

“I’m late!”

It was seven forty in the morning, twenty minutes left before school starts. She instantly stands up, making her head twirl in dizziness. “Damn this morning.” She mutters under her breath. She blinks away the blurriness that covers her eyes and looks at the wall clock in front of her. “I am definitely late.”

She sighs as she waits for her bus to come by, which is the worst thing to do. She glances at her watch, ten minutes left before the school gates will close. She sighs again. She only has one choice: run.

She sprints towards the direction of her school. She doesn't care if her feet will sore, she actually doesn't care if her body is filled with scars. Just to attend school was enough.

A motorbike abruptly stops in front her; her feet lose its stepping. “Sit and ride.”

The person sitting on the motorbike hands her a helmet and she stands blankly in front of him. “Will you stop staring and sit?” Hyemi still could not process what is happening.

He rolls his eyes, parks his bike, grabs her by the wrist and drags her towards his bike. “Let go.” She demands. “If you don’t want to be late, you might want to come with me.” He picks her up by the waist and forcefully sits her down. He swings his left foot to the other side and smirks.

“You might want to hold on tight.” Hyemi looks at him with a puzzled look. “ for you then.” He speeds up, making Hyemi scream and hold onto him. “Damn you.” She mutters.



“Seven fifty-five.” He looks at his watch and smiles proudly. “I will never get late.” He shakes his head in relief. “You are so awesome.” He praised himself.

“I guess that’s where he got his narcissistic talk.” Hyemi mutters and faces him. “Thank you.” She bows her head, quietly slams his extra helmet on his seat and left.

“Yah! This ride is not free! Pay me with food!” Max shouts, jumping up and down to make sure she heard his voice. However, in the eyes of strangers, he looks like a stupid moron begging for food.



Hyemi walks past the canteen, trying to avoid the moron bugging her all day. She sneakily enters the abandoned school garden placed at the left side of the school. She sits on the grass, soft and fragile. Somebody must be treating them well, she thought.

“How dare you enter into my premises?”

She looks over her shoulder, his voice sounded familiar to her.

Her breath stops. He looks stunning in his school uniform. White polo shirt and black pants. The usual uniform set-up but for Yunho, he looks like a high school character that popped out in one of those shoujo mangas.

She wets her chapped lips and sticks her tongue out.

“I don’t see any signs that this property is yours, why would I believe you?”

“I told you, it is because I am awesome.”

“Said who?”


“Conceited freak.”

Hyemi plays a teasing smile on her lips as Yunho slowly runs towards her. “I want to eat! Not now.” She feeds herself a spoonful of rice, followed by sautéed beef. “Delicious.” She hums.

Yunho slides himself beside her and takes a peek of her food. “That looks tasty.” He bites his lower lip.

“Want one?”

Yunho obediently nods.

“Go buy one then.”

She opens and slowly places her spoon in front of her lips. “Max!”

Yunho shouts and Hyemi snaps her head to look.


Hyemi jabbed her fingers on his forehead and continues to eat. Meanwhile, he heard his name being called. He unknowingly walks toward the abandoned garden and peeks.

An unfamiliar feeling lingers in his chest as his stomach twists in knots. He felt his hands tremble as he bawls it into a fist. He takes a deep breath and sighs.

“Hyung!” He calls, waving his hands with a bright smile on his face.

Hyemi and Yunho look over their shoulder; one greets him with a smile and waves, and the other nonchalantly looks at its food and eats.

Max walks towards them, silently boring a hole on the back of her head. He sits down between them, forcefully tearing them apart. The two argues with him but he just casually sits his tongue out and sighs in relief.

“What a nice day, isn’t it?” He lies down on the soft but prickly grass and sighs.

He closes his eyes and thinks over what he just did a while ago. Jealousy? Nah. That can’t be. I met the girl just a few days ago. Just new to the whole Hyung-got-a-girl-she-likes thing. He thought. He hears them laugh, talk and whisper. (He, after all, is sitting in between them.) His eyes twitch at the sound of their deafening laughs.

He hears the bell ring and unfaltering moves. He felt Yunho stand up and imagines him dusts his pants and sleeves clean.

