
Purpose of Art






Laughter filled the air as you and your five younger siblings ran, dodging trees here and there, to see who could reach the village first. Light seeped through the gaps between leaves that shone the way that you took. You were leading the group and when you ran, each step you took made an impact on the forest floor. Birds flew away as you approached the entrance to the village, chirping.


Stepping foot into the village, the space around you increased, and the light from the sun shined bright in your eyes. You stopped running and looked back, laughing that you beat your younger siblings, and seeing them struggling in the midst of running is amusing. The bond between all six of you was inseparable; there were just so many precious memories you all shared, living in the village that was in the middle of a rainforest.


Memories flashed through in your mind, good and bad memories. The scene of when your family pet cow was slaughtered in front of you and your siblings hung in the air. The scene when your 4th youngest sibling had turned 7 and you and your family celebrated her birthday by giving her newly weaved clothes.  You looked up into the sky as the memories lingered at the back of your mind and the world spun round and round, making you dizzy.


The spinning slowed down and you slowly regained balance. The world came clear to you now. You looked around and all the trees that used to surround the village fell. The village was in ruins, and no one was to be found. Not the villagers, not your parents, or siblings.


Just you - alone - in the once called rainforest. 







I mentioned in the description that this was for english. It was to talk about the purpose of art... and yep :) To convey a message, emotions, idea, communicating, etc. :)

Hope you liked it :) told you it was a short story :)

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