First Encounter

2 broke girls and 12 hot guys

It was night time in Seoul. People scrambled the streets as they headed home after a long day of work/school. You, on the hand, were heading straight to work. You worked at a 50's looking american diner which attracted attention in Seoul. Most of your customers consisted of teenagers or really old people.

You swung the front door open and slipped off your automn coat, hanging it near Yixing. "It's getting pretty chilly out." you say towards Yixing.

Yixing was a 23 year old who loved making his own music. Being a cashier at the diner, he didn't have to do much work. "Winter is on its way. Better start dressing warmly." he smiled that smile you love oh so much.

Heading towards the kitchen, you flatten out your waitress uniform, which was an ugly yellow but you managed to make it cute, and went behind the revolving doors. "Where's Maria?" you ask outloud, hoping one of the chefs would answer you.

"Don't know, probably off with a 'customer'." Kyungsoo answered flipping a burger. Kyungsoo is a 22 year old chef. He dreams of becoming a world known chef but insists on working at this run down diner. Not only is he good in cooking, but he has an amazing voice.

"Damn it, doesn't she know she can't do that during work hours."

Maria was another waitress at the diner. She did her job well but often missed out of shifts because of her other 'job'.

A sound of a bell rings through the kitchen as Kai, another chef, puts down two plates in the 'pick up' area. "Namjoo~" he calls out with a flirting tone.

You leave the kitchen and walk over to the little window which was located infront of the kitchen.. "Table 12, Table 7, nice ." he says with a smirk plastered on his face as he leans against the small opening.

"Got it, got it, and you'll never get it." you say picking up the plates and heading towards the tables.

"Oh one day I will." he slides off the window and disappears into the kitchen.

You place the plates onto the tables, telling the customers to enjoy when a teenager in a nearby booth calls out.

"Excuse me? Miss? Miss?"

Occupied from your current two orders, the teenager becomes impatient. He raises his hand and snaps his fingers in your direction. 

You freeze in your steps at his rude gesture. *Is he seriously snapping his fingers at me like I'm a servant?*

The teenager snaps his fingers a few more times with a bored expression. You carefully walk to the teenager and put on a smile. "Hi, what can I get you?" you raise your voice an octive higher.

The teenager doesn't even bother to look in your direction. "We're waiting for-"

You cut him off by putting your hand infront of his face and snapping repeatedly. "Is that annoying?" You snap again. "Is that obnoxious and rude on every level?" You snap a few more times. "Would you find this distracting if someone did it to you while you were working? Oh that's right, you don't have a job."

Another teenager from the table starts laughing. "Damn, she burned you."

You turn towards the other teenager and snap in his face. "No. Oh no. Don't think we're on the same team." *God I hate teenagers. Even if I'm only a few years older.*

Strangely enough, the boy smiles at you. "What's your deal, noona? Do you have a boyfriend?"

*Is he seriously trying to flirt with me?*  You took a deap breath and sigh loudly. "Yes I do. And to be rude," you place a hand on your hip, "even if I didn't, a boy like you wouldn't even be running because we have nothing in common. I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You," you say pointing at his beanie, " you wear hats all your round for no apparent reason. You have tattoo's because you want to piss off your dad. My dad doesn't even know he's my dad. And finally-" you say with a glare, " did I mention the stupid hats?"

The boy looks down, embarrassed, as you turn towards the snapper. "So, what'd you need snappy?"

He meets your eyes shyly. "Horseradish. Our waitress dissapeared. The one with the short hair."

"Oh, she dissapeared. Kind of like real men?" You turn around just as the two boys reach up and slide their beanies off their heads with a shameful look.

You head towards the kitchen as Yixing watches you with a smile. *What a silly girl.* 

Going through the revolving doors of the kitchen, you search for the jar of horseradish. "Horseradish, horseradish..." you mumble to yourself still searching for the jar.

"Try in the fridge." Kyungsoo says pointing towards the fridge door. "Thanks Kyungsoo!"

You reach for the heavy door and give it a strong tug. You walk into the walk in fridge and let out a small scream at the site infront of you.

"Oh good lord Maria! In the walk-in fridge?" you say and block your eyes with your hand. Maria, the other waitress, was crawled on top of a man, who's face was concealed by some boxes, as they made out. A few moans and groans could be heard.