“I have to go. My professor is going to kill me if I get there late.”

Hyemi hums in response.

He hears the clattering of the utensils hitting her silver-colored aluminum lunch box.

“Hey. Stand up,” she says, shaking his shoulders awake.

“You’ll be late for your class.”

Max aimlessly swings his right arm and grabs her shoulder, pulling her towards him. Hyemi lands on Max’s chest; he takes in her vanilla scented cologne.

“I. Don’t. Care.” He mutters; his voice husky and deep, tantalizing her.

“Fine,” she says but it came out more as a whisper.

She pushes herself up, but struggles in his firm grip. She sighs and looks at the man beneath her. He looks like an angel, she thought but rolls her eyes, when he is asleep that is. She silently glances at her watch, 5 minutes left, she thought and sighs again.

“Max.” She whispers and meekly pats his cheek using her free hand.

“Shut up.” He mumbles.

“I’ll be late.” She pats his cheeks harder.

“I don’t care.” He groans.

“I care because it’s my class.” She growls and bites his wrist.

An agonizing shout escaped his lips as he jolts awake. “Yah!”

Hyemi sticks her tongue, grabs her things and runs.

“Noh Hyemi!” A series of laughs escapes her smile as she runs.

Max watches her back fade away as he shakes his hand, still in pain at the sudden attack of the girl. “Does she know who I am?” He shouts to no one. “Probably not.” He whispers and lies back down to sleep.

Trickles of water plummets on his arm as the rain begins to fall down faster. He slides his arm down and lets the rain wet his face.

The gray sky greets him as he sighs idly. He closes his eyes and naps for a little while.



Hyemi breaths in the air and exhales. “That’s good.” Hyemi reaches her hand out and drops of water lands on her palm; she smiles. Other than confetti, the rain makes her feel refreshed and a little bit less lonely.

She brings her umbrella out and pops it open. She places it on her shoulder and twirls it around. She chuckles a little and walks. Her phone vibrates and hums a little tune that she used to sing. She raises a brow, thinking as to why someone would call her.

It was Yunho.

“What’s up, Yunho?” She asks, unable to hide her smile.

“Want some ice cream later? My treat?” He asks. She could hear shuffling of papers in the background.

“Not coffee?” She asks in surprise. “That’s a first.”

“I know that you might not like coffee at this kind of weather.” Yunho says.

“You know me that much already?” Hyemi laughs. “Sure, I’ll come. What time?”

Yunho did not answer for several seconds.

“It’s six thirty now. So, maybe seven? Where should we meet?”

Hyemi hums for a little while. “I’ll just wait here, in school. I’ll just wait half an hour. I’m fine with that.”

Yunho was about to protest when Hyemi cuts him. “Call me when you’re done.”

She hungs up, places her phone in her bag and walks around. It’s been a week since her first day and she doesn’t have the time to wander around. She walks in the school building and shakes her umbrella dry. “School building first.”

Hyemi doesn’t know that the school offers a painting class at the end of the day, she mentally tells herself to sign up in the class tomorrow. She wanders more for a few seconds before going down to the third level. (She went up to the fifth floor first.)

The third level consisted of the library, classrooms and empty hallways. Hyemi decides to skip this floor and just go outside, since she takes classes on the second and first floor.



The rain settles down and only little droplets of water fall. She walks around without an umbrella, appreciating every little thing she sees. She aimlessly walks to the abandoned school garden, where she and Yunho spent lunch with Max in the background.

“He still can’t be there, right?” She mutters under her breath as she turns to a corner.

“He’s still sleeping? Up until now?” She walks to him, with a flustered face.

She calls his name, bending her knees to shake his body awake. She pokes his cheek and remains asleep. “What the?”

She closely looks at his breathing; it was uneven. She places a palm on his forehead; he has a fever.

The familiar tune played on her phone; she immediately grabs and places it on her ear.

“Yunho. Max has a fever.”



“Can you please tell me why he was there the whole day?” Yunho asks.

“You drive?” Hyemi half-shouts at him, astounded at his ability.

“Yes, I drive.”

“Since when?”

“When I was sixteen. Wait. Why are we talking about this? I’m asking as to why Max was there the whole day.”

