
Working with a Horse

.:Chapter 7: Weird:.



When Mihi decided to choose Hoseok she didn’t understand what made her say it. In the deepest part of her mind, her conscious told her to choose Hoseok. She’ll be ‘safer’ this way. She didn’t understand why that thought crossed her mind. It wasn’t like Jimin was dangerous or something.

When she said Hoseok’s name, she focused her attention to the food she was eating. She didn’t want to see their faces. It was too embarrassing. How would they take it?

Hoseok was very much surprised but eventually he was thrilled to be chosen. Jimin on the other hand stared at her blankly like she had said something wrong. She snuck a few glances at Jimin while she was eating and his eyes showed a sense of sadness. She saw Jimin congratulate Hoseok with a smile but behind that smile was something else. Mihi couldn’t her finger on it since Jimin was very difficult to read.

After dinner, Jimin and Hoseok said their farewells with their stupid secret handshake.

“Bang-tan.” They put two fingers together and bumped.

“Bangtan?” Mihi questioned. Just why?

“Why not?” Hoseok gleamed reading her mind. “It’s nothing you should worry about.”

“You two are such children.” Mihi sighed.

Jimin laughed cutely. “Okay got to get going. See you guys.” He turned his back and walked down the pathway to his car. 

When he was a little further, she told Hoseok to meet her at her car. She had to explain to Hoseok that she was going to ask Jimin an important question that couldn’t wait. Hoseok allowed it.

Mihi caught up to Jimin with a sprint.

Jimin looked to his side. “Mihi?” He asked questionably but then smirked when she was trying to catch her breath.

Mihi placed her hands on her knees and huffed. Never again.

“Do you need something?” Jimin looked over his shoulder to where Hoseok was. He placed his hands in his pocket and cocked his head to the side. “You changed your mind didn’t you?” A small smile appeared on his face. The very stoic Jimin was warming up to her little by little. How to breathe.

“You won’t regret it. Jin-hyung cooks very well. You’ll feel very much at home.”

Before Mihi could say anything Jimin reached his hand over to brush something next something to her lip. “You got a little something there.” He continued to rub the spot in a circular motion.

Mihi heart raced and her cheeks began to redden. She should slap his hand away but she couldn’t. Instead she shook her head and he placed his hands on his side.

“Jimin I didn’t come because I changed my mind.” But now you’re making me want to but that’s beside the point.


“I wanted to see if you’re okay since I didn’t pick you.” Mihi finally said. “I admit I can’t read you well but I get the feeling that you’re disappointed by this?” She decided to share her feelings. It wasn’t easy since she wasn’t a person who was easily open as well.

Jimin started to laugh really hard into the night. “Nang Mihi. You ran all the way here to ask me something you could have asked on the phone?” Jimin raised one eye brow and chuckled. He placed a hand on her head and ruffled it. “I’m fine but thanks for worrying.” He leaned down closer to her. “Now go back to Hoseok. He’ll miss you.” He turned her around so that she could face the direction where Hoseok went.

“Wait…” Mihi was startled since everything was happening so fast. Jimin turned his back on her and waved.

Mihi didn’t know what to think. When did Jimin think it was okay to touch her like that and when did she allow him? She was confused by herself and him. Mihi tried to calm herself down as she walked to her car to help Hoseok with her luggage. Jimin did you really mean that? Then what were behind those eyes?

At last Hoseok and Mihi arrived at his home which was very much like her own. She remembered Hoseok telling her about his younger brother in the car.

“Yeah he’s really nice and friendly. You’ll love living with us!” Hoseok grinned happily.

“If you say so.” She balanced her chin on her hand.

Once they were inside, she noticed Hoseok’s interior design to be very simple.

Mihi set her luggage down and took a look around. There was a small living room with a fold up couch and a TV in front. There was a hallway that she guessed led to two bed rooms on each end. The middle door was probably the bathroom. Next to the hallway was the kitchen.

Hoseok called his brother  out and introduced him as Jungkook.

When Jungkook came out, the first thing Mihi noticed was his height. He was tall! Taller than Hoseok by a little and he was still growing probably. Another thing she noticed was that he was very good looking just like Hoseok. They didn’t look similar at all but she didn’t question it.

