
My future


'' I'm bored to Yeollie . Can not we do something ? ''

'' What kind of things do you want ? ''

'' Do not come to my mind . ''

'' If you want, again, everything is okay now . '' Chanyeol , hands wrapped around the waist of Baekhyun . Baekhyun were attracted to . Chanyeol was leaning in to kiss him Baekhy prevented it .

'' Yeollie of twelve , but I also want you to do something . So common . ''

Yeol , stepped back and looked at her lover with eyes shining .

'' I wish I 'd said so . '' Smiled. '' Sure. ''
Baekhyun also smiled. '' What do you want ? ''

'' Hmm ... an idea comes to mind , but ... ''

'' Hmm . what is that? ''

'' Fortunetelling? ''

'' Huh? ''

'' I knew my friend had a fortune teller . Let 's call him and see our horoscope . I think it would be fun . ''

'' Guess what 's going on in general does ? ''

'' Well, mostly happening . ''

'' Owww happens ... In fact, let's call him ^ ^ ''



'' Hey guys! Gathered in the hall you 'll say something . '' Baekyeol shouted with joy . Newcomer includes Chen , worried voice asked with .

'' We have made Thai ? ''

'' None . just assemble. ''

Then Chen urged the others . Chen includes trolls , respectively , which necking TaoRis , sleepy Luhan , donut-eating Xiumin , Bubble Tea drinker Sehun after him Kai, Lay, and Kyungsoo entry Suho. Kyungsoo was covered in flour . Chen rushed because it brought them .

'' Yeah, here you suddenly have collected us from wicked? '' He asked Kyungsoo . Baekhyun has also responded with a smile .

'' I just wanted to spend time together . ''

'' How 's that? Did you think of something ?'' Suhoi asked . Chanyeol immediately discarded.

'' Of course. ''

'' yes you're listening to . ''

''We called Fortune teller . ''

''WHAAAAAAAATT !'' All shouted in unison . Kyungsoo tripped.

'' What did you do something like that - why ? ''

'' We wanted the changes . ''

'' Ouf . How many will be here ? ''

'' After half an hour . ''

Ten members looked at each other sitting on the sofa . Quickly sprang from the seat behind Jongin. '' If we do not gather  fortune teller  on house blows ! '' He shouted . Others fear was further increased . Baekyeol had to look behind them .

'' We do not call them retarded Yeollie in vain . ''


Half an hour later the bell rang . Everyone took a deep breath . Chanyeol quickly stood up and headed for the door . He opened the door .

'' Chanyeol ! How are you? ''

'' I saw you I was better . Keep going ? '' Chanyeol him gave way . And others that the woman was waiting nervously . Seeing him all the tension increased. Had made heavy makeup . His eyes seemed to jump out .

'' Hi. I 'm a friend from high school Chanyeol . I am interested Chanyeol fortune teller and asked me to come here . ''

'' Uh-oh , yes. We know. Home - Welcome . '' Suho said , stammering .

'' ehehe thank you. Let's start with if you want . ''


'' Yes . Who wants to go? '' Fortune Teller , asked the man sitting next to 12 . sound did not come from none . Environment outside was nervous. But the Bubble Tea ... Chen also exhibited troll swings and jumped on the story .

'' We usually things first before we make our most are small friend . So, we want him to start . ''

'' Hmm . Who is he? ''

'' SEHUN!'' All said in unison . Sehun hear it Bubble Tea drinking has stopped .

'' I'm going to start ? ''

'' Yes . Drop it now in the hands of the opposite . '' Chen, Bubble Tea took in his hand and began drinking .

'' Aish , hyung ... Tch . '' Sehun , was replaced by Layer . And the fortune teller was confronted with .

 ''Give me your hand made  '' Sehun,the so-called Woman hold her hand and closed his eyes . Muttering something . Then he opened his eyes Sehun left hand . Sehun then opened the front of the cards in a reverse way .

'' We know what you think Bubble Tea , but I do want you to pick three cards . ''

Sehun has made the so-called left and chose three cards . Fortune Teller received them and opened one by one . First there was light on the card . birds in the second card . born with glitter on the card while the third had a heart out .

'' These three cards are interrelated. You'll Get some good news . Future shines. Will have a nice future . ''

'' I know. ''

'' Well . What are your expectations for the future ? ''

''Nice a relationship'' he said. Older fortune teller looked at him with eyes open . One thing seems to imply there was an air .

'' Does This beautiful relationship girl or guy you want to live ? ''

'' Haha girl lady , of course . ''

Fortune Teller gave him a smile suggestive .

'' He 's not a girl . Male . ''

Sehun was shocked . Small eyes had grown up in an instant .

''B-boy? I- I like girls . ''

'' You think. Beautiful relationship will be with a close friend and he likes you ''

'' .... ''

'' In fact, you 're not quite a blank against him , but you do not know . ''

'' So ... Who is he? ''

'' After the first month you will learn ...''

