Big Bang + + Angst = Chaos

What Happens When Idols Read Fanfics

This story is all my own, it's all my own ideas. I promise I didn't take anything from anyone elses stories (considering I don't even read stuff). If you find anything that seems similar to your stories, please leave me a comment.

Oh, and this particular Big Bang thingy takes place in the future, after Daesung comes back. (Oh yeah!)


"Woohoo! Finished for the day!" Daesung whooped as he threw open the door to their dorm. The rest of them followed in a more civilized manner, which was funny, since it was Seungri who usually burst into the dorm like a tornado.

"What's the rush?" GD asked as he strolled in, jumping out of the way as Daesung nearly ran him over carrying his laptop. He didn't answer, just waited impatiently for his laptop to boot up.

"And they say I'm the freak." Seungri commented, turning on the TV. Daesung ignored them all with what he considered a diginified silence and pulled up an internet browser. His fingers flew over the keyboard, calling up the korean translation of Asianfanfics.

"Really?" Top asked, peering over his shoulder. "Really?"

"Be quiet hyung. You're just jealous that I have something to do rather than annoy everyone else because I'm so bored." Daesung replied pointedly. Top ignored the hint and started laughing. Taeyang ambled over to see what was so funny.

"Daesung's reading fanfics. And WHOA!"

Everyone jumped, staring at Top, who was reading over Daesung's shoulder. Daesung glanced behind him, annoyed.

"What?" Top didn't answer, his eyes flying across the words written on the screen. The others crowded around to see what Top had found so surprising.

"We did WHAT??" GD shrieked, his reaction even more over the top than Tops had been (a/n kekeke see what I did there, more over the top than Tops...shutting up). Seungri started cracking up, reading out loud from the story,

"'Where have you been all my life?' Jiyong looked at Seunghyun with a seductive of his lips. Seunghyun responded in kind, leaning forward in his seat with half-lidded eyes looking carelessly at his lover.

'Waiting for you.'

'Ready when you are, baby.'

Jiyong offered his hand, Seunghyun placing his hand in Jiyongs, feeling his smooth skin as they made their way to the bedroom. A good time was going to be had by all.

And cue the romantic music." Seungri snorted. He glanced over to Top and GD, who had been standing next to each other. The two of them looked at each other with revolted expressions on their faces and began inching apart.

"Wow. Why didn't you tell me?" Taeyang asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, I bet they did it while we were at our schedules last week." Seungri was still laughing, dodging GDs hand as it came down for a punch on his shoulder.

"If you don't mind, people. I'd like to read my fanfics in peace?" Daesung moved his chair closer to his laptop.

"I can't believe you're reading this stuff. You're such a ."

Daesung looked at Seungri. "Look who's talking. And I'm just curious."

"And how old was the person who wrote this fic?" Top reached over and clicked on the screenname, rolling his eyes at the name: BBness (a/n I made that up, but if it happens to be yours, let me know) "Ah. Thirteen."

"Thirteen? What the heck is a 13-year-old doing --?"

"I don't want to know."

"Okay, show's over." Daesung clicked out of the fic and started searching for other Big Bang fictions. The others watched amusedly. He ignored them magnificently. He clicked on one that looked interesting called "How Could You Do This?"

"What's that one?" Top asked, interested in spite of himself.

"Be careful, hyung. Reading fanfics is addicting." Seungri warned. "You'll be as pathetic as Daesung if you keep this up." Top ignored him and read the description out loud.

"The headline exploded all over the internet. All over the world, K-pop fans went onto their favorite websites only to be greeted with the words: BIGBANGs Daesung Commits Suicide"

Daesung gaped at his computer. Their reactions were varied. "Excuse me?" (Daesung)

"What the heck?" (Top)

"Wow." (GD)

"Oh my god, I can't believe this thing exists." (Seungri)

"Dude! Click next!" Taeyang said, now extremely curious. He'd like to see this, thankyouverymuch. When Daesung didn't move, Taeyang did it for him. He started reading the story, and the others did also, despite the obvious depressing factor involved.

"That is just weird." Taeyang said when they got to chapter five. "I'm talking to you in my head. I didn't think I liked you that much, Daesung."

"Hey, cool." GD interrupted. "I have a face off with your dad."

"He wouldn't be that childish. I think." Top remarked, looking at Daesung, who hadn't said anthing. I mean, the guy just found out that some random fan wrote about him killing himself, so he must have something to say on that. "Yo, Daesung, anything to comment?" he held up an invisible mic up to Daesung's mouth.

"'I'm confused."

"Really, Daesung? It's very simple." Seungri said slowly, as if explaining to a five-year-old, and quite honestly, he sometimes wasn't sure if Daesung wasn't a five-year-old in disguise anyway. "You killed yourself. We're upset. And for some reason, Taeyang's going nuts and talking to you in his head."

"Yah! Did you not see the authors note? 'Taeyang is not going crazy'? You must've missed that bit."

"I didn't, I just chose to ignore it."

"But....I"m still here, right? I didn't commit suicide! I'm sitting here, and I'm still alive, right?" Daesung asked.

"Okay, he's cracked."

"Well, if you'd just read a story about yourself commiting suicide, you'd start to doubt your own aliveness wouldn't you?"

"....You made that word up, didn't you."


This oh-so-intelligent conversation was interrupted by Daesung leaping out of his seat. "I'd never leave you! Ever! I'll always be here for you! Awww, don't cry!" he started hugging all of them, squeezing the living daylights out of them.

"Uh, Daesung, you're strangling me...."

"We need to wean him off of fanfics. He's gone crazy."


"Ugh, stop! You've read too much ."

"I can't help it you guys! You were so upset and stuff and I need to comfort you because you were so upset that you had to go on without me! Although I have to say, I'm flattered."

"Daesung. Get. Off. Now."

Daesung found himself being pulled off of Top by Taeyang. He protested that he needed to help console Top. Taeyang let go of him like he had the plague.

"You're creeping me out."

Daesung laughed evilly. "That's my job, hyung."

"Well, it's actually pretty well written. She's a good author." (a/n Sorry, had to flatter myself for a second.)

"You think so?"

"Well, except for the what-the-heck-why-did-she-think-of-this factor, she seems pretty good. And it's not gross . At least there's one fan in the world who doesn't like that type of thing."

"You know you love it, hyung."

"....You did not just say that."

GD lunged forward at Seungri, who started running away. GD made a detour to the kitchen for a knife.

"Yah! Jiyong! Put the knife down."

And so endeth another day at the Big Bang dorm.

Oh, and Daesung got everyone else obsessed with fanfictions. Sigh. The pull of the .


And that was my attempt at writing something funny. I did my best, but my strength is writing depressing stuff. Jaiya's awesome at being funny though, so when she eventually puts up a chapter on this story (*cough*Jaiyaneverupdates*cough*) it'll probably be funnier than this, but I hope you like it anyway.

.....And I think I just made fun of my own story. Oh well.

Enjoy and comment!

=) Aiko

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nsw9419 #2
Chapter 1: I can't stop laughing GD+knife=panic room
theatreballadstorm #3
Chapter 1: Lmao good job very funny
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 1: "I can't help it you guys! You were so upset and stuff and I need to comfort you because you were so upset that you had to go on without me! Although I have to say, I'm flattered."

Hahahahahahahahaha man that had my laughing at 12:18 am XD
Pleeeeeaaaasssseeeee, update soon!! I've been waiting this realllllllyyyy long time! It's been almost year when you last time updated this fic... :( i really like this...
nyaachan_tenshi #6
just read this and can't wait to see what you write next chapter!
QReina7 #9
Do update soon ^^.
Love it, lol.