It's Been A While

We Set Off!! (Probably being taken down or getting a HUGE re-boot)

((Wanted to make a small notation that this story will, for the majority, be in Kevin's perspective but I had to make a minor part in this chapter in AJ's, sorry for the confusion~ ^~^ \ \))


This place was huge! I’m not entirely sure what I was expecting of a New York university, but I didn’t think I’d get lost after only two minutes of trying to navigate the massive campus. Surely enough, here I was, pivoting every which way to try and find where I’d taken the wrong turn. I was beginning to expect that I’d been sent to the wrong building. The other students were definitely giving me looks but who could blame them? Here I was, a blonde-haired, well-dressed young Asian male looking all out of place all the more with my heavy coat and sunglasses despite the cold weather.

The receptionist at the front desk had said that I needed to find Student Services first to ask about where to find everything because she wasn’t sure where I was trying to go to. After going there, I’d finally been sent on this next wild goose chase because apparently one of us had bad English…that or I just wasn’t speaking their language.  

Sighing to myself, I figured: what better way to figure out just where I was supposed to go than ask another student. I should have done this from the start. Looking around, I spotted someone who didn’t look like she was running from a fire…or to it and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and blinked beady eyes at me, clearly startled. I help up my hands to show that I meant no harm and to also apologize. People here in America sometimes got offended by these things. She had a sort of guarded look like she thought I’d speak horrible English and she’d have a hard time understanding. Her reaction when the words flowed naturally was certainly amusing.

“Excuse me, can you tell me where I’d find the class meeting for Evolution of Cognition?” I gave her a sweet but nervous smile. The class name I’d given was a whim at best and I knew that, but it was the one I’d heard AJ talk about before. He texted me a lot about that particular one, it seemed like his favorite.

She smiled, still blinking at me like she was trying to figure me out. Then I saw it. Her eyes dipped ever so slightly to take in my full appearance. She eyed the fashion carefully and her smile seemed to change its nature.

“I do know, actually. I can at least get you to the building. I’m headed that way myself and I’d hate for you to get lost around here again though. Why don’t you follow me?” at that her eyes seemed to shine with mischief. Yep, I knew that look, she was hitting on me.

I smiled back at her, but she’d never know it was my typical “fan” smile and nodded politely. “I’d like that. Thank you for being so kind”

She shook her head, tossing her hair over one shoulder. “Oh, it’s not a problem. Are you new here? Staying on campus?”

Idly, I thought to myself just how much AJ should appreciate the trouble I’d found myself in, though he'd probably laugh. She was definitely flirting. “I commute to campus, but yeah, I’m new. My name is Kevin by the way, and you are?”

The girl introduced herself as Meagan and started to lead me off as we continued idle conversation politely. In the end I learned way more than I ever really cared to know about her while trading off very guarded, twisted information about myself. After she left, I breathed a small sigh of relief and continued my search.  I knew today was indeed a Friday though and my chances of finding him were slim…


AJ’s Point of View: 

            I stretched, yawned and gathered my things together as I prepared to hand in my last final of the semester. The professor smiled at me and wished me luck in the future and I waved to a classmate before I was out the door. I casually began to make my way down the corridor of the psychology department building, feeling generally much more relieved. I could finally relax. The semester was officially over for me.

            Not really focusing on much, I began to make my way towards the Starbucks located in our lobby by the main doors. I was minding my own business in line when one of the girls from my other course trailed behind me, talking animatedly with one of her friends as they waited about some boy she met. Rolling my eyes, I began to think, great this is what I want to hear while being stuck in this line. All I wanted was some coffee to wake me up and then I’d be gone. Now I had to hear about her life because she was speaking incredibly loud. This girl, I remembered her from a few lectures back, was a very…sociable…character who seemed to go after any male with a pulse. I was not interested in having to hear who she’s ensnared around her little finger. Just when I’d made my decision to plug in my headphones to drown her out, something stopped me. A part of her conversation registered in my brain.

            “-Yeah, he was so nice. The boy looked Japanese or something, I don’t know, he was Asian okay? Whatever ethnicity he was though, he was hot. Not just good-looking but full-on, movie star hot. He didn’t say much about his job or where he was from but that didn’t matter. I loved hearing him talk. His voice was soft and seriously way too high-pitched for a boy but it was so pretty-

            I tuned out again. It was funny though, the boy that she’d met sounded incredibly similar to Kevin. That thought kind of amused me a little but I really didn’t care who she’d met.

            “-the best part, oh my God- he sings, not professionally or anything but god did I mention he was pretty? Yeah pretty. Like it should be criminal for a guy to be pretty. Oh! I remember now! He’s actually Korean, but you couldn’t tell his English was flawless.”

            That caught my attention. I was probably half staring at this point as I eavesdropped and let this girl go on and on with her story. I’m not sure what else I expected to hear but I was more than a little perplexed, the similarities were becoming uncanny. Finally it all came together as her friend asked the one question I realized I too wanted to know myself.

            “Did you even get his name?”

            “Sure did. He said it was Kevin. I like that name it’s—“

            Rather impolitely of me, I interrupted her ramblings. “Excuse me but I think you may have met a friend of mine…”

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Chapter 1: Nice little intro chapter you've got going on here. :) It gives us a perfect look into the two primary characters and just enough of a scene to establish that they both know each other's in the area. I laughed at Kevin's thought about bad English or speaking a foreign language essentially, and then the Meagan part was fascinating.

Nice touch of detail with the "fan smile" comment. Sometimes I think it's a super power for people to be able to tell that easily when someone is flirting with them. Seriously! Not that she wasn't dropping mad hints, I'm presuming, but still. haha At least he found someone who was able to give him some sort of competent assistance.

And AJ's POV was intriguing in its own respect. I wouldn't have liked being stuck in line with someone like that either. Loud gossips are potentially entertaining or just incredibly irritating. She sounds like more of the latter. Ironic how they both ended up in the same space though. heh Rude his actions might be, but I certainly snorted in amusement when AJ butted into the conversation. I'm just curious how she's going to react. She doesn't come off as someone who would be all too happy about it. *shrug*

It'll be entertaining to see where this goes from here though. ^_^
This sounds interesting. Please update the first chapter soon!