The first thing Jungkook did was roll his eyes at his brother when he took one glance at her. What was his problem?

Jungkook began to complain to his brother about the situation and she knew she had to cut in. She didn’t want him to talk to Hoseok like she wasn’t here.

It was fine until he sassed her.

It took all her strength not to lash out at him. They glared at each other for a bit and an invisible string of electricity waved through them.

Hoseok tried to give Jungkook optimism but the little twerp stormed back into his room.

“He’s really nice and friendly?” She mimicked Hoseok a while later.

In which he replied, “Sorry.” With a sheepish grin.

Hoseok grabbed onto her suitcase with a buckle and accidently pressed the button. Her eyes widened as her undergarments filled the floor.

“Hoseok!” She yelled. Her face reddened quickly. All her precious undergarments had to be brought with her. She didn’t know how long she was going to stay away from Yoongi.

Hoseok began to stare openly at her clothes and so she quickly shoved her pillow up his face.

“Don’t help!” She made sure he wouldn’t remove the pillow and stuffed all her clothing back in and closed it shut. Why does she always feel like he’s doing this stuff on purpose? She shook her head and threw the pillow off his face.

“Okay, to my room now.” She demanded as if nothing had happened. You better forget.

After setting up her things in his room, she was offered to watch TV with Hoseok but she quickly rejected. Hoseok being smooth but not smooth enough.

That night, she snuggled into his bed and tried to sleep. Hoseok’s bed was very big and had a manly smell to it. He also had a very organized room even organized than herself! He definitely was a mom in disguise.

Mihi pulled the blanket over her face as the clock reached 11:30pm. She breathed deeply and was slightly intoxicated over Hoseok’s bedspread scent. Pushing the blanket off, her face blushed a bright red. She had to admit, Hoseok had a very nice smell to him but thinking that made her woozy and creepy.

She turned her head and faced the wall. Her thoughts went to Jimin again and then to Yoongi. Then she finally fell asleep.

The next morning, she got up from her bed and slipped out to brush her teeth in the bathroom. She would have gotten up later but the sound of Jungkook making noises in the morning got to her.

Mihi wondered if he was still ‘annoyed by her presence.’ She could try to get along with Jungkook for Hoseok’s sake. How awkward must it be for Hoseok to put up with that? That’s only if Jungkook wanted to cooperate. His teenage mind might not allow it though. Whatever his reason for not liking her had to do with Hoseok.

When she walked back out with fresher clothes and make up. The last thing she heard before Jungkook left was, “Look hyung, just because you have a girl here, doesn’t mean you should forget about me.”

So this brat was jealous was he? She almost laughed. He was jealous that Hoseok’s attention would go to her only? She didn’t know Jungkook was the type who wanted his brother’s attention that badly. Or maybe he was just angry that she was taking up space. Who knows?  

To her, it looked like Jungkook got a lot of attention from Hoseok. The minute Hoseok walked in, he called out for his brother. Hoseok mentioned that he did the cooking in the house so he probably made them dinner and Hoseok even prepared Jungkook’s breakfast. Jungkook should be very happy.

“What did I do this time?” She asked Hoseok.

When Hoseok said it was his fault, she shook her head. She already knew that Jungkook disliked her.

She bit in her apple and shrugged when Hoseok asked what they were going to do that day.

Before she could reply, her phone vibrated and she received a text from Yoongi. He was secretly worried about her, she guessed. Good. That’s how you should feel. He was the one who drove her out of their home. She replied quickly. After a few seconds she got another text telling her to 'come back.'

She stared at the words for a long time enough for Hoseok to worry.

His simple words struck a chord in her. ‘Come Back.’ She knew Yoongi was really worried and she almost felt guilty for leaving him. They were both alike and they were both reserved. Even after all these qualities, in reality they didn’t want to be alone.

She felt Hoseok’s stare on her.

Mihi didn’t know what to do.

“So are you going back?” Hoseok walked closer to her. Worry lines crossed his features.

