The Mark of A New Beginning

A Smile For A Better Day


Sobs can be heard coming from the wooden cabinet, reverberating through the art room. However, someone hiding in there does not seem to care though, partly because he knows that everyone is out at the playground having fun at this time of the day and children are prohibited to loiter around the art room.

He does not think that anyone will come looking for him too, since he does not have any friends. This cabinet has always been little 6 year-old baekhyun’s favorite hiding spot whenever he feels sad.



Everything around baekhyun is pitching black and for a moment, baekhyun can’t be sure if he had eyes. He curls himself up in a tight ball with his hands and wrists hugging his stubby knees. Despite being in a crampy and enclosed area, baekhyun still manage to leave some extra space due to his scrawny body. This probably explains why he often appeals to people as an easy target, especially to people like Jongin. He hated jongin to the pits of his guts and the sudden thought of what nasty Jongin had done earlier sends a brand-new crashing wave of anger and sadness over Baekhyun. Fresh tears pool around his eyes, threatening to spill as he tries very hard not to think about it.





After the instructions were given out by Mrs. Jung to draw something that they like, Baekhyun obediently returned to his seat. He dug his tiny hand into his SpongeBob backpack to retrieve his precious crayon box while Mrs. Jung sauntered around the classroom, distributing drawing papers to everyone.


After much contemplation, Baekhyun decided to draw butterfly. He stuck his tongue out in concentration as he began drawing. Out of the blue, the big bad infamous bully aka Jongin, approached his table and tried to take a sneak peek at his artwork. Baekhyun hastily hover his arms over his drawing. “What do you want, Jongin?” Baekhyun asked, mood turning sour. “Show me what you’ve drew.” Jongin said, in a slightly demanding tone. “No.” “Why not? Is it because you’ve drawn some Disney princesses and you’re too embarrassed to show it to anyone?” Jongin jibed. “No, Jongin. Go away.” Baekhyun bit back with a wounded pride.


“Oh, look! A dragonfly!” Jongin exclaimed pretentiously. He raised his hand and pinpointed towards a corner of the room. Baekhyun's intention to keep Jongin away from his art piece dissipated as he snapped his head towards the direction where Jongin is pointing at. Before he even realized that he had fallen for one of Jongin’s tricks, his drawing was being snatched away from him in one swift movement. “Aww, look! Baekhyun drew a butterfly! Ha-ha!” Jongin paraded Baekhyun’s drawing to the entire class.


“Give it back!” Baekhyun yelled, face turning beet red. Ignoring Baekhyun’s plea, Jongin sprinted off with the drawing in hand and Baekhyun gave chase. They ran around the art room in circles, creating havoc. Mrs. Jung mistook the both of them for playing tag during her class and thus they ended up getting chastised by her for fooling around in class. Begrudged, Jongin refused to return Baekhyun’s drawing.


In the game of tug of war between the two, the paper eventually tore into half.




A muffled, “Hey!” comes from outside. “Hey! Is anyone in here?” Baekhyun could easily hear the sounds of footsteps tapping against the hard floor, hallways clearing out until silence falls over again.


He moves his hand to the right where the door is, but before he can push it, it swings open, casting a bright fluorescent light into the area. The sudden beam of light blinds Baekhyun momentarily and he blinks, letting his eyes to adjust to the intrusive light. He lowers his head and casts his eyes downwards, only to find himself surrounded by used paintbrushes and palettes and stains on the floor of the wooden cabinet.


“What are you doing in here?”


Baekhyun turns towards the light once again, and he can feel his pupils shrinking in wide open eyes. The stranger’s ears were sticking out from under his dark hair, fringe cut short and resting above his eyebrows. There is a look of confusion fused with slight worry plastered across his pretty face. Baekhyun only sniffs in response. “Are you crying? Mama told me we are all big boys now and big boys don’t cry.” Chanyeol said as he lands his tiny hand on Baekhyun’s back, patting him softly. He stayed by baekhyun’s side until he feels better, before he stretches his hand out the second time for a formal introduction. “I’m Channie.” Chanyeol grins, flashing his set of pearly whites.


Baekhyun suddenly feels all warm and fuzzy on the inside. He does not know what it is but he likes it. “I’m Baekhyun.” Baekhyun wipes away the remaining tears on his cheeks and smiles back in response. “Ok, baekie! Nice to meet you!” Just then, the bell rings, signaling break time. “I heard that they will be serving smiley potatoes today. Shall we go have some?” Chanyeol asks, eyes sparkling with delight. He reaches out for baekhyun’s hand and gets up swiftly, pulling Baekhyun along. “Okay!” And together, hand in hand, they dash out of the door.


Now that Baekhyun has Chanyeol, he shall always look forward to every tomorrows because this isn’t the end. This is their story. This is their beginning.




{ Today is not just another day.

It’s a new opportunity,

another chance.

A new beginning,

embrace it. }






A/N: AAANNnnd yeap! im sorry but THIS IS THE END HAHA. anyway, just a question out of curiousity, has anyone actually been bullied or bullied someone else before? (>___<) feel free to write in comment down BELOWWWW~~ TEEHEE!

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