Sehun blankly staring at the fortune teller . Got up without saying anything . Then, instead of Lay, Sehun passed.

'' You can look at me , lady. ''

Fortune Teller , Sehun looking fortunes of others stepped into the room . He closed the door and threw herself on the bed . Currently you would have thought?

'' You got my future ... man ? A close friend . This ... Who could it be ? ''

'' Hey Maknae ? What are you doing ? '' Kai, Sehun approached with an attitude of caring and threw his arm over his shoulder .

'' Oh . Nothing . As you can see I'm just sitting here . ''

'' The mind is still at it when youwarlock ? ''

'' .... ''

'' passed over the three weeks you realize. ''

'' .....''

'' Why do you care about more ? ''

'' I do not know . '' Sehun, bowed his face with a sad expression . Kai could not stand it and tightened his arm more firmly nestled Sehun . Sehun itself has inevitably feel safe . Kai wanted to go to that moment . Already Kai, alongside Sehun more in difficult times, was one of the persons .

'' Everything will be alright , Maknae . '' Kai said it was too sincere . Sehun noticed it lifted his head and looked at Kai . There were more than enough meaningful glances . His gaze was deep . Sehun swim in this view , value felt Sehun.  Kai smiled at him and then blushed. His heart began to misfire . But Sehun has tried to disregard it over . Fortune-teller should not care what they say .

Kai it was acting different . Although his behavior in the different Sehun responded. Different between the two , there was a strong bond . Sehun could feel it . But it 's also what the cause of the fortune-teller had no intention to mount .

'' KAI ! !''

Kai Sehun and was startled face of this sound and turned in the direction of the sound . Shrieking , was a girl . He was smiling . And Kai, Sehun stop there , she ran into joy . Sehun that moment inside a sprain. His heart began to burn officially . Was pumped blood to her cheeks . And one more thing that recharge Sehun's eyes saw . Kai, tightly hugged her , kissed her cheeks .

' I can not look more ' spend from the mind , from garden swing out of the room got up and went into the garden . Quickly shut the door and locked it. Jumped on the bed with misty eyes and tears began to flow into the pillow .

'' Kim Jong In ... I'm crying . This is all your fault. Why you gotta do this to me ? ''


'' Kai Hyung , I miss you so much . ''

'' Me too Jiyeon. '' Smiled.

'' Oh, you like it were a child . I'd like to meet him but he's gone . '' Jiyeon 's lips pursed . Kai turned to the back . Sehun did not . It was gone . Kai suddenly cried.

' Why did she go ? '

'' Fortunately Jiyeon . Let 's get you inside . Come. '' Was held , and took him inside . With the opening of the door sound Hyung returned them . Jiyeon eyes and Kai was over .

'' Ihmm ... I told you about my half-sister . Jiyeon . ''

'' Avvv .. Hello Ji . '' He was kicked out of Baekhyun . Others too. Kai was thinking of the Sehun . Thought of Sehun instead chose to go next .

'' Suho hyung , you take care of my sister, I 'm going over to Sehun . ''

'' OK . ''

Kai, came running up . Sehun's walked into the room . When it comes to your front door in his mouth began to feel the heartbeat . Tension was taking . I waited outside the door slightly . Eventually mustered up the courage and clutched the door handle . Then turned . Opened. Still turned . did not opened. Kai was growing up in a wave of concern .

''Sehun ? ''

'' ... ''

'' Town opened the door . Why did you go? Because of you, the bottlenose dolphin -''

!!I wanna be alone! Go away!'' Sehun had suddenly Kai shine . Kai was taken aback more . Why is this attitude was he doing? Why cried there was a feeling in his voice ? Sehun what happened?

Kai's hand could not think of anything . Desperately exited the front door and entered his room . Gently close the door and lay down in bed . Staring at the ceiling . Sehun was thinking . him smile , him eyes , him skin , him lips ... Kai suddenly his lips . Sehun even think it was provocative . But Sehun against him , this behavior was sweeping them all . Kai has come of age through the eyes of a drop . did not delete it .

''Sehun ... what are you doing to me ? ''


Sehun wakes up in the morning I realized that long sleep . Looked at the top . Clothes were wrinkled . Got out of bed cursing . Waddle walk out of the room . Kai going to the bathroom and saw the room door was open . Took a long look in the room . To you entered ranged .. and succumbed to curiosity . Proceeded to the room . The aim was to follow him up a bit . But this request was spectacular . Kai yesterday, the girl was sleeping in bed . Sehun second coup was also eaten . Did not prevent the expiration of the eyes . More could not resist and proceeded to the bathroom . Input and locked the door . Trending opened the tap water until the end . And sat on the toilet . In the presence of water and began to cry . He was crying. Sehun's heart sobbing was completely finished . And Sehun was absolutely sure of the following .

The fate of those people who was her best friend Kai .


