For only a month...

I saw sadness in his face once he dropped me of at house after our first date.

That was all i thought about all during school.

I really want to know whats it me? Did i do something wrong??

 We had another quiz today at school and i forgot the day so I asked Chinen.

"Ne, Chinen-kun, what day is it?"

"Nn...I don't know..all i know it is the last week of the month..."

"Oh the last week of the month...." I said. hit me.

Last week of the month...? That means I am leaving to go back home on the last day of the month.

Which is...about 6 days?!?!

...........That is why Yamada-kun was all weird. 

After school, I had Yamada-kun meet me at the cafe near my house.

Once Yamada-kun came, he had a worried face.

"Doue no? What happened? Are you alright?"

"ma, daijoubu des! i just wanted to talk to you about something.."

"Nani ga?"

" know that i am leaving soon ne?..."


Silence came upon us and it got all sad.

"Demo, we just have to use the rest of the days together, ne?" I tried to break the awkwardness.

"Oh, hai, we should!" he smiled.

"So....what do want to do now?"

"Let's go to the park!" Yamada smiled like a little kid.

"YAY lets go?" I put down the money payment on our table in the cafe and grabbed my bag and grabbed Yamada's wrist and pulled him out the door.

We ran all the way to the park and we played on the swings.

Then we got tired and laid on one of the hills and watched the clouds in the sky :)

Once it got dark, he walked me home and hugged me extra tight and i did too.

"Daisuke! Remember that!" Yamada whispered in my ear.

"Watashi mo, suki desu" i whispered back.

I then saw the same sadness in his eyes as he left my house.

..................What's going to happen once i leave japan? 

Hontouni Suki desu, Yamada-kun. Hontou.


I was listening to a sad song while writing this chapter and i know its short because i have a feeling my next one is long.



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no__im_asian #1
Thanks everyone :D
It was a nice break from all the KPOP stuff, btw! :)
Wowowowowo. That was good~ ^^
I love your story :))
By the way, thank you for supporting Lovelost Elegy.
I really appreciate it!
Thank you very much!!
no__im_asian #5
Its soo.*tear* Beautiful~
no__im_asian #7
YEAHH, i just realized myself that the ending was sad... hah when i saw all your comments, I was like, "how was it THAT SAD?" and then i re-read my ending and they were seperated--and now im like "OH~ haha next time im making it for a happy ending"
sakura14cherryable #8
that was so sad. she had leave.. but Romantic at same time,.. please do another one!! xDD
one that has happy ending ne~~~
no__im_asian #9
thatshortmexicanKid #10
So sad ;_; but good ^^