“This is so cool.” Hyemi did not answer his question. “Turn left and you’ll find a fried chicken sign.”

Yunho obediently follows and mentally curses himself for loving the girl so easily.

“Okay. Help me send him to my apartment.” She cheekily smiles. “Faster!”

Yunho frantically swings Max over his shoulder; Max’s stomach is on Yunho’s shoulder and his head located at the back. (Fireman’s carry.)

“Let’s go.” Hyemi walks in and fishes out her keys.

“Gee. Thanks Yunho. You’re so strong.” Yunho mumbles in a high-pitched voice.

“Nah. It’s okay.” Yunho replies, rolling his eyes as he walks behind her.



Hyemi rushes towards her first-aid cabinet and grabs a thermometer, cleaning it first. Yunho places Max on the couch and Hyemi gently places the thermometer in his mouth.

Max, consider yourself lucky, I’ll beat the daylights out of you when you get better, Yunho thought.

“Make yourself at home. I’ll just cook Max some soup.” Hyemi smiles and left.

Yunho pats himself clean and walks aimlessly around the house. Clean, white and empty, Yunho thought as his lips tug down, frowning. He continues to walk lightly, afraid that he will disturb Max or her.

He pauses in front of a covered frame, reaching his hand out and slowly pulls it. His phone vibrated and soon, a tune played on it, causing him to stop pulling the cloth, only a fragment seen. He grabs it on his pocket and answers it. It was his parents.

“We need you to come here now.” His father sounded worried; his voice trembling.

“What happened?” Yunho’s eyes screamed fear as he recognizes the sound of his father’s voice.

“Your mother is in the hospital.”

He immediately hangs up and shouts, “Hyemi! I need to go!”

He walks out of her apartment and drives away.



Before Hyemi could even say goodbye, her words remains in . She sighs, places the porridge in a bowl, and walks towards Max.

She settles the tray on the table beside her and checks his temperature. She pulls out the thermometer and reads it. “Forty degrees?” She says in disbelief, a little bit higher than she thought.

Max groans at the sudden noise and groggily opens his eyes, blinking several times before getting used to the lighting.

“Where am I?” He asks.

“You’re at my apartment.” Hyemi says, proudly.

“Did you do something to me?” Max crosses his arms against his chest.

Hyemi jabs her finger on his forehead. “No, you idiot. You have a fever,” Hyemi says.

“Can I get out of your apartment now? I want to go home.” Max tries to stand up but he evidently cannot. His temperature is too high for his control. “Damn it.” He pants.

“Just stay there and sleep, okay? Yunho will just pick you up.” Max rolls his eyes.

“Oh, so now you can casually call hyung anytime you want?” Max says.

“No. Why would I?”

“You’re tearing me and him apart now?” Max shouts. “Is that what you want?” He pants for a little while before speaking. “He’s my only family left.” He begins to cry. “After my grandparents died.”

Hyemi grabs his hand and squeezes it lightly. “I know how you feel.” She smiles.

“How would you know?”

“Look at me. I live alone. My mother left me for a job she has to take because of me. I cried a lot before. But I realized that I depended on somebody for so long that I forgot how to grow up.” She chuckles.

“You feel empty, don’t you? You didn’t know what a mother’s love is, right?” Max helplessly nods. “It’s just something like this.” Hyemi pushes his bangs away from his forehead and kisses it.

“You better sleep. If you are feeling hungry, there is porridge right there on the table.” Hyemi stands up and sighs. “I’ll just take a nap.” She yawns and proceeds to her room.

Before she could so, a warm yet weak hand grips on her wrist, making her stop.

“Do you need anything?” Hyemi asks, quiet and gentle.

“I’m sorry,” Max utters, “For the things I said when we first met.”

Hyemi giggles and smiles at him. “It’s okay,” she says.

“It’s a way for me not to meet people. I wasn’t used to people leaving me, that’s why.”

“I’ll not leave you,” Hyemi smiles.

“Go to sleep,” She commands and walks away.



Max slowly touches his forehead, recalling the sudden incident that happened. Is she playing a trick on me? Why did she do that to me? Max thought, a pained smile plays on his lips,

Why is she making it harder for me?

