I Got It

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i'm sick right now huhy gonna try to update as soon as i can :(


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22 streak #1
Chapter 105: This story is so irresistibile!!
Foreverkpop2000 #2
Chapter 87: It's been a while since I've re-read your story and I cant believe this happened...I cried at this chapter and I actually felt a pull on my heart with the feels. I know it's a fan fiction but it feels so real 😊
KasumiShimizu #3
Chapter 4: I’m loving this book so far!
Ah, Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong as the main dialect, not mandarin(‘chinese’). It would make sense that she would be able to communicate in mandarin bc they teach that and English to students, but if she was waking up, her first response would probably be to speak in her(I’m assuming) mother tounge of Cantonese. Just FYI!
22 streak #4
Chapter 105: The progress of their relationship is so commendable, I love how patient they are so much (well not always) self control:) love it
41 streak #5
I like the colors you used for the poster!
maiquie24 #6
Chapter 100: OMG! This is my second time reading this story buuuuttt! That y scene! THERE WAS NO PROTECTION! Lololol! XD
Jasinda98 #7
Great read with a nice ending...well done!
Afrinaa #8
Chapter 105: Your story is amazing kyaaaaaa
taetae29 #9
Chapter 105: YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! i finished the story and i have been so content. Thank author for blessing my eyes with the little gifs you put at the end of the chapters, thank you for these little scenes and cute chapters, thank you for Mr. And Mrs. Mark Tuan. Honestly there was nothing wrong with the story all scenes are relateable like long distance relationships but i think my only comment is that you didnt leave the name as _____ i mean yea we can imagune our names there but yknow it made it hard to read sometimes :/ anyway THank You Thank you thank you for an awesome storryy♡