if spring never comes.

If Spring Never Comes

The first day of Spring was tomorrow. Jieun was feeling very sorrowful. Tomorrow would've been the day he died. Her friends would be celebrating the first day of Spring, but she wouldn't. Every year she spent it in inside with all the curtains closed sat in the dark, just crying uncontrollably. She missed him dearly. If only she could've saved him.. But it was too late.. The disease had got him too quick, and just like that, Jieun had seen Ren's weak body give up in a hospital bed right in front of her.

Jieun got up and put her shoes and jacket on, got her guitar and got some flowers she'd brought earlier and went outside. She walked through the dull, cold streets to the graveyard where he was laid to rest. Every year, the night before the first day of Spring she would visit his grave and play songs to him. She sat down in front of the grave.

"Hello, Ren." She said, with a smile. "It's been a while since we last spoke. I got you some flowers, the ones you said you really like." She put the flowers down close to the headstone.


"Ah, these flowers!" Ren exclaimed, pointing to some flowers in the window of the flower shop.

"What about those flowers?" Jieun asked, holding his other arm.

"I love those flowers. They're really pretty and they smell nice." He said.


Jieun smiled at the memory. "I promise I'll bring these flowers to you every year, like I have done. I also came to play you some more songs. You love to hear me sing and play, don't you? You always sing along too. We even wrote songs together, Ren. I learned them all off by heart." She said, taking her guitar.

She started to play the song.

"My eyes keep going to that white face
Why don’t I even get sick of you?
When you slightly smile at me, I really go crazy
How can you be so pretty baby?"

In her head, she could hear Ren's soft voice singing along with hers. She played a few more songs, then let out a soft sigh.

"If Spring never comes, would that be better.." She started to cry. "I.. I miss you, Ren.. Why did I have to let you go.."


Ren lay in the hospital bed, attached to many machines. His body was weak and he was barely alive. Jieun was by his side, holding his hand.

"Jieun-ah.. It hurts.." Ren said weakly.

"You'll be okay.. Please.. Just.. Let everything be okay.." Jieun said quietly, trying to hold in her tears.

"No.. Jieun-ah.. I'm not okay.. It's really.. It's.. Jieun-ah.. I'm.. I'm dying.." He gasped slightly.

"Ren, don't say that! Please! Don't close your eyes! P-Please.." Jieun sobbed as she watched his eyes close slowly.

"I love you, Jieun-ah.." He whispered, then he was gone.


Jieun let out a loud sob as the memories flooded her head. The first day of Spring. The worst day of her life. She lay down on the cold floor and closed her eyes.

"If we can't be together in this world, then let us be together in the next.." She said.


Ren was sat in the classroom when he saw a small girl walk in. She looked pretty, not like the other girls who all looked the same. She sat down at the front of the room and stared at the wall. She looked lonely, so he decided to go and talk to her.

"Hello! I'm Ren! What's your name?" He asked.

"Hi.. I'm Jieun." She said, standing up. She held out her hand and Ren shook it.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too. Let's be best friends forever, Ren!" Jieun said with a bright smile.

And since then, the two were inseperable.


Jieun was shivering. She had been lying on the floor next to the grave for four hours and she was close to freezing to death. She felt the coldness every bit of life out of her. As she felt herself becoming weaker and weaker and slipping out of the world, more memories came to mind.


Ren and Jieun were in high school now, still best friends. They both liked each other more than friends though, but both were too scared to admit until one day they both decided individually in their heads to tell each other.

"Ren, I wanna talk to you about something." Jieun said quietly, playing with her hair.

"Oh.. Well.. I want to talk to you about something too." He said, looking up at her.

"You first then." She said, looking up with a small smile.

"Well.. Uhm.. Jieun.. I like you.. A lot.. More than best friends.. And I was wondering if-" He started, but she gasped.

"I was gonna say that too..!" She said with a huge grin. "Let's be together forever then!" She pulled him closer and they kissed for the first time.


Jieun was almost gone.

"If Spring.. Never comes.." She whispered quietly.

As every second passed, she felt herself slipping away. Then suddenly, like Ren, she was gone.

And then, It was the first day of Spring, finally.


In the morning, people visiting graves saw her lying there. They thought she was asleep at first, but when they checked for a pulse and found nothing they realised she was dead. Her body was taken away, but she was buried in the space next to Ren a few days later. As they were united in life, they would be reunited in the next life to be together forever like they had both promised.

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Chapter 1: awwwwww hu </3