He slowly drifts into slumber, his thoughts sinks in and darkness fills it next.



He groans and wakes up, blinking his eyes to pry off his sleepiness. He touches his forehead, it’s okay, I think, He thought as he pushes himself to sit upright on her couch. He successfully does. He carefully stands up, afraid to make noises. He looks down at the (cold) porridge and decides to heat it up. He wanders around before he can finally place the bowl in the microwave. He sets five minutes and left.

His footsteps lightly tread the floor, carefully placing his feet down to make no noise. He notices the cloth on a frame falling. Curious, he approaches the frame and pulls the cloth, revealing a canvas of a boy smiling.


“Max.” Hyemi’s eyes widen. He shouldn’t be standing up. He must be physically powerful, she thought.

“You’ve seen my painting.” Hyemi nervously chuckles.

“That should be covered.” Hyemi’s hands trembled upon seeing the canvas seen to other people. “Give me the cloth, please.” She meekly says.

Max grabs her wrist, pulling it upwards and tightens it; Hyemi whimpers in pain.

“Max, what are you do___?”

“Why is my face on that canvas?”



“Hyung.” Max silently approaches Yunho, “Hyung.” He calls again.

Yunho takes off his glasses and rubs it lightly. “What is it, Min?”

Max flinches at the sound of his name.

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” He growls.

“It’s just you and me.” Yunho shrugs as he raises his brow. “What is it?”

“Do you remember that children’s party we attended? Then I found a girl that I liked?” Yunho nods.

“I found her.”

Yunho bites his lower lip and stand up, clapping. “Come on. Hug me.”

He spreads his arm wide and open; Max stays still, his feet lock on his place.

Yunho decides to initiate the hug and squeezes him tightly. “Don’t you know how many times you’ve complained to me just to find the girl? Huh?” He rubs Max’s head using his knuckles.

“For 14 years, you have finally found the girl.” Yunho releases the hug and his head to the side.

“Why the long face?”

“You might get mad.”

“I won’t. After all, she’s your girl. Your lost princess.” Yunho dramatically pats his chest and says, “I’ll be there for you.”

“You don’t understand, hyung.”

“Why won’t I? You finally found the girl, who won’t I understand it?”

“Noh Hyemi.”

“Why are you mentioning her name?” Yunho’s smiles stay on his lips slowly turns down.

“Noh Hyemi is the girl, hyung.”


Max looks up to face him, eyes tainted with fear.

“I can’t love her, hyung. She is the one you like. I can’t.”

“But I promised that I’ll be there for you when you’ll find the girl.”

“I know hyung. But, you loved her first. I can’t spoil that for you.”

Yunho takes a closer look on Max’s eyes; he can’t read it. There is something in it that he can never explain but one thing is for sure: he likes the girl.


He flinches at the sound of his name.

“Do you like Hyemi?”

Max shakes his head.


“I love her.”



Yunho walks out and takes a drive around the city; he glances to a coffee shop and sees a familiar person, Noh Hyemi.

“Hyemi.” Yunho greets her with a smile. Hyemi looks over her shoulder and responds with a smile. “What’s up, Yunho?” She drinks her coffee.

“Addicted to coffee, I see.” Yunho chuckles as he takes a seat. “Just needed some before I will finish my project.” Hyemi laughs.

“Do you know why I love coffee?” Yunho asks, to which Hyemi shakes her head.

“The sweetness of its smell is just alluring.” He chuckles. “Also, it’s addicting.”

Hyemi nods in response.

“Do you know why I love confetti?” She asks, to which he shakes his head.

“Because it makes me happy.” She laughs. “I met a boy once in a party and I replied the same answer.”

Yunho his head to the side.

“Boy? Why do you keep on mentioning the boy? Do you know his name?”

“I do. I remember everything little thing we did.” Hyemi giggles. “He was my first love.”

“Aigoo.” Yunho shakes his head, smacking her head. “Only a little kid and yet falls in love to some stranger.” Hyemi sticks her tongue out.

“I know him; therefore, he is not a stranger.”

“What’s his name?”

