Surprise For You

Surprise For You

"Good job everyone!" Victoria says to her members after the practice for their upcoming concerts.

"Huufft, i'm gonna take a lil' nap", Amber then lays at the corner of the room while Luna and Vic are buying them some drinks

Not long after that, someone knocks the door

"Yaa Krystal go open the door" Sulli says

"Why should I? You're closerr" Krystal says while giving Sulli a puppy face

"Nonono, i'm exhausted, just go open it yourself" 

"You're ignoring my puppy facee?? I'm hurt huhuhuhuh" Krystal says while faking tears

"Aiishh! Jinja, this girl really" finally Sulli stands up and opens the door

"Oh Kris oppa!" 

"Oh annyeong oppa" Krystal says

"Heyy guys" Kris said while grinning

"Waeyo oppa? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be practicing for your next comeback?"

"It's clear Sulli ah, Kris oppa just wants to search for his beloved 'bestfriend' " Krystal says while giving Kris an evil smile

"Kyyaa! Are you really searching for our ambie unnie, oppa?"

Kris just nods and smiles at them

"Wait okay oppa? I'll wake her up" Sulli says

"Ya Sulli, it won't be sweet if you're the one who wake Amber unnie. Just let the prince wake his sleeoing beauty, go on oppa" Krystal looks at Sulli and then gives an evil smile to Kris

Sulli pouts and then looks at Kris' face, "Aren't you gonna wake her, oppa?"

"Oh? Ah.. nee.." Kris goes to Amber while mumbling why should he deal with this two girls

'I would've already cuddle with her if these two annoying maknae aren't here *pouts*'

If you wonders why would this giant tower wants to cuddle with that llama, the answer is.. yes, he's actually in love with that llama and still thinking on how and when to confess to her

"Hey Amber~ wake up, the chairman is calling you" he tries to shake her

"Just gimme five more minutess" Amber changes her sleeping position to facing the wall

'Uhh, she look so cute when she sleep'

"Maybe you should try another method to wake her up oppa" Sulli winks at Krystal

"Hmm.. should i tickle her?" Kris says

I don't think you will go out safely if you tickle her while she's sleeping, you know right.. she's a black belt.. " Sulli says

Hmm.. from what i know, the prince should kiss the sleeping beauty, shouldn't he?" Krystal says with sarcasm

"You think he will do that? Ahh, i have an idea!" Sulli then walks to Amber

"Kyyaaa!!! Amber unniee!! Wake upp!! You have to see thia unniiee, Kris oppa is confessing to Jessica unniee!"

"WWHATT?!! WHEREE?!" Amber jerks up from her sleep and walks up to the door while stumbling because of the sudden jerks up

"He's going to confess to Jessica??! Seriously?? Huh, you said that you didnt't like her. Look at you now confessing to her?! Whoa i can't believe you anymore..." Amber grumbles

She nearly holds the handle of the door, when a voice come

"Ahem..." it is a deep voice

Amber then turns her head slowly and finds Kris sitting near her sleeping place before 

'Shoot! How can i not see that he's here?! Aissh Sulli..." Amber grumbles in her head

'Cutee! Oh, how i want to hug you right then and there! Calm Kris.. calm.. i have to control myself'

"Ouh.. there's Kris here.. well.. ehm.. what's up?" She awkwardly asks

"Uhm.. well, the chairman wants me to call you. You have to ho to his office room, now."

"Okay then,i'll be going.. thanks.. uhm..bye" 'awkward' she thinks

Amber leaves the room and the evil twins starts to tease Kris again

"See oppa? My method is wayy more powerful" Sulli says with a proud face

"Admit it Kris oppa! You like seeing Amber unnie's expression right? You should thank us by treating us.. maybe? Hehehe" Krystal holds her stomach

"Araseo! araseo! You guys really.. Oh, i have something to tell you guys, it's about your Amber unnie that will soon to be my Amber.." Kris says while smirking

The two maknaes hurriedly stands in front of Kris with sparkling eyes "Speak! We're listening"


Meanwhile.. back with Amber

She walks through the corridor while still in deep thoughts 

'How should i face him after i said all those words?? Aarghh! I'm too careless!'

And another thought come in 
'And why did that old man call me? Did i do something wrong? OMG! The suspense is killing mee!'

She arrives in front of the the chairman's office
'Inhale..exhale..inhale..exhale.. fiuh' then she knocks the door

"Sajangnim, did you call for me?" Amber asks politely

"Yes, please sit" his voice makes Amber shivers

'Omo.. i'm sweating..'