*Seriously, there's food in here!* you think to yourself as you maneuver your way towards a shelf. To your luck, the two of them were blocking the shelf that held what you needed, the horseradish.

Not looking directly at them, you say, "Excuse me, I know you're kind of in the middle of something but I need to grab some horseradish," You reach for it but your arm isn't long enough, "Nope, can't reach."

Suddenly, without a word, Maria reaches over, grabs the jar and places it on the table nearby. Thankfully, it was in your reach. "Thanks." You grab it and quickly leave the fridge.

Kyungsoo sees you emerge from the fridge with a slight frown. "Maria in there?"

"Yup," A shiver runs down your spine, "Does she have to that here?"

Kyungsoo shrugs. "As long as she doesn't disturb anyone."

You twist open the jar and walk over to the table with the teenage boys. "Here you go."

"Where's our waitress?" the snapper asks.

"She's busy right now." At that moment, a loud moan-like scream is heard coming from the kitchen. You facepalm and walk away with a shameful look.


You walk through the front door of the diner with a tray covered in tinfoil, coming in for your shift. The night before, Maria hadn't shown up after her little 'adventure' so you had to deal with the diner by yourself. You were tired and called in to your second job, saying you couldn't show up.  

You place the tray down on the counter just as Suho, your boss, emerged from his office and headed towards you. Suho was a 23 year old who bought this diner 3 years ago and hired you a year later. You had to admit, he was pretty hot.

"Here Namjoo," he said with a bright smile, "your check."

You take it with your free hand. "Thanks boss!"

You exchange smiles as he leaves to go in the kitchen. You move over the tinfoil from the tray to reveal cupcakes. Home made cupcakes made by yourself. You grab one and head over to Yixing, who had his headset on. He notices you approaching him and removes them, directing his attention to you.

"I know your birthday is coming up soon so I made you your favorite. Red velvet." you say handing him the cupcake.

"Oh thank you so much! You know, your cupcakes are the only things I look foreward to everyday." He says grabbing the cupcake from your hand.

"Don't make me blush."

He smiles at your once again with his jaw-dropping smile. To avoid melting into a puddle, you avert your attention to the diner. Looking around, you notice Maria isn't there. Again.

"Where's Maria?" you ask still not looking directly at Yixing.

"Boss let her go."

"Kim fired her? Why?"

"She got busted doing her little 'shows' in the back. Seems like she jumped anyone who had loads of money."

Fuming at losing a co-worker you actually could handle working with, you march over to Suho who had just emerged from the kitchen.

"You fired Maria?!"

He raised an eyebrow at your semi-furious attitude. "She was a e."

"And a great waitress!" you defended.

"She would have in the booths with strangers."

"Hey, you don't know her reasons for doing that! Maybe she was in need of money." 

Suho ignored you, making his way to his office. You quickly block his path. "You know, you're really judgemental!" 

You cross your arms and look at him in the eyes. "Did she leave me a note or something?"

"No. But she did try to get me to sleep with her."

Ignoring him, you exclaim, "She didn't even say goodbye? You'd think twenty years of people leaving me, I'd be used to it."

The front door of the diner opens, revealing a group of three teenage boys. You sigh and pass a hand through your hair. "Great. Now I have to work the entire night shift alone."

"Actually, that won't be a problem." Suho places a hand on your shoulder. "I hired a new waitress."

At that moment, a long black haired girl emerges from Suho's office wearing the same ugly yellow uniform you were wearing except it looks baggy on her. She walks over to the both of you.

"Not to complain but the last waitress was a little bigger than me." she says pulling on the fabric near her chest. "Especially here."

The new girl looks down the top of her uniform. "Omo, I think I'm getting a rash or something! There's redness," she looks up at the both of you, "Could this be polyester? My skin does not agree with polyester." She looks back down into her uniform. "Or it could be hives. I get hives when I'm humiliated in public." She looks up again at the both of you. "Yes, it's hives.And this mustard color," she says pointing to the uniform, " does not work well with my skin tone. Neither do these mustard stains."

She glances at one of the cornes of the uniform and notices something caked on top. "What is that? Oh god- it's food. Clam chowder?" She brings her face closer to the uniform and smells it. As quickly as she could, she moved her head away with a look of disgust. "Oh god, that's so gross. That's ok. I got it. I'll just scrap it off."

