
Be Mine


Yongguk knew that his love was unwanted, that it was onside. But as much as it hurt, he couldn't help but craved for the younger boy's love, for his attention, for his heart. He wanted to protect the younger boy, to shield him from all harm and keep him safe. And his heart throbbed painfully every time he saw the boy being beat down, being insulted, being hurt, physically and emotionally. He tried to help, tried to protect the younger, but he couldn't do much, since the one who hurt him was also the one the man loved. 

Jung Daehyun fell for a bastard, and his love was too blind to let him see through the fake and thick facade his boyfriend put up to fool him. 


Every time the younger went to him, bruises on his face and all over his body, all beaten up and broken, Yongguk wanted nothing more than to keep him forever in his house and away from this awful world. Daehyun would hug him very tight at that moment, but he never cry. He never did cry. Jung Daehyun was stubborn, but he wasn't strong. Even though he didn't show any tears to the world, Yongguk knew inside, his heart was bleeding in pain. It hurt him every time how little he could do to protect the younger boy. And at that moment, he hugged Daehyun a little tighter, to let him know that Yongguk was here, that he would try his best to protect him no matter what. 

Today was one of those days. 

Yongguk was in his room, concentrated on writing lyrics, when the bell broke through the silent, snapped him from what he was doing. With his concentration gone, Yongguk couldn't find away to go back to the momentum he had writing the lyrics, and obligated to stand up and go get the door. He almost stomped toward the entrance, irritated and ready to release his anger at any poor human being on the other side of the wooden door, when his emotion came to a halt. Irritation in his eyes was gone, and it was replaced with something softer, and more painful. 

Yongguk immediately pulled the boy opposite him into a tight hug. He patted the younger head, and the boy snuggled closer to him, trying to comfort himself with all the warmth he could find on Yongguk. His shoulders trembled, and Yongguk squeezed the younger tighter, soothing him. 

"It's okay Daehyun. I'm here. I'm here." He whispered to the boy's ears. He had seen Daehyun in this stage so many times, too many times. But this time, it was especially bad. Daehyun was covered with bruises from head to toes, his lips busted, and a black eye. Yongguk immediately fell anger flared up in him, and he wanted to go find the bastard of a boyfriend Daehyun was dating and beat the out of him. But he couldn't. At least, not right now. He wouldn't leave Daehyun alone. 

He held the younger boy for another minute before the boy pulled away from him. Yongguk expected a little grin from Daehyun, saying that he was okay, like he always did. 

What he didn't expect was a drop of tear rolling down Daehyun's cheek. 

Yongguk really panicked. He had never seen Daehyun cried. He was too stubborn to let anyone see the very weak and vulnerable side of him. But this time, something had happened, and it broke the facade Daehyun had built up for himself. The tear escaped the brim of his eye and rolled down his puffy cheek, and soon, more tears followed. Every single one of them was like a stab to Yongguk's heart. He was stun for a moment, didn't know how to react, before he pulled Daehyun back into his embrace, rubbing Daehyun's back in comfort. Yongguk felt his shirt getting wet with tears, and nothing hurt him more than seeing the younger so beaten and broken. Yongguk had failed once again to protect the boy he loved. 

"Daehyun. How about you stay for a night?" He offered, hoping the boy would agree. 

And Daehyun did.

Yongguk let the younger chose whatever movie he wanted to watch, while he went to prepare them a late night snack. Said snack, but it was more like a full course meal. Yongguk knew perfectly well what Daehyun liked. Meats, lots of meats, and cake. He made sure he cooks extra bulgogi. Yongguk always had some cheese cake in his fridge to be sure every times Daehyun comes, he would have something to nibble on. It was small but warmth, because it showed how much Yongguk loved Daehyun, how much he cared for him. He brought everything out and set in on the table, making sure that he wasn't blocking Daehyun's view. He was watching Frozen, absorb and concentrate on the movie. Yongguk smiled softly. The younger had watch in with his best friend Jongup for the nth times, but he still loved it. When Yongguk knew that, he had immediately bought the DVD so the younger could watch whenever he wants. 

Daehyun had taken a bath and now fresh and cleaned up. His eyes were still red and puffy from the crying, and the bruises were still evidently on his body, but other than that, he looked okay. 

At least, on the outside. 

Yongguk sighed. He wanted to know what happened, to comfort Daehyun, but he knew he shouldn't. Daehyun was prideful and stubborn, and coming to him every time he was sad, or cried in front of him, was already too much for him. He didn't want to push it. 

"Kimchi stew and bulgogi! I'm starving." Daehyun exclaimed, immediately grabbed his bowl. He stuffed his face with food, didn't even mind about table manner. Yongguk didn't mind. He loved this side of the boy. 

They went to bed after the movie was finished. After all, Daehyun came around 8:45, and Yongguk had work tomorrow. 