"Yes, sajangnim?"

"You know.. on this eighteenth september is f(x) first concert right? I'm thinking of giving some fan service, and because lately you're gaining a lot of popularity, i want you to have some duet performance for the special stage, but i'm still thinking on who will be your duet partner, do uiu have any suggestions? The song will be The Rocketeer so you better search for someone tagt can raps well"

"jinja? Whoaa.. so that's why you want to talk to me. Okay... someone that can raps well..umm.."

'This is my chance to do a duet with him ngehehehe' she thought

"Well.. how about Kr-"

"Sto- ahem.. but! I have someone in my mind. Ok.. you don't have to think about who will be your partner, i've decided it, um.. minho.. is that ok with you?" 

"O-oh.. well.. that's okay.." She said with somewhat unsatisfied expression

'Ch, i'm going to say Kris in the first place, why would bother ask me if he know the answer? *pouts*'

"But you can't practice with Minho because he's still in Japan. You practice first, he'll catch up with you"


At f(x) practice room

Amber sits and is talking by herself , "why with Minho oppa? Why not Kris? Ughh that old man"

Kris knocks the already open door, "Amber, you're alone? Mind if i join?"

'Oh no, did he hear it? Aishh! I should stop talking to myself'

"It's okay" Amber smiles to Kris

'Oh.. her adorable smile makes my heart flutter' Kris thought

"So.. i heard that you're going to do a duet performance with Minho?" Kris takes a sit beside Amber

"Yeap, but he can't practice with me cause he's still in Japan, sajangnim told me that he'll catch up later" 

"Ahh, what song will you sing anyway?"

"The Rocketeer, by the way, shouldn't you be practicing for your upcoming comeback?"

"Ohh.. right.. but it can wait, we're having a break anyway.. so.. let's start?"

"Huh? Start what?"

"Ohh.. umm.. anii~ i'm just thinking maybe i can help you practice.. well.. i can be Minho.. right?"

'Fewwh, almost blurt it out'

"Ohh.. okay.. well let's start"


18th September, f(x) first concert at Seoul

Somewhere when Amber is not with the rest of f(x) girls

"Unnie i'm so excited! Finally.." Krystal says to vic

"We should do our best alright kids! And we hope that Kris plan' for our Amber will success" and they're grinning like some mad girls

Meanwhile, at the changing room...

"Woaahh, there's a lot of gifts for me!" Amber squels, she's opening the gifts one by one, but then her happy face fell when she remembers something

"But why don't that giant tower give me anything? He doesn't even say happy birthday to me, did he forget? But really?? Even the world know when my birthday is! Aiish jinja i should stop thinking about him"  she's really annoyed right now because of that giant tower

"I'm wondering where's minho oppa.. i haven't seen him so far.. hufft" she starts too open another gifts

On the other hand Kris is actually in front of f(x) changing room, he heard what amber says and trying to stop his giggling because of her. 'You're so cute Am, but sorry you'll have to wait' Kris smirks then knocks the door and come in 

'Uh-oh it's Kris.. is he finally realize that today is my birthday? Calm yourself Amber.. act cool.. don't look too bothered by it" she thought 

"Ahem.. Oh hey Kris what's up? By the way, thanks for helping me practice my song"

"No problem! Well.. i just want to give you some encouragement, good luck!" He smiles at her

"O-oh okay!.. ehm thanks!" Kris once again smiles at Amber then come out from f(x) changing room

'Just now i thought that he finally realize that it's my birthday.. well at least he's giving me some encouragement.. right?' Her face fell 


"And now, it's time for the special stage!" Says the mc

At backstage..

"Unnie fighting!" Krystal cheers for Amber 

"Just do it smoothly okay? You'll do great!" Vic pats amber's head

"Thank youu~, by the way, where is minho oppa?" It's really nerve wrecking really, she's been searching Minho the whole day, she intends to do a little practice with him but she doesn't see him anywhere

"Ahh, he's waiting on the other side ehehehe.." Luna tries to lie but she ends up saying it awkwardly

"Ppali unniee, just go up already?" Sulli covers the awkwardness



Here we go, come with me, 
There's a world out there that we should see, 
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyyy.
Up, up, here we go, go. [2x]
Let's fly, fly, fly, flyyy.
Up, up, here we go, go.
Where we stop nobody knows [knows], 
Where we go we don't need roads [roads], 
Where we stop nobody knows [knows], 
To the stars if you really want it, 
Got, got a jetpack with your name on it, 
Above the clouds in the atmosphere [phere], 
Just say the words and we outta here [outta here], 
Hold my hand if you feelin' scared [scared], 
We flyin' up, up outta heree