“Shim Changmin.” Hyemi proudly smiles, oblivious to the sudden clench of Yunho’s teeth.

Silence begins to linger around them and they sit there, trying to occupy themselves.

“I think it’s funny.” Hyemi chuckles.

“A few days ago, Max told me that that boy is him. I didn’t believe it at first. How could I? He was unlike the little Changmin I know. However, when he smiles, his eyes become mismatched. I couldn’t help but think, is it him?

Yunho clenches his fist under the table, faking a smile as she faces him. She continued talking. He continued to bear the pain.

“What about you, Yunho? Who was your first love?”

Hyemi faces him; Yunho was staring intently at her. Hyemi felt her cheeks flush as she fakes a cough. “Yunho.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Who was your first love?”

Yunho smiles as he shakes his head. “It’s kinda complicated.”

Hyemi laughs and silently tells him to go on.

“I am a late-bloomer. Everyone knows that. I enjoyed life too much to realize that I was growing up.”

“I was drinking coffee and strolling around in of the halls of a hotel. It was painting hall.” Yunho adds.

“I thought I was the only one in that hall so I continued to walk leisurely then I stopped. I saw her, looking at the paintings so diligently. I can’t help but stop and look at her. Why is she so attracted to that painting? Why am I attracted to her? Those were my thoughts.”

“I suddenly walk towards her and initiated the conversation. She was scared of me.” He chuckles. “With my large built and these eyes, who wouldn’t?” He adds.

“Then, she smiled at me. That’s when everything started.” Yunho finishes with a blissful smile.

That sounds familiar, Hyemi thoughts and silently shrugs. “That was nice. I love that story,” Hyemi says, “It sounded familiar to me.”

Stupid. I am talking about you. Yunho rolls his eyes. Always stuck in this friend-zone.

“Oh yeah, what did Max mean he shouted: ‘don’t you know who I am?’. You weren’t there so you didn’t hear it.” Hyemi cheekily smiles. “What does he do?” Hyemi thinks for a while. “I mean his parents.”

“It’s top secret.” Yunho teases her, playfully sticking his tongue out.

“Why is it top secret?”

“Because, we are unicorns.”

Hyemi chokes on her drink, grabs her handkerchief and looks at him, unusually.

“I’m just joking.” Yunho nervously scratches the back of his head. Hyemi smacks his head, earning him a loud thud on the back of his head.

“Why is it top secret?” Hyemi whispers, leaning forward in anticipation.

“Why should I tell?” Yunho faces the window. “Besides, it’s not like you’ll care.”

Yunho looks at her, only to be greeted with a ‘cute’ pose she usually makes when she wants something.


I hate myself for loving this girl.

“Like I said, this is top secret.” Yunho whispers, coughs for a little bit and whispers it to her.

“His parents died when they were trying to kill some of the drug dealers. It turns out; his dad killed the wife of one of the drug dealers, therefore, calling some of the mafias to come for them.”

“His mom calls his grandparents to take Max and they did. My parents are close to them and are in the same agency as theirs. A week later after the incident, my parents received a letter. The mafias killed both of his parents and are now hunting him.”

And the reason as to why, Changmin’s name is changed to Max.

He smiles at her.

“He and I are trained to be like them, ever since we hit sixteen.”

Yunho looks at her; she looks at him.

“My mother is in the hospital. That’s why I left immediately after placing Max’s body on your couch. Apparently, the mafias found out our connection with Max’s family. However, some of them were caught. No biggie.” Yunho grins.

“Are you doing well? Are there any reports on them yet?”

“Wow. You take things in quickly.” Yunho praises. “Normally, they would be like ‘, really?’ and their faces would be like this-guy-could-bring-me-danger-I-need-to-get-out-of-here

Hyemi laughs, clapping the table at Yunho’s sudden voice change.

“How could you do that?” Hyemi pants after laughing.

“It’s because I am awesome.”

“Shut up.”



I have exactly five minutes. Hyemi runs, carrying her books against her chest, she pants wildly as she steps on the school’s gate. “Done.” She sighs in relief.

“Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

Max says behind her. Hyemi warily looks at him, still couldn’t forget about the incident.

“W-why?” Hyemi stutters.

