Second Chance

This is a bonus only for the original ending, not the alternate one. For the alternate ending, you've known what is coming next. They got married, had some children, and lived happily ever after. But this is for those who were still not satisfied and wanted more. I hope you enjoy this one.

3 years later...

“Sir, Mr. Park is here to see you.” Choi Ara –His personal assistant told him.

“Thank you for the notice, tell him to wait for 5 minutes. Don’t forget to give him coffee without sugar, he’s got diabetes.” Jongin replied as he was still busy with the papers in front of him. Ara simply nodded and went out from his office. Jongin sighed as he checked his watch. 5.P.M. He did promise Chanyeol to hang out with his friends and now the office’s hour has just finished and he could see some people rushed to go home. Jongin put aside the papers and closed his laptop before he took off his blazer and went out to meet Chanyeol.

“Five pass one! You are late.” Chanyeol faked a frown. Jongin didn’t reply him; instead, he took a sip of his friend’s coffee.

“Oh God! You are not supposed to drink this!” He said as the coffee tasted sweet. Chanyeol could only grin, “It’s only a spoon! Don’t worry, I’ll live long!”

Jongin shook his head several times before saying, “Your choice. Let’s go!” Chanyeol gladly nodded his head and stood up from his seat.

“So, where are we going today?” Jongin asked Chanyeol when they were already in his car.

“Hmmm, we are not just going out for today actually.” Chanyeol spoke and Jongin turned to face him. With furrowed brows, he asked, “What do you mean?”

Chanyeol’s reaction and body language were enough for Jongin to know what he was thinking. “Oh God! Don’t tell me –“

“Yes, I’ll tell you.” Chanyeol giggled.

“I’m not sign for this.” Jongin argued.

“C’mon man! You’ve got to have a life! We have arranged everything for you. Good thing you have friends like us! We’ve packed your things.” Chanyeol grinned even wider and Jongin felt like he wanted to poke his forehead.

“Wait, pack my things?” Jongin was once again surprised.

“Oh yes! I see you are being confused here. Have you forgotten Baekhyun’s hidden skill? He can open locked doors!” Chanyeol grinned mischievously.

“I swear if you grin again, I’ll puke at you.” Jongin said. “Wait, how dare you get to my house without my permission?” Jongin still couldn’t believe it.

“You’re just a guy, we are five guys! How the hell you asked how dare us?” Chanyeol laughed. This was why Jongin was never able to get mad at Chanyeol no matter how many times he had upset him. Chanyeol always could melt the situation. He could always make others happy, whether by his dorky actions, his stupid answers, his ridiculous deed, or sometimes even without doing anything.

“Nice argument but that still doesn’t make your deed correct.” Jongin frowned.

“We know but this is not the time to consider that because if we didn’t do it, I bet you wouldn’t want to come with us.” Chanyeol said.

“Well –What makes you think I’m coming with you by doing that?” Jongin asked.

“Oh you know better you should.” Chanyeol chuckled as he reminisced the moment when Jongin once refused to go with them. He was being dragged by five of them, literally. Then, they hid his key car and key house until he begged and he agreed to go with them. He was forced to leave his own house. That was very embarrassing but none of his friends even cared.

“Alright! How long will we be going?” Jongin surrendered before even trying because as a smart guy, he knew better not to go against his friends for they had determined to spend time with him.

“Two weeks.” Chanyeol answered shortly but made Jongin’s eyes widened.

“What? You must be completely insane! What about my work? What about my café?” Jongin almost shrieked.

“Don’t worry! For your café, I have asked Minseok personally to take care of it when we are away. Your work has also been settled. We’ve made the permission letter, you just need to sign it and hand it to your boss. Simple, isn’t it?” Chanyeol shrugged as if it was that easy.

“I can’t believe I make it until this second to be your friend.” Jongin muttered.

“Oh, you’re going to thank me thousand times in the future, that I can bet on!” Chanyeol laughed his out. He laughed for the rest of their journey to Jongin’s house and whenever Jongin tried to speak, Chanyeol would always stop him by his loud continuous laugh.

“We are here!” Jongin said and that was the only thing that could make Chanyeol stopped laughing. Jongin could see there were four pairs of shoes in front of his house. The brown one was Kyungsoo’s. The black one was Sehun’s. The blue one was Baekhyun’s. The white one was Suho’s.

“Great!” Jongin said sarcastically to himself.

Right when he opened the door, he saw something that made his eyes widened in horror. His house was in great mess! Pizza’s stains were here and there! Some snacks were scattered on the floor.

“What the ?” Jongin almost screamed.

“Don’t worry, we will clean it later!” Kyungsoo showed up from the kitchen. Suho was watching the television. Baekhyun and Sehun were out of sight. He bet though that they would be at the guests’ bedroom.

“What’s with the frown? We’re leaving tomorrow!” Suho asked when he saw Jongin’s unpleasant reaction.

“What? Tomorrow?” Jongin almost got a heart attack.

“Yes, the flight is at two! First, we are going to your office first to hand