She starts scrapping it off but gags suddenly. She doesn't give up and continues only to get gagging.

You briskly turn to Suho. "No."

You pick up a few dirty dishes and head over to the kitchen. Suho follows you, leaving the new girl to continuesly gag.

You place the dirty dishes  in the sink just as Suho walks in. "Why no? She's good for business and she worked in all good restaurant in Seoul."


He caught you off. "Call me Suho."

You sigh and continue. "Fine, Suho, you are not hiring someone who refers to the color yellow as mustard. No way!"

He ignores your comment and continues to persuade you. "Show her the ropes. You can do that."

"No. That would require me to be patient and listen and that's not my thing."

The both of you leave the kitchen and notice that the new girl has now flipped her uniform around so the baggy part is in the back.

She looks up at the both of you proudly. "I flipped it! It's better, right?"

A boy from the group before raises his hand. "Excuse me, can we get some service?"

The new girl turns around with a bright smile and starts walking towards the boys. *Oh hell no!*

Before she could be out of reach, you grab the baggy part of the uniform and pull her back. "Hey," she exclaims,"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You can't smile at the customers. If you run around here smiling all the time, it makes me seem like a ! Keep the bar low."

She nods in understanding. "Alright, got it! No smiling. What else?"

"Stop talking." The both of you stay silent, not saying a single word. "Much better."

You take a deep breath and look the new girl up and down. *This is such a pain in the .* You look over to Suho, who is peeking from his office. He gives you a thumbs up and a killer smile. *Argh, why must they all have god-like smiles?! I guess it wouldn't hurt to train her.* 

You look back at the new girl. "I've decided I'll train you because if I'm talking, you can't. I'm only going to be telling you this stuff once. Good luck."

She smiles brightly. "Thanks! I'm Sulli by the way."

"Congradulations on that."

"And you are...?" She says waiting for you to answer her.

You don't answer her and Sulli takes it upon herself to lean foreward and try to read your name tag. You quickly cover it with your hand. "Don't get attached." you say before gesturing towards the diner. "This is the Williamsburg Diner, owned by Kim Joonmyun who likes to be called Suho because he wants people to take him less seriously."

You turn towards the kitchen and Kai peeks his head out from the small window. "Hey y woman! You're looking extremely gorgeous today. So gorgeous that I forgot how mean you are."

"Thank you Kai...." You turn to Sullo. "That's Kai, he's one of the chefs here. He will hit on you agressively and relentlessly. Don't be fooled by his good looks."

Kai smirks. "Babe you got it wrong. I only flirt like that around you. You and that tight as-"

"Alright, this way!" you cut Kai off and pull Sulli away before Kai can say anymore. You move her over to the counter, over-looking the diner. "The customers are mostly old people who eat here because it makes them wonder what America is like. We also get a lot of teenagers who come here thinking it's cool to come to a place that isn't cool."

The front door of the diner opens and two boys around your age walk in. "Ah, the special customers."

"Special?" Sulli asks keeping her eyes on the two boys.

"Those two are daily customers. Their names are Oh Sehun and Huang Zitao. They mostly come at night but they sometimes visit during the day." you say before waving at them. "Welcome to hell boys!"

The walk over to the counter and sit down on the high chairs. "How can you call this hell when you're here." Sehun says.

"Precisely why I called it that."

Tao turns to Sulli and raises his eyebrow. "Maria got replaced?"

"Yup. Poor girl got busted by Kim."

Sulli smiles brightly but quickly stops herself. She glances at you. *She seems to be learning pretty fast.* You give her a thumbs up. She turns back to the two boys. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sulli."

"Alright enough with the chitchat, I'm not done training her." You turn in Yixing's direction. "That's Yixing. He's basically the only person I like." At that statement, a few of the boys proclaimed, "YAH!"

"Just kidding you babo's. Lastly," You turn to Sulli and point to the stain she thought was clam chowder. "That stain? Not clam chowder. Now go marry the ketchups." You point to the counter which has ketchup bottles sprawled around it. You move out of the way and stand infront of Sehun and Tao.