Sehun, last one week with Kai did not talk much . Sehun 's speech was, in  other factors ; Kai girlfriend did not know . So Sehun thought so . For the half-sister she did not know was going to jealousy . Kai also could not make sense of it . When you wanted to talk , sehun snaping at it was running . Kai pained . Kai was desperate . Sehun believed that will not win back . In the words of one wise woman that came to mind ;


'' Kim Jong In ? You dancer. Are appreciated by girls too . But this much adoration of the girls you do not very happy about you . ''

'' Y-yes . That's it. ''

'' Because I have someone in mind . ''

'' What? ''

'' I know it. You love it too . But then you 'now' see it as a close friend . In the future you will understand his feelings . Expect any reaction from her future . And do not be surprised . Good luck to you in advance . ''

End the flashback

Kai thought it was a little relieved to get it . Maybe there was the possibility of Sehun like him ? Even this was enough to Kai.


'' Hey, folks ! Come on, let's go to the bar tonight !'' Baekyeol pair , again came up with these creative ideas . It did not matter to Sehun . Head would be deployed . Others ranged go to go . They talked among themselves and decided to go towards . Kai on it , turned to his sister ;

'' So what about you ? ''

'' Oh, do not worry. I 'm going to study overnight . Do not worry. Enjoy yourselves. '' Kai smiled and walked up holding his hand one last time . Then Kai, Sehun returned. And expressionless gaze was focused on the ground .

'' Come on, you all ready! a long night waiting for us ! ''


Twelve- gang , had been in the bar at eight o'clock . It was pretty crowded and colorful lights around , loud music , booze was dominant scents . Baekyeol direct input . Others went into the little duraklas . All seats sitting in the corner , Sehun went directly to the bar . Asked one grain whiskey . After 1 minute, appeared in front . He started drinking . That was hard. A peace that was exciting .

3 Sipping his glass , felt a hand on his shoulder . Deflection has never been fully drunk . Consciousness was clear and certainly did not know the child from the side . Sehun was too close to .

'' Are you free? ''

'' yes . why? ''

'' I mean , are you free tonight , actually. '' People some him closer .

'' I know you're man --- hey, what are you doing? ! ! Stop sniffing me ! ''

'' Ihmm ... Vanilla huh? Very nice. I want to feel . ''

'' No ! Leave me alone! ''

Sehun , you felt a hand on his wrist . This next guy did not belong . It belonged to one of the familiar touch . Sehun turned to the back . Kai was coming . Nerve flowed from his eyes . man could beat any moment . Self bugged .

'' If you do not get out of here , you 'll stick it up your beer bottles . According to him . '' Man, realizing that Kai was serious Sehun pulled away. Sehun  has a deep sigh . If a woman pulled her by the wrist began to drag out .

'' Hey Kai! What are you doing ! It hurts ! '' Bar Kai stopped when they come out . And Sehun returned.

'' What are you doing ? '' Kai asked.

'' What am I doing ? ''

'' You're avoiding me . Do not you come with me . You favor from me . ''

'' I do not run away from you . Do not be silly . '' Sehun rolled his eyes .

'' You're running away . This makes me very sad . ''

'' My girlfriend Kim Jong In is not enough for you I guess . ''

'' Are you talking about ? ''

'' Nothing. ''

Jong had failed at that moment . Sehun the trip she , her escape ... Jiyeon ...

'' Jiyeon ... my step- sister. Family came in with me to go abroad where . ''

Sehun, tried to intimidate what they hear . He could not believe their ears .

'' And Sehun, I do not want to see you again next to other men . ''

'' Why ? Does that bother you ? ''

Kai eventually exploded .

'' YES ! THIS ANNOYS ME IS BECAUSE I'M MADLY IN LOVE SEHUN! '' Sehun found itself on the wall . he continued.

'' I look when I feel my heart beating in my mouth , I'm burning in your eyes , in your smile I'm missing . In every cry of despair, burning the inside . Sehun I love you tasted . I'm in love . Even if you did not love me , I always love you -'' Kai's words , was divided by a pair of lips . Sehun, Kai had kissed . Kai could not help but primarily responded to Sehun stunned , her lips began to pull money from the Kai . Kai, did not e Sehun's upper lip . Above was activated by the ling of the lower lip . Sehun, Kai swept away to deepen the kiss was suppressed. Kai their arms were wrapped around the neck . Kai also has his arms wrapped around him and kiss deepened the Sehun. Return passionate kiss kiss lest innocent Kai, the language was put into the mouth of Sehun. Sehun , entering the language when you feel moaned. If a woman has stepped on the gas to come kiss . After kissing for a long time Kai, Sehun was separated from the lips and neck headed . After a little kiss , Sehun Kai's cheeks with his hands to hold and leaned his forehead .

'' Not here. '' He said , taking a deep breath .

'' Do you love me ? '' Kai asked.

'' I would not kiss you silly if I did not . '' Sehun laughed shyly . Kai looking at him tenderly her cheek .

'' Maknae I love you . You're mine. just me ...''

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