’t studied enough, you’re joking, right?”


“It’s a little sacrifice, it will pay off in the end.”


It was hard to argue with that logic.


“You know what? Maybe I’ll study too,” Yoona picks up a textbook and starts skimming through it.


“Yoongie… you don’t have to, I know you’re tired so you can go back to bed.”


“Yeah. I mean, you’re not the only one who needs to get ready for her college entrance exams.”


Doesn’t Yuri know that it’s impossible for Yoona to sleep without being next to her?


“No, I’m good. I don’t feel sleepy anyways and I know studying helps me get back to sleep quick.”


Yuri giggles “Pabo.”


Yoona just sticks her tongue out at her. Before her eyes went back to the book.


How does Yuri do this? She acts herself over and over again. It just doesn’t make sense how any normal human being, a teenager to add to that, could focus on something this sleep inducing?


Yoona didn’t even make halfway through the page yet when her eyes almost betrayed her, shutting down.


“Maybe we should go back to sleep.”


Yoona bolted upright, did she almost fell asleep when they’re supposed to be studying?


“I’m… I’m… I’m not tired.”


Yuri takes her hand, before leading her back to her bedroom.






It just dawned on Yoona that even if they have been dating for quite some time, they have never really made out. Like those deep passionate kiss. Not like she wants to do it, no she doesn’t. She’s just wondering, she’s not even curious about it. HECK NO! She and Yuri kiss and that’s enough for her.


But how do you start those things?


Yoona scans through her brain for every k drama to figure out the right move.






Yuri turns towards her and Yoona crash her lips against her. She pulled away when she heard Yuri groan… in pain.


“Omo, Yul. I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay, Yoong. What were you trying to do?”


Good thing the lights were off or Yuri might have seen how flushed her face is from all this embarrassment.


“Ummm, nothing.”


The bed dipped as Yuri scoots closer to her, laying her head against Yoona’s chest.


“Good night, Yoong.”


Be still my heart.


“Good night.”




Tic toc… tic toc… Goes the class clock.


If there is one wish that Yoona had a couple of months ago, it’s that she could make the time tick by faster, ending her misery in math, in history, in language and in whatever miserable subjects that adults thought would be beneficial for young people.


But that was then, this is now.


The Yoona now would only glance at the clock before her attention would lock on the gorgeous girl reciting some English sonnet that Shakespeare wrote a trillion years ago. Yoona plops her cheek on her palm and until now couldn’t figure out why she was attracted to the nerd.


In a couple of months, I’ll lose this chance.


“Im Yoona?”




She was met with snickers and sly smiles from everyone in class as she was caught daydreaming again. Her doe eyes quickly wander over to Yuri, embarrassed more for Yuri than herself. But Yuri’s smile look more amused than humiliated.


“You are to team up with Sunny Lee…”


“Grrrrr…” The miniscule pup growl at Yoona, making Yoona roll her eyes.


For what? Yoona wanted to ask, but unless its her life goal to be more humiliated, she decided to goes against it.


But wait… if I’m teamed up with Sunny who is Yuri teamed up with?


“Kwon Yuri and Kim Hyoyeon!”


“OH YEAH!!!!!




 “Take care of my Yoong for me, Sunny-yah.”


“Yah!” Yoona hissed, while a blush rise on her cheeks. “What do you think of me? A kid?”


Yuri gaze teasingly at Yoona, which the doe eyed girl still wasn’t immune from. “Do you really want me to answer that?”


“Yah! Yah! Yah!” Sunny bulldoze herself between the two. “Enough of this lovey dovey thing. C’mon-”


Yoona almost tumbled as Sunny yanks her necktie and drags her out in the school hallway. The giant being manhandled by the dwarf was a sight to see.


“Don’t worry Yuri, I’ll give her back safe and sound.”


Yoona highly doubts it.




“Well, well, well, this is surprising.”


Yoona let out a sigh, ignoring the rabid bunny behind her. She didn’t bother to tear her gaze away from the monitor and continued typing the outline for their report.


“What is?”


Sunny plops along the stack of folders beside Yoona.


“I always thought you are a slacker, but here you are… working so damn hard.”


“I wanted to graduate too.”


And of course Yoona doesn’t want Sunny to even hint to Yuri how she’s slacking off.


“So, where do you plan to go to school?”


“College? Ummm… I really don’t know yet.”


Sunny let out a sigh, patting Yoona on the back.


“Don’t tell her I said this, but Yuri’s all worried now.”


Hearing her girlfriend’s name was enough to take her gaze away from the computer.