Mihi slowly shook her head after thinking things through. If she went back now, it would show a sign that she missed him a lot and she forgave him. She could barely miss him since it has been less than a day. He had to suffer a little more as much as she hated it. She didn’t want to come back to things the way they were before. “No. Not yet.” She texted back to Yoongi. “After you fix your .”

She dropped her phone on the counter and went to the fridge for some real breakfast. The guilt in her rose and dropped like a roller coaster. How would Yoongi feel to get that message?

Hoseok hopped on the chair of the counter, his eyes sparkling and his smile wide and gleaming.

“Why are you so damn happy?” Mihi asked, cracking an egg into a frying pan.

Hoseok drummed his fingers on the counter. “No real reason.” Mihi peered at him as she flipped her eggs. It was obvious he was trying to contain his happiness by the way he kept smiling.

“Because I get to stay a little longer is that it?” She guessed. Two could play at that game. Hoseok was always good at guessing what she was thinking for some reason.

Hoseok laughed. “Someone is being self-absorbed. The world doesn’t revolve around you.~” Hoseok pushed his fingers through his hair.

For the first time that morning, Mihi noticed his attire. She never saw him in casual clothing before. His hair was disheveled from being woken up in bed. His face was bare and unwashed but he still looked really good. He was wearing a white t-shirt that was almost see through, giving emphasis on his pectorals. She really liked this look on Hoseok if she ignored the bunny slippers at his feet.

“Don’t kid yourself. You’re happy that I’m staying.” Mihi replied back. She sounded conceited but she was pretty sure his happiness originated from her answer.

Hoseok grinned. “Whatever~” He denied. “I’m going to take a shower.” He placed both his hands behind his head and hopped into the bathroom like some rabbit.

Mihi shook her head. You’re too obvious Hoseok.

She fixed up his breakfast and placed it on their dining table. What were they going to do today? Wait a minute. Why did they have to do anything together? She had things to do, he had things to do. It wasn’t mandatory that they were supposed to be stuck like glue just because they lived together.

Hoseok stepped out of the bathroom a little while later. His hair was slightly damp so he had a towel wrapped around his neck as he sat down for breakfast. As he dug into his eggs, he smiled and complimented her. When he swallowed he asked, “So what are we doing today?”

She was going to explain to him that they didn’t have to ‘hang out’ today just because they were both off from work. He should be resting anyways. Before she could tell him, her phone started to ring.

Mihi picked up her phone and held it to her ear. She forgot to look at the caller ID. Maybe it was Yoongi?

“Hello?” She asked. “Mihi speaking.”

“Hello there~ My name is Kim Taehyung. I’m going to be working as a hostess at your restaurant. A couple days ago the manager asked me to call you to train me.”

“Taehyung?” Mihi asked out loud. This male on the phone had a really deep voice.

Hoseok looked up from his breakfast, curiously.

“Sorry, Taehyung but the restaurant is getting fixed up today because of a fire. We have nowhere to train you.” Mihi was honestly surprised that the manager would recommend her over Hoseok. Wouldn’t Hoseok be the better choice in this situation? Plus she was a new worker.

“I know I know.” Taehyung started to talk casually to her. “I talked to the manager and he said it’s best to train me before the restaurant opens again to make it easier.” Taehyung started laughing over the line. “So... do you want to train at my house...or yours?” He asked in a low seductive tone.

Mihi hung up without answering and hurried to eat her breakfast.

“Who was that?” Hoseok was almost done with his food.

“Some new worker asking me to train him. I can’t deal with this guy right now. His level of professionalism makes me cringe.” Mihi sighed and ate her breakfast.

By the sound of it, this guy was a huge flirt or he was joking a little too early for her tastes.

Her phone rang again and it was the same number as before. Mihi rolled her eyes and picked up.

“Yes, Taehyung?” Her voice unenthusiastic.

“Why’d you hang up?” He asked accusingly.

“Because you’re disturbing my peace.” Like she really wanted to train someone on her day off. Please.

“The manger asked me to ask you to train me today.” Taehyung explained, his voice was normal now. “Sorry.”

“But it’s such a late notice. What if I had plans?” Mihi grew impatient. Where would she even train him? He couldn’t be serious about the ‘his house my house’ thing.