Sulli walks up them, staring at them for a bit. You watch her with confused eyes. "What is she doing?" you ask only loud enough for Sehun and Tao to hear. Both of them are also watching Sulli with curious eyes. 

Sulli moves the bottles around with a confused look. Finally, she pushes the bottles of ketchup together, in pairs and in a straight line. "Done!" she exclaims.

Having watched her this whole time, you walk over with a "what the hell are you doing?" face. You both stare at the ketchup bottles; you with a confused stare and Sulli with a proud and happy face.

"Ok," you say looking at Sulli, " now divorce them."

Sulli moves faster this time, moving the pair of ketchip bottles apart. *Ok this girl has got to be kidding me.*

You interrupt her before she could finish. "Stop the bull. There's not such thing as divorcing the ketchups! You've never waitressed a day in your life."

"Yes I have." Sulli says with a smile. You raise an eyebrow. "You expect me to believe you?"

Slowly, Sulli's smile dissolves into a frown. She moves away from you and stands infront of a wall. You watch her, confused, when you hear a few cries coming from her. *Why is she crying?!*

"You know I can see you right?"

Sulli nods, not turning around and continues to cry. You look over to Tao and Sehun. "Was I too harsh?"

They both shrug, baffled by the new girl's behaviour. You turn back to Sulli, "If you want to cry, please do it in the bathroom."

"If I knew where the bathroom was I'd be in it!" Her cries seem to slow down.

"This is lame. Major lame!" You sigh loudly. *Why did I get stuck with a cry-baby.*

"I know. I'm just having a really bad week. We lost all our money, my trust fund was taken for legal fees, my dad's in jail-"

You cut her off with a sarcastic tone. "What are you, Choi Seunghyun's daughter?"

Sulli stays quiet but slowly turns around and looks at you with a guilty look. Your jaw drops with shock. "You are not!"

Sulli nods shyly. You rush to grab a nearby newspaper and hold it up to show the picture of Choi Seunghyun, a handsome and young looking business man. "This is your father?!" you pointing at the man on the newspaper, "Choi Seunghyun?! The man who ripped off all those rich people? And poor people? And charities? And zoo's?"

"He told us we were having a good year!"

Sulli seemed to cry harder but Suho emerged from his office and suddenly she stopped crying and put on a serious and professional face. He walked over to the both of you. "How's everything going?"

"Fantastic." Sulli answered with a straight foreward face. "Great energy here!"

Suho smiles that jaw-dropping smile of his before going into the kitchen. You stare at Sulli with your jaw dropped. *What the heck, its like her personality switched!*

"What just happened? You flipped a switch and became a completely different person."

"It's bad for a woman to cry in the workplace. I learned that from Korea's top business school right before I got kicked out  because my father also stole from the...." she paused before starting to bawl again,""

*And the switch was flipped back.*

"I don't get it," spoke Sehun from his spot. Seems like they both overheard the conversation. "You shouldn't worry about this. You're like a billionaire."

Unfazed, Sulli answered him not meeting his eye. "Was. Was a billionaire. It's all gone. All I have is my purse and my Clairesonic skin buffer."

"So," you ask with slight interest, "Do you know the president?"

"I've met him."

"Have you ever been to Switzerland?"


"Do you have a horse?"


"Do you know Paris Hilton?"

"Ew no, she's like a hundred."

Before you could keep asking Sulli silly questions, Tao cuts you off. "Yah, Namjoo, can you serve us already?"

Sulli looks at you with wide eyes. "Namjoo. Your name is Namjoo."

You glare at her. "And now I have to kill you. Looks like your family will be in the newspaper twice this week."

You turn away from Sulli to pour two glasses of water for Sehun and Tao. She quickly walks to your side and brings her hands up in a praying motion. "Please let me do this. Give me a chance. Please? I'm a really fast learner. I was suppose to take over my father's business. I got 1560 on my SAT's. No tutor!"

You slam the jug of water down and turn to Sulli. "Okay. Bring them the waters."

Sulli picks up the two glasses and carefully places them infront of Tao and Sehun. She turns to you for approval.

"Genius." you say with slight sarcasm.


It was currenly 2:30 A.M. and the diner was closed for the time. You and Sulli sat in a booth, counting your tips. Sulli had changed out of her uniform and into her designer clothes. Her uniform layed on top of her purse. You had a plate of fries infront of you while Sulli had a plate with one of your cupcakes.