When the supposed part of Minho come, suddenly the music stops and changes to another music
Kris comes out from the backstage while singing

Nothing's impossible
Nothing's unreachable
When I am weary
You make me stronger
This love is beautiful
So unforgettable 

I feel no winter cold

When we're together
When we're together

Amber is dumbfounded in her place, she is really amazed by it 

"Sajangnim, i know this is a hard choice, but, will you consider my request? I love Amber, and i really want to make her mine" Kris said

"You know what Kris? I think it's time for me to give the both of you a freedom, so.. i'll support you" the chairman smiled at him

"Really sajangnim?? Thank you soo much! But.. i need your help"

"What is it again? Didn't i give you enough? And now you want to take advantage of me? The chairman said with half joking tone

"Aniyoo, i love you sajangnimm, i won't take advantage of you, i just want to tell Amber that she'll have a duet stage on her upcoming concerts, you can paired her up with anybody but don't let her pair up with me.." and there goes the plan..
#End of flashback

He takes her hand and looks into her eyes

This love won't fade away
And through the hardest days
I'll never question us
You are the reason
My only reason

"I know that i'm not that good at singing, i'm sorry i can't be like D.O or maybe Chen, but Amber.. i love you .. will you stand by me? will you be my girlfriend?" Kris said while handling her eighteen red roses. The crowd really goes silent directly, they're expecting Amber's answer

Amber can't say anything, she's speechless, and she's very touched by Kris' proposal. Amber never felt so special than this, and without her knowing, a happy tears drops from her almond eyes

"Why are you crying?" Kris concerns while wiping Amber's tears with his thumb

"I- i never felt so special than this Kris.. thank you so much.. i- i love you too" and the crowd goes wild for them

Kris then takes Amber into his hug

"Ah wait a minute" he takes something from his pocket and kneels infront of her

"I want us to wear this ring so that people will know that you're mine only, will you?" Kris smiles at her

"Yes! Yes Kris!" He takes her hand and slips the ring on her small finger. It fits perfectly on her finger

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd cheers for them, actually there are some fans crying histerically and shouting at them to break up already because Kris is taken, but who will give a damn about it? Kris jist shrugs it off, he can't be single for his entire life anyway

But on the other hand, Amber hears it, although she tries to not bothered by it, she can't reall do that. Kris sees the uneasiness in her eyes

"Don't mind them Amb, i already choose you and i won't take my words back you don't have to worry about my fans okay? I've thought about it"

Amber is very thankful, she didn't know that Kris words could affect her so much. His words and his presence makes her feels so safe
Kris then takes her chin up and kiss her

"Happy birthday, do you like your present?" Kris says after parting his lips with her, he's smirking

"You're so mean! I thought that you forgot my birthday!" She punches Kris lightly 

He just smiles and pulls her into his hug again "I love you, My Amber "

She just smiles.

It's a simple three words, but it means a lot to her.

"Kyyaaa!!! They're so sweett!" even the people in the backstage cheers for them

"Unnie! Kris oppa's plan is going well" Krystal says cheerfully 

"Finally! Our Amber has a boyfriend! But i wonder when will i get one? I'm nearly on my thirties!" Vic pouts




A/n: hey guyss, we're back with oneshot again!

so.. mind giving us some of your thought for this story? We hope you like it ^^ oh and if some of you might wonder what song did Kris sing, it's Stand by Me by Shayne Ward, you guys can check it out! The song is soo romantic

Don't worry, we'll try to make another Krisber fics because we can never get enough of Krisber.. right? Well at least for us, we can't get enough of it! kekeke.. so yeah.. any idea for the next fics maybe?

Andd.. thank you for the one that has subscribed our story.. and also the comments :D

-Scarlet & Rose

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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet
Chapter 1: Not katana...*kyaa I hate this phone and it's autocorrect....
Chapter 1: I hope that someday this will happen!!! Katana Krisber feels everywhere
Chapter 1: Ahh I love it so much its so awesome
Chapter 1: Gwenchana Qian Qian jie~ You've Khunnie oppa~ <3
Nice story~ Oh, I wish Krisber is real!!~
krisber_1806 #6
Chapter 1: Aaaaaahhhhhhh so sweet....
Poor qian omma....
Let me read another your krisber ff
I will waiting...
rougereen #8
Chapter 1: Daebak! Quench my KrisBer thirst author-nim!
krisber_1806 #9
Im waiting author-nim.....
wow! looks interesting~ can't wait! hwaiting~~