Because Yongguk was a single man, he lived in a one room apartment. They would have to share the same bed, but they did so many times. It wasn't anything sensual. It was comforting, and Daehyun felt protected. He quickly felt asleep in Yongguk's arms, forgetting the pain and the bruises on his body. Yongguk kissed his forehead. 

How he wished they could stay like this forever, him and Daehyun, to together. 

Yongguk knew Daehyun had no romantic feeling toward him. They meet on campus in college. Daehyun was a Freshman and Yongguk was already a Junior. Daehyun was having a hard time finding the way to his class, and it didn't help that his best friend worked at his part time in the morning. Yongguk first impression on Daehyun was that he was tiny little thing. Sure Daehyun wasn't that small, but since Yongguk was taller than most Koreans he knew, the younger wasn't all tall and mighty. The boy was fumbling with his phone, trying to search for a way to his class. Yongguk had helped the flustered Freshman, and they automatically became friend. Their friendship started out a little awkward, but eventually, they warmed up with each other and grew closer. Daehyun didn't think of him more than just a friend, or maybe a brother. It was the same to Yongguk at first, but as time went by, he found himself getting more and more attracted to the younger. 

Yongguk wasn't anything against gay. He was bi, and quite comfortable about expressing his uality. He wasn't afraid of people judging him. Albeit his parent still preferred him to date a girl, they didn't disapprove of his boyfriends. His twin and older sister was very open-mind, and they supported him. Yongguk was glad. He knew, even with his I-Don't-Give-A- attitude, he still wouldn't be able to deal with it if his family was against him. 

Daehyun was a different case. 

His family hated gay, and had disowned him the moment he opened about his uality. Daehyun didn't seem to be devastated, although he get upset when someone asked about his parent. He moved out immediately, or rather, being kicked out, to Seoul. His older brother gave him some money to support him, but Daehyun denied. He wanted to support himself, without anyone help. So he left, without money, without a place to stay, to the heartless and cold city. 

Yongguk took pride to the fact that he was more mature and independent than most kids his age, but he didn't even come close to Daehyun. He still had his family's support, while Daehyun was alone all to fend himself. The younger was 16 when he reached Seoul. 

He was a high school sophomore. 

He immediately looked for a job, using his young and attractive appearance to land himself a place in a coffee shop. That kept something going in so he could feed himself. Finding a house was harder. Daehyun had to live in a very old and shabby apartment in a neighborhood no normal person would want to walk through. He always keep a small knife in his pocket in case somebody try to rob him. If they have a gun? Well it. Daehyun ain't going down without a fight. 

He had lived like that for more than 2 years until he received a full scholarship in Seoul University. Daehyun left his apartment to live in the dorm. The place was much better than he could ever get, and he wasn't going to deny. 

Through college was where Daehyun met Yongguk. 

And also where he met his boyfriend. 

Minsoo was tall and charming, and Daehyun was immediately attracted to him. He was a Senior, student council president and top 10 student of the university. He was the first to approach Daehyun, and the moment he flashed his dazzling smile to the younger, Daehyun thought he would melt. 

They got to know each other and started dating halfway into the school year. 

Daehyun thought he couldn't be happier. He had a best friend, Jongup, who would do anything to make him smile. He had a friend, Yongguk, who was also like an older brother. And he had the most charming and romantic boyfriend. For the first time in a long time, Daehyun felt accepted and loved. 

Daehyun moved in to live with his boyfriend. At first, everything was perfect. 

Things started to went downhill after his boyfriend graduated from college. 

Minsoo, with his business degree, landed a job in samsung. The salary was great and the working condition was also great. Minsoo would wake up every morning, finding Daehyun in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He would about how much of a wife he seemed like, to which Daehyun kicked his hamstring and grumbled. They would enjoyed breakfast together and Insoo would goes to work. 

Life would have been perfect if it wasn't that Minsoo started drinking alcohol. At first, it was because of his boss, and he was pretty much obligated to. Daehyun disapproved of alcohol, but he knew in order to keep his job, Minsoo had to obligate to what his boss said. 

Minsk told him that he wouldn't get addicted to alcohol. At first, Daehyun trusted him, but it was getting harder, especially when Minsoo turned violent. He would yelled and threw stuffs around, anger driven by stress and alcohol.

The first time he hit Daehyun was the night on their one year anniversary. He was stressed out and drunk, and couldn't control his action. Minsoo had immediately apologize to Daehyun when he was sober, but Daehyun couldn't forget. 

He couldn't believe that Minsoo would dare to hurt him. 


A/n: I was gonna make this a Oneshot, but it's longer than I expected. I didn't want to keep you guys from waiting, but I'm no where near to finish. Just think of this as a filler chapter. 

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 1: Please update soon! !
Chapter 1: This is amazing update soon :)
Chapter 1: Hey, it's quite amazing. I really love the plot.
Chapter 1: *waits*

It's okay, take your time, i'll be waiting

(while trying to track down that minsoo guy so i can kill him yes)
Looks so amazing. I'm looking forward.