Sulli looks up from her side. She watches you as you munch on fries while counting money. "You're really good at that."

"Ignoring you?" you say still munching on your fries.

"No, I mean with the money."

"I've been doing this since I was four." you say stretching out your arms as you finished counting your money.

"You've been working that long?"

"I've done it all! Waitress jobs, temp jobs, cleaning jobs."

"I was an intern at Teen Vogue." Sulli says proudly.

"I bet that was hard."

"There were some mom-"

You cut her off. "I was kidding. When in doubt, I'm always mocking you!"

Sulli shrugs, reaching for the cupcake. She removes the wrapper from it and takes a bite. Her expression changes from mildly happy to overjoyed.

"Omo this cupcake is amazing!" She looks over to the board hung up above the kitchen where all the prices are written. "And prices way too low. 2,000 won? In Gagnam they would go for 8,000 won. Whoever makes these is losing a fortune."

You give Sulli a dark look which she doesn't seem to notice. *How dare she talk about my cupcakes like that?!*

"Even with something in your mouth, you manage to talk. Hand over your tips."

Sulli reaches into her uniform and takes out 3,000 won. She gives it to you with a weak smile.

You take her weak tip, mix it in with your tips and hand over half of the money. She stares at the money and then at you with wide eyes. "I can't take this! This is like 100,000 won! I only made 3,000 won."

You shrug. "We split the tips here. That's how it works here."

Sulli reaches for the pile of money and stares at it in awe. "This is the first money I've made on my own." She looks up at you with hopeful eyes. "Based on tips, is this a good night or a bad night?"

"Good for you. Horrible for me." 

At that moment, Suho comes out of his office holding a plastic bag. Peeking from the top of the bag, a tiny christmas tree with lights can be easily seen as he places it on the counter.

"Suho, what are you doing?"

"Putting up a christmas tree. Americans like christmas trees."

"It's September."

"A few months in advance."

"I think it's pretty." Sulli says with a smile as she keeps her eyes on Suho. You hiss at her. "Not helping. Don't encourage this!"

You turn to Suho. "Halloween hasn't even passed yet and your putting up a Christmas tree."

Suho stops and ponders for a bit. "Your right." He looks over to you. "How about a few pumpkins?"

"That seems appropriate." you answer non-chalantely.

With a dazzling smile, Suho grabs the tree and walks back to his office.

You get up from your seat and put on your jacket. Sulli follows your lead, putting on her expensive leather jacket. You stare at her quizically. *Is she dumb? We're situated in a dark part of Seoul.*

"You can't wear that jacket outside in this neighborhood. Turn it inside out."

Confused, she slowly removes her jacket and turns it inside out revealing the inner coat to be printed with thousands of gucci symbols. "Oh god, turn it back, turn it back."

You walk towards Yixing, leaving Sulli behind. "Night Yixing. I hope to see you later tonight."

He grins. "As do I."

Sulli catches up just as you leave the diner. She bids Yixing goodnight and exits the diner. The both of you stand outside. You look over to Sulli. *Now that I think about it, how the hell did she get into this part of Seoul?*

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up here anyways?"

She shrugs. "I looked online and this place popped out."

"Where do you live?" 

"Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so."

You snicker. "Is this where I'm suppose to feel bad for you?"

"I mean, I don't want you too, but just so you know, a well adjusted person would."

You shrug. "I'm dead inside."

"I understood that much." Sulli adjusts her purse before turning to the right. "I'm staying in the city with a friend."

You awkwardly shuffle your feet. *God this is like the end of a date.*

"I live a couple blocks away. I would walk you to the subway it's just I don't want to."

"Got it." She turns to you one more time before smiling. "See you later then."

You nod in her direction before heading opposite from her.


Hope you guys enjoyed! 

I know I have a few more stories going but I really wanted to write this.

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 2: This story is awesome as well!! Seriously, I have no idea how you manage to make TV shows into awesome fanfiction stories. This is serious gift that you seem to possess, and you should make as much use of it as you can hahaha
So glad you made a fanfic about 2 Broke Girls! It's one of my favorite TV shows ever XD
shiryokeii #2
Chapter 2: I already love this story~
Thanks for the update!