“About what?”


“Yuri doesn’t know how to help you. She says that you don’t really don’t like to talk about college.”


“I don’t.” Yoona agrees.


“And why is that?” Sunny asks, her short legs swinging back and forth as she waits for Yoona answer.


“I just… I just don’t want her to worry about me, you know? She should be worried about her studies not me. I can handle myself.”


“I guess,” Sunny shrugs. “You know I’m kinda surprise.”


“About what?”


“Out of all the people that likes Yuri, she pick you.”


“What? I thought no one asked her out?”


“No one does, because they’re afraid of getting rejected. But damn if they know about you.”


“Thanks for the reassurance.” Yoona says in a deadpan tone.


“No problem.”


“So, ummm… how long have you and Yuri been friends?”


“Around kindergarten… You never really paid attention to her, did you?”


“Well, not until lately. It’s just that… I always saw Yuri as a princess, you know? Like one of those rich daddy’s girls who got use to everything being given to her.”


Yoona watches intently as Sunny grew silent, as if contemplating in her head the next thing she’s going to say.


“Well… that’s because she is one.”




Sunny pouts thoughtfully, relishing in seeing Yoona squirm while waiting impatiently for her to finish.


“Or should I say she was one.”


“Wait… what happened?”


“Well, why do you think that Yuri is so gung ho in going to SM university?”


Yoona felt a tinge of jealousy how someone else knew Yuri more intimately.


“I’m not really sure.”


“Becauuuuseee… she wants to take up business administration and start her own business. Her family used to own a chain of popular restaurants but her dad is a good guy, too good, which doesn’t really mean good businessman. And around 4th grade their business got bankrupt, her dad had to work overseas and their mom always has to do double shifts as a nurse.”


“And the twins?”


“They were still babies then so they don’t remember anything, which I guess is good. Well, that’s my buddy.”


Yoona’s eyes trailed Sunny, as if waiting for her next words.


“Always thinking of others before her. But if you don’t tell her, it’ll just make her feel like she’s not part of your plan.”


“But that’s not true.” Yoona says in her defense, although her guilt is starting to take over her. “She is a part of my plan.”


“Then, make her feel it.”




“Have you guys decided where to go for college?”




If there is one topic that these friends avoided like the plague, it’s the talk about their future. For them, it was just unnecessary. Future meant what they’re going to do on the weekend, or what they’re eating for dinner, or what game they’re playing later… but not this, not some life altering question like going to college.


But what made it more shocking was out of the four, it was Sooyoung who asked it. Sooyoung, free flowing and chill af Choi Sooyoung. Her friends turned to her, their faces etched in both in awe and horror. Who would have thought that out of all of them, it was her who would bring it up? It was Taeyeon who answered first with a confident huff.


“I already applied to three universities. I don’t know about you guys.”


“I did!” Hyoyeon says appalled, that this people didn’t think she’s taking her future seriously.


“You did?” All three said in unison.


“Yes. I submitted my application to every talent company. First come, first serve.”


“You’re still thinking that?” Sooyoung adds. “I’m applying to culinary school. Me plus food, that’s the perfect OTP right there.”


“How about you, Yoong?”


She knew one way or another the question would circle back to her. She had always been the logical one in their group, and she know how insane it would sounds to apply to a school like SM university.


“I don’t know.”


“So, what are you going to do, dude?”


“About what?”


“Isn’t Yuri planning to go to SM University?”


“Yeah… That’s why she’s in cram school and studying her off.” Yoona says grunting angrily as she defeats the Boss Alien. But is her frustration more from her game or not being next to Yuri?


“SM University is so hard to get into. They say some parents start their kids in elementary school. They look at grades, your high school accomplishments, the result of your entrance exams. That’s too much pressure, man. And they say once you get in, that’s when the hell really starts.”


“I’m sure Yuri would make it.” Yoona said confidently.


“So, again… what are you going to do when she gets in and well, you’re…”


“I’m what?”


“Still undecided about your future.”


“Well… I’m going to worry about that when I get there.”


“You two sure are like the complete opposite.” Sooyoung pointed out, before stuffing with chips.


“Yeah, you got a point there, Soo. I wonder what you two do in dates? Or is it more of a physical thing?”


Trust Hyoyeon to involve Byunness in the conversation. A blush slowly started to creep in Yoona’s face as she remembers what happened in Yuri’s office after the dance. It was more of a spur of the moment kind of thing. Yoona wasn’t thinking when she slowly slip her tongue between Yuri’s lips and to her surprise Yuri didn’t object. It was both their first time and their nerves got the best of them. It was when Yuri softly moan her name that Yoona eventually relax and let her inhibitions go. 