“It’s Saturday today.” Max walks past her, wearing civilian attire.

Hyemi’s jaws drop. “What?” She shouts.



“Oh, Hyemi. Didn’t know you were here.” Yunho muses, arranging his files into a folder.

“Why are you guys here?” She plops herself in a seat beside her.

“School work.”

“Finding the culprit. You know, the secret.” Yunho winks at her.

“Oh, that.” Hyemi smiles at him.

Max finds himself clenching his paper, slowly crumpling it.

“This is where you do all your agency stuff?” Hyemi asks, catching Max’s attention.

“She knows?” He snaps his head to face Yunho only to find him nod.

“Why did you tell her this?” Max says, his eyes screaming with fear and anger.

“What’s the big deal?” Yunho waves it off.

Max casually approaches him, whispering into his ear. “If she finds out, they might set out to find her and kill her.”

“I know that. Isn’t better for her to know? She should be aware of it.” Yunho growls.

“What’s the commotion?” Hyemi nervously smiles.

“Am I causing to trouble to you guys?”

“No,” Yunho says, smiling. “We were just discussing.” He lies.

“By the way, Yunho. Can you come with me at my classmate’s party the day after tomorrow? I need some company.” Hyemi informs him.

“Okay. Text me the time and I’ll pick you up at your house.” Yunho smiles before facing his back against her.

Max silently sits at the sidelines, clenching his jaw. Why did I even love her?



Hyemi suddenly falls asleep on her seat; Yunho left due to his mother’s sudden change of her condition and Max was left, finding the whereabouts of the mafias.

“I can’t believe that they’re setting out to find me. I don’t know anything at all.” Max complains, scratching his head. “I want to eat.” He pouts.

He turns his body around, looking for a familiar girl wearing her school uniform. It’s not late to try.

He bends down to her level and coughs. “Hey.” He shakes her head, but didn’t budge.

“No choice.” He sighs.

“Wake up, babe.” He whispers into her ear, deep and husky. After that sudden revelation, Hyemi wakes with a scream. “I can’t believe you did that!” Hyemi smacks his head.

“My poor ears.” Hyemi pouts.

“I can see why hyung likes you.” Max rolls his eyes. “Come with me.” He turns his heels, leaving her. “What?”

Hyemi follows Max, occasionally asking questions as to where they are going only to be answered with a glare and a ‘shut up and walk’.

Hyemi sighs and obediently trails behind him.

They stop in front of a convenience store. Hyemi glances at Max, who was smiling like a child.

What’s with his sudden change? Bipolar? Hyemi thoughts. She glances again and his stiff mask has already imprinted his face. Bipolar it is, Hyemi nods.

“So hungry.” Max opens the cover, steam immediately covers his face and smiles. “Noodles,” he says dreamily.

Hyemi sits beside him, munching on a chocolate bar she loves. She studies him, checking if there are any similarities between him and the little Changmin.

I must be obsessed with little Changmin. Hyemi thought.

Max was sick at that time and who knows? He was just imagining things. He couldn’t possibly be Shim Changmin. Hyemi nods at her sudden realization.

He can dead by now. Why keep it up? He’s just a boy in your dreams. Besides, you like Yunho… Wait. Did I just think of that? Hyemi swallows and drinks her drink.

I mean, he’s close to my ideal guy and the way his eyes become so small when he smiles. So cute. Like Grandpa Gyu of Infinite. Hyemi laughs. Except for Grandpa Gyu, his eyes are really small, even when he doesn’t laugh.

“Can you cut it? You look like a crazy person on drugs with a personality disorder. Changing your face every now and then.”

Hyemi sticks her tongue out and finishes her chocolate bar.


“Hey. Do you know anyone named Shim Changmin?"

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Will do some editing after posting the chapter 3. And that will take a long while. :)


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Chapter 3: Wow!! Jinja!~ This is such a good story! I really like it! This is the last chapter right?!?! Wah!?!? Please update! Kamsam!! I enjoyed reading it!~
Chapter 2: wow! Update!~~ I really can't wait!!
Chapter 1: Wow! This is a really good story your writing! :) I'm going to go read the next one arraso. :3