“All I ask is for one hour today. Is that too bad?” Taehyung pleaded. “I’ll buy you ice cream after! What do you say to that?”

“You’re seriously bribing me with ice cream?” Mihi shook her head. She was annoyed with her manager. Asking her to do this all of sudden was very rude of him. Didn’t he consider her feelings?

“Is it working?” Taehyung asked excitedly, all puppy like.

Mihi scoffed. She looked at Hoseok who was busy wiping the counters of the kitchen. He looked drained, like he was waiting for some bad news or something was on his mind.

“So, this is a requirement?”


“Any proof?”

“You can call him right now and ask and he’ll say the same thing.” Taehyung said it like it was the truth.

“Ugh. Where would we train then?” She asked, giving up. One hour isn’t too bad.

“We could train at the restaurant on 4th street. It’s closed today but I have some connections to get us in.”

“If you had said that before, maybe I wouldn’t have hung up.”

Taehyung laughed. “I just wanted to see what you would say. Your name is Mihi?”


“Cute. Well I’ll see you at one if that’s okay.”

“See you there, Taehyung.” She sighed and hung up.

She ran her fingers through her hair. “Looks like we can’t do much today.” She looked at Hoseok.

“Yeah, it’s okay. I just realized I have something to do today.” Hoseok forced a smile on his face. “I’ll drop you off at your car when you’re about to go. I’m going somewhere for a few hours and won’t be back until dinner.” Hoseok looked concerned about something.

Mihi stared at him. “Are you okay?” She hesitantly placed her hand on his arm. Hoseok wasn’t like this usually so it really concerned her.

“It’s not you or anything.” He poked her forehead out of nowhere causing her to let go. “I just need to do something and I forgot.”

“If you say so…” Mihi stared at him as he walked into his bedroom. Hoseok, what’s wrong?

After Hosoek dropped her off to her car, she drove to 4th street to meet up with Taehyung.

What type of character was he? She was confused by his personality on the phone. Meeting someone she didn’t know alone at an unknown restaurant seemed like the dumbest idea to her as she was driving in the car. At least Hoseok knew where she was at.

She arrived five minutes early and called Taehyung from her car.

“Where are you?” She asked when he picked up.

“Inside! Come in!” He shouted.

Mihi made a disturbing look and unlocked her door to her car. She brought pepper spray just in case he was not the person he said he is.

Mihi knocked on the door to the restaurant several times and then waited. All of this just for training?! What was she getting herself into?

The door cracked opened a bit and she could see an eye peek out at her.

“Mihi?” The low voice asked.

Mihi nodded, unsure how to respond.

The door flew open and the male yanked her inside and shut the door.

Mihi’s heart raced as she sensed danger. She tried to reach to grab a hold of her pepper spray but the man held her wrist so tight that she couldn’t.

“What are you--!” She was about to yell but his voice drowned out hers.

“Don’t scream! It’s Taehyung!” He looked frightened like he was about to be caught. “I’m not going to do anything.” He released her wrists and took a step back when he was sure she wasn’t going to go anywhere. “Sorry. To tell you the truth I got in on my own. I don’t really have connections.” He showed her the key to the restaurant and tossed it up in the air, caught it, and placed it in his pocket.

Mihi was still confused. She didn’t let her guard down though. Her hand was still placed in her purse just in case he went crazy again.

“You’re crazy!” She couldn’t help but say. What type of greeting was that? Why was he being so suspicious? Why did he lie about the connections? She should leave but for some reason she wanted to hear him out.

“I’ve heard worse.” Taehyung walked towards a chair and sat down. “Sit here.” He patted a chair across from him.

Mihi hesitantly sat in the chair and waited. What was this exactly? Why was she going along with this? She looked at Taehyung for the first time. To her surprise, he was very handsome and good looking. He looked idol status. His eyes were big and piercing. His hair had a slightly orangey brown color stylized in a way that brought out his perfect jawline. He was very tall too. To a lot of girls, he looked ideal.

She still thought he was crazy though.

“What is this exactly? Why did you lie about having connections?” She guessed he dragged her inside because he didn’t anyone to see but if she screamed, wouldn’t that have ruined all his effort? All he had to do was ask.