The three shared a look of disappointment.


“If I had a girlfriend like Yuri, I would…”


Taeyeon stopped just in the nick of time.






“And Yuri is okay with that?”


“Ummm yeah…” Yoona was unsure of it herself. Yuri, no matter how stoic and gallant she appears to be, turns into this touchy feely girlfriend when they’re together.


“Yoona, Yoona, Yoona…” Hyoyeon puts away her game and placing her arm around Yoona’s arm. “If you forget, then let us, your Bestfriends for Life remind you that Yuri is not just any kind of girl.”


The two idiots nod in agreement.


“She would do amazing things in future.”


“Like end world hunger.”


“Find the cure for cancer.”


“Prove that Martians do exist.” Trust Sooyoung to come up with the weirdest thing.


  “But you get the point?”


“No I don’t. What’s your point?” Yoona says, annoyed that people who didn’t have any relationship are giving her relationship advice.


“You have to spoil her.”


Yoona faces the screen again, refusing to listen to anyone else about her relationship.


“I have my ways…” she began checking for the time. “Do you know what time is it?”


“It’s almost 9, why?”


“Here Soo…” Yoona hands her PS4 controls, before straightening herself up. “I gotta go.”




The door already slammed behind the doe eyed girl before she could even answer.






The doe eyed girl greeted Yuri with a breathless Hi, as she walks in Yuri’s cramp apartment.




“Have you eaten yet?”


“No- but I’m really thirsty.” She huffs as she struggles to keep upright. Yuri quickly going over to the fridge to bring her a glass of water which she gulps in one go.




“Ummmm yes.” She exhales deeply before finally admitting. “I’m worried Yuri.”


Those words have never sound so foreign to Yoona until today. She was used to taking care of herself, being independent and handling her business. But just like everything else, things are taking a drastic turn the moment Yuri became a part of her life.


Hearing those words out loud, made her feel pathetic. But Yuri was quick to hush those fears when she cupped her cheeks in her hands, before pressing their foreheads together.


“About what?”


“About what’s going to happen. I mean, you… you’re going places Yuri and me… well… I’m not as smart as you- heck- I’m not smart period.”


Yuri quickly hush Yoona’s worry with a kiss.


“I’m not smart, it’s just that I study hard.”


“Maybe a bit too hard?”


“I have too, Yoong. I guess that’s the difference between me and other people, it’s that I already know what my weakness is. But I always dream of being somebody big that’s why I study so hard because I know that’s the only way for me to have that.”




“But meeting you scared me.” Yuri softly confesses, amidst the loud beating of their hearts.


“What? Why?”


“For once in my life I feel contented, like I’m happy where I am. And I’m not sure anymore if I could ever be apart from you. That’s why when I felt like you don’t tell me things I-”


She took another long breath, before continuing.


“I know it’s not a big deal for you, but I… I’m worried too, Yoona. Worried and scared.“


“No… no, Yuri… it’s not.” Yoona wipes away Yuri’s tears, even when she had her own tears to battle with. “But I don’t know what I want and I don’t know what I’ll be.”


“Whatever you choose to do Yoong, I’ll be right here supporting you all the way.”


She lowers her hands to side, reaching out for Yoona’s. A soft smile lingers in Yoona’s lips as she watched their intertwined fingers. Her worries is still there, her future is still blurry but somehow Yuri did her magic once again and make her worries magically poof away.


And now Yoona knows, even if everything still feels unsure or even if things don’t work out as plan she would be okay. At least now she knows that she will never be alone.




Fic one updated. There are more updated gfics to come. Hope you guys enjoy and thank you so much for bearing with me and reading this fic.


Next update will be the last…








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almost 7 years later, still waiting for that final chapter :(
ssaminchu #2
This story is so amazing, still waiting for the final chap💕
Meyoong #3
Chapter 10: Still waiting for the final chapter. I hope you update author-nim. Fighting!
KumaKey88 #4
Chapter 10: Waiting for the final chapter, and still waiting
Still waiting on that final chapter.. never giving up :(
2ne1snsd #6
Chapter 10: this is still so good
Chapter 7: holy this is pure gold and i can't omg
Chapter 4: Yuri is so oblivious omg it's so funny and I'm in love with this story
Adampark19 #9
Chapter 10: I'm still waiting author-nim~
I'm excited to see how this ends. What a fluffy read, they're really cute together.