Loss of Connection

Doctor Who/2NE1 - COME BACK HOME

Tears began to roll down the woman's cheeks as she clutched hold of her partner's lifeless body, caressing his cold skin with her warming touch. Her crying and agonizing plea could not bring the man's life from returning, with his eyes forever remaining closed at the sight of his loved one drowning in her own tears and sorrow.

"Wake up!" She yearned to kiss his tender lips again and see his beautiful smile bloom as his cheeks would output a shade of red. ‘I was just fooling around with you, Dara!,' he would say. He was only teasing. But she knew the outcome would never come down to that. He would not smile at her kiss. He would not wake up from the nightmare that was unfolding around the one he called 'Dara'.

"Chanyeol, wake up!"  Dara cried out a final time, tears making her voice seem all shaky and distorted. She began to gasp for air, the sobbing wracking her body.

“Please,” she whipsered.

There was complete silence in the room aside from the heavy breathing. Dara stood there, not saying anymore words, as the young woman lifted up her right arm to wipe the tears from her eyes, smudging her mascara in the process. She eventually came to the realisation that her lover was dead.

Stepping back a little to help come to terms as to what had just happened, Dara gazed up at to what had led to the abrupt end of his life. Attached to one of his ears was some sort of plug that connected to a special kind of electronic device, through wire, that was fitted into the wall next to the bed which where Chanyeol was laid out. An extension gadget was fitted over his eyes from the plug in the form of an LED screen that was lit up in red, signifying an error. She stumbled forwards towards Chanyeol and yanked the plug out of his ear in a vicious attempt to bring forth her vendetta against the technological culprit.

It was known as 'Virtual Paradise'. A simulator developed in the late 2010s to give its users a sense of paradise and freedom from the outside world, it was steeped in controversy thanks to its addictive side-effects and contributions to large and sudden power outages across the city of Seoul, due to the amount of energy it demands in order to run properly. Unfortunately, Chanyeol had become an addict in the creation of his own little world, an escape from the harsh realities of real life and the depression that he faced on a daily occurrence. His worried partner, Dara, was increasingly distraught at the fact he was spending little time with her as the addiction increased in its progression. By the time, the current situation had arrived, Chanyeol was bed-ridden, diseased with the pathetic reality that had made for himself.

But it was over, for Chanyeol and his little escape.

All over.



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lunafxstar #1
I am so stoked about finding this~
rubyyee1999 #2
Chapter 1: Wow I love this story !!
delusionalfanda #3
Ah the first chapter came out great! I'm so hyped for this. Thank you for sharing.