How did he get the keys anyways?

“This is an abandoned restaurant. It’s been closed for a couple months and I just got my hands on a pair of spare keys to it. I thought it would be the perfect place for meetings.” He took the keys out and twirled it around his fingers and he leaned back in his chair. He sounded like he was bragging.

“Um okay?” That was all she could muster to say. Taehyung admitting to a crime did not make her feel an ounce better with being alone with him.

Taehyung looked surprised that she wasn’t impressed. “Sorry for all of that again.” He held the key and placed it back in his pocket. “I had to lie because I knew you wouldn’t come if I didn’t say I had connections.”

“The only reason I wouldn’t have come is because you’re weird…” She stated plainly. Well, wasn’t he?

Taehyung laughed it off.

I seriously wasn’t joking though.

“You’re too cute.~ Really pretty too.” Taehyung stared intensely at her enough for her to grow red in the cheeks.

“Can we just get on with this?” She almost stammered. What was up with this guy?

“Sure, let’s start training!” He got up and wiped his hands on his pants. “I’ll do anything, you name it, boss.” He winked.

Basically Taehyung was telling her this was his crib and whatever was happening right now was his way of welcoming her. It was really weird but at least memorable. She couldn’t wrap her head around how he obtained the keys though.

“Right. Well first…” She started talking nonstop about all the rules. Taehyung listened intently and nodded every few seconds with his mouth hung open. A few times he made a weird face to distract her but she ignored it for the most part.

“So do you have it?” She finally said at the end.

Taehyung nodded and jotted the notes on his hand. He had a concentrated face on. “I got everything. So do you want to practice?” He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the front of the store.

“You’re really comfortable with people aren’t you?” Mihi removed her hands quickly from his.

“Could you tell?” He winked again. “Okay you can be the customer.”

Mihi followed along. Well this is was what training is about…

Mihi pretended to come inside the restaurant.

“Welcome!!~ My name is Taehyung. Table for how many?” Taehyung really looked like he was getting into character.

“For one.” Was as all she said. Watching him like this was actually amusing.

“For one? Surely your boyfriend will join you later. Follow me.~” Taehyung showed her to her table and pulled out her seat.

Mihi sat down and waited.

“Someone will be here to take care of you.~” Taehyung leaned down and placed his hand on the table and smiled.

Mihi thought he was done but his fingers crawled to her open hand on the table and brought it closer to his mouth. “Or do you want me to take care of you?” He asked in his voice low. His warmth breath tickled the back of her hand.

Mihi pulled her hand back quickly, holding in her growing blush. “And then the customer will slap you. You fail.” She added quickly.

V shook his head. “It hasn’t happened yet.” He smiled brightly and laughed deeply.

“It should.” Mihi rolled her eyes. She knew it. Taehyung was a big flirt. “So we’re done?” She looked at the time and she was sure it was almost an hour.

“Yes. Thank you, boss.~” Taehyung said cheerfully with the nickname he had given her.

Mihi got up from the table and walked to the door.

“I can’t wait to work alongside you, Mihi.” Taehyung came right next to her. “Don’t forget to save that contact on your phone. Change it to TaeTae or something.”

“Sure.” She placed her hand on the door. “See you Taehyung.”

She left the building feeling weird. What an interesting fellow. He was full of surprises. When she was driving home, her mind went to Hoseok. She was actually worried about him. He was being so secretive with her, it felt weird. He looked like the type of guy who would smile about everything. What exactly made him feel down as she was talking to Taehyung on the phone?

She parked her car in the designated parking spot and walked up the stairs. She didn’t spot Hoseok’s car so he must’ve been out still. When she unlocked the apartment door, she could hear someone from the inside. It occurred to her that she had to be alone with Hoseok’s younger brother, Jungkook. Oh joy.

She walked inside, closed the door behind her and removed her shoes. She looked up when she noticed Jungkook was at the sink, dabbing his face with a towel.

Mihi got up slowly to see what was wrong. It sounded like he was in pain by way he was wincing. “Jungkook?” She asked slowly.

