Running Away

My Mr Love Or My Heartbreaker

Kerrie blinked her eyes.

"Wh...What?" She stammered."Run away?"

"Yeah! That's what she said." Clare replied.

"OMG!That's a great idea!" Kerrie said and smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I want to do that with you too! But you know I have to.."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So you got it all ready?" I asked.

"All ready, money, application form for a dorm school in Korea..."

"What?! A dorm school?"

--Kerrie POV--

Wow! Mom sure does know how to devise a great plan for a run away but a dorm school is so out of the question.

"Why a dorm school, Clare?" I asked Clare. '' 'cause your mom wanted it to be it. So can I change reality?" Clare replied.

"Kay. When will I be off?"

"Right today! OR Should I say tonight?"

"Yes! Clare you are so fabulous!"

I flew open my wardrobe, revealing my clothes. "Woah...Woah...Woah... Stop right there, young lady... Run away is not about briging a luggage with you." Clare said.

"Oh yeah...right. So, haversack?"

"Ideal bag for a runaway plan."

"Great! So how much would you be giving me?"

"About a billion korea dollars." Clare told me.

Woah! That sum of money could last me a whole lifetime.

"So, will you be accompaning me?" I asked hopefully.

"No...Dun think so. Dun wanna arouse suspicion with your dad right?"

"Yah! He's not my dad!"

"I see that you're speaking like a Korean!"

"Stop teasing me, kay? I feel so awkward ya know..."

"Yeah, I know..."

"What time is my flight?"

"In two hours... Better get your dad to sleep. Bye!" Clare told me.

I set my alarm to silent mode and set the time to 11.30p.m.

--End of POV--



Sorry for all the mistakes!

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BigBang_Rockzz #1
Please update soon! love ur story very much, seems like i am addicted to it! :)
kiseob304 #2
@xBigBang109 and @yenisvip<br />
Dear frens,<br />
Don't worry, everything will b alright.<br />
If you think a bit more harder you will find out the answer...<br />
Mayb you will.But dun worry, u'll find out in a while, k?<br />
Why don't you like kpop anymore? ):
Aww. Why?
kiseob304 #5
Sowee, it is love it 4eva.<br />
Not live it 4eva!
kiseob304 #6
@lovis89<br />
Is it slap snsd sunny?<br />
Well, hyomin will get her revenge soon enough...
lovis89 #7
yeah slap the girl!!! not hyomin k~
kiseob304 #8
Thks so much for subbing to this fic!<br />
Hope you wil live it 4eva!
Bethx3 #9
I love this. Can't wait for more