A Slice Of Romance


It's not a love story, it's a story of survival. There's no place for nonsense like love in the mind of the Scedovin speices. 

However, it is also a fact that things never really turn out the way we want it to.

Lfie happens to all of us even if we don't want it to.

Especially me, who's skeptical of all this bull.

Love, it's just a "theory" selfish people come up with to make themselve feel belonged.

That would have been the response of the high school me. 

Have I change my perspective on love now, if you ask, I would say...




It's a tale of fantasy. A world where Scedovin feed off human soul to thrive and maintain their species.

This is not a tale of vampire, not any other super beings, this is a tale of Scedovin, a creation of a gone-wrong-experiment.

This is a story of a girl falling in love with a boy she's not supposed to.

The story will unveiled itself as to the why.

This ain't going to be just mere romance, it's beyond that, it's eternity.



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