Jungkook cursed under his breath as he was caught. “I’m caught.” His voice sounded defeated. Jungkook shut the water off and slowly faced her. His left cheek came visible first. There was a purplish color to it signifying that he had a bruise. On his nose was a horizontal large gash with blood seeping out of it. He looked physically beat up.

His eyes went to the floor and he tried to run to his room but Mihi ran faster and blocked his entrance to his door.

“Jungkook, who did this to you?” She asked concerned. Hoseok wouldn’t like to find out about this one bit. She was smaller than Jungkook but she wasn’t that much older than him since Hoseok was actually older than her. She had a lot of maturity in her voice when she asked.

Jungkook shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.” He tried to put his hand on the knob but Mihi pushed his away.

“Move aside.” He asked, his eyes darkening.

“No. Not until we fix you up or do you want your brother to find out?” Mihi grabbed his wrist when he hesitated and dragged him into the bathroom. For some reason, she thought he was going to snatch his hand away but he must have agreed to it. He probably did not want his brother to find out what caused this.

“First we’re going to fix it the best we can and then cover it up.” She had make up ready. Hoseok won’t notice too much with this stuff over it.

“You’re going to help me lie to my brother?” Jungkook asked disbelieving as she sat him on the toilet.

Mihi thought about it for a bit. “This is a serious issue. You can’t hide it forever.” She didn’t exactly answer him since she wasn’t sure herself. She poured a little disinfectant on a cotton ball, leaned down and rubbed his face.

Jungkook winced several times and held onto the edge of the toilet seat.

“Sorry.” She said.

Jungkook didn’t say anything. All he did was stare at the floor, his ears reddening in embarrassment.

The last thing she did was place a band aid over the cut on his nose. “That’s the only way for it to stop bleeding for a bit. Sorry.” She got off from the floor and washed her hands with soap.

Jungkook nodded his head and got up from the toilet seat.

He stood there for a few seconds and left the bathroom.

Jungkook, just what happened? 

.:Chapter End:.

Author's Note: Wah, two chapter updates in a week?! Impossible xD Idky but i just felt like writing before I forget. This chapter might be cramped up with so much events and interaction but I guess it was needed because I wanted this all to happen since Hoseoks POV was the next chapter and I guess we won't see all of this in a while. And we have another character, Taehyung!! <3 Finally get to introduce the newest worker to their resturant. Forgot to mention that every character has their own mini story to them and will confuse the hell out of me later on. Hopefully they can all be resolved~

Thanks for the comments again! <3 

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chanbob 102 streak #1
I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
Chapter 7: After so long I finally reread it and there so much that I still loved about this! Please update soon, author-nim.~ xoxo!
InternalWar #3
Chapter 7: Wait. What. What. Why. Jungkook. How.. imma kill those ers -_- and i see V is introduced. In such a funny way too "or do you want me to take care of you" >< aghhhhhh haha hwaiting author nim
KazzieT #5
Chapter 6: ahahaha! That last part...'come back'...just like yoongi. And jimin...sneak thing. either ignoring her cause he has a crush on her or just hates her...i hope Jungkook and minhi become really good friends and gang up on hoseok....yeah...see how mean I can be? Please update soon!
KazzieT #6
Chapter 5: OMG She chose HOSEOK?! *Big Gasp* SHE CHOSE HOSEOK!!! I think yoongi is definitely into her...and who would start a fire.....who would start a fire.....I must know author-nim!!! Please update soon!!!
Chapter 5: Ahahahaha I knew it! I thought at first you were gonna pull another cliffie and be like OH NO THE FIRE DID THEY LIVE OR DIE but no you resolved it so yay! :D Is Yoongi in love with her? Is that what he means by he's tired of waiting for her to notice? OOH LA LAAAAAA CUZ HE TOTALLY HESITATED WHEN SHE WAS LIKE DO YOU WANNA SEE ME DDDD AHAHAHA
Coolcutiedj #8
I just finished reading till the 4th chap and everything was so cuteeeeee!! I swear! J Hope is full of rainbows and unicorns! He is so adorable!!
KazzieT #9
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating!! (^-^) I can't wait for your next update!!
Chapter 4: NOOO WHOOOO maybe J-Hope cuz she's too attracted to Jimin?