Cycling (Jaejoong Ver.)

DBSK Scenarios


He had rented the entire beach on your 3-year anniversary together and had kept mum about it for the past few weeks. As you walked drearily out of the building after a long day's of work, a familiar looking Lamborghini whizzed part, halting to a stop in front of you. "Hey sleepyhead, jump in, I'm gonna bring you somewhere today." Jaejoong's grin sparkled under the evening sun, his blonde hair standing out against the dark background of his car. Even after 3 years, his perfection still bedazzled you and you had no reason to decline your boyfriend's offer. 

"Wake up darling, we're here" Jaejoong gently your hair, attempting to wake you up. You fluttered your eyes open and at that moment, the glistening water from the sea blinded you, the sound of the waves hitting the shore was so perfectly played out as the undulations signalled a low tide that evening. "Come on slowpoke! The sun's gonna set if you continue standing there" Jaejoong tugged your arm, and dragged you towards two bicycles leaning against a coconut tree. As you pushed your bike towards the smooth sand, a lined path caught your eye. Seashells of different shapes and sizes laid the path and looking at the distance, it seemed as though there was almost a thousand seashells guiding you towards paradise. "Oh my gosh... jae did you..?" "Hey hey darl don't get all teary yet this is just the beginning. Get on the bike we're gonna cycle to the jetty" Jaejoong replied with a playful wink. 

The scenery that evening was gorgeous with seagulls soaring above the sea as their tiny feet glided across the water. Even though the both of you did not talk much, the comfort and warmth shared filled the empty space as jaejoong and you basked in each other's presence. "HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY SWEETIE ♡" the words emboldened on the sand with glittering hand folded stars filling the holes. "There're 365 stars in there and you're supposed to open one everyday.  No cheating!! And every star has a message in there to make you feel loved everyday xP" tears welled up in your eyes as you looked into the eyes of this hallyu star, who took time off to prepare a surprise for you. "Oh man jae... I..." before you could finish, jaejoong pulled you into an embrace, his lips gently coinciding with yours. All against the backdrop of a warm setting sun. 



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Chapter 1: Awww omg this is so sweet :DDDDD sigh no guy in SG would do this kind of thing AHAHAHA #sadlife so thanks for helping everyone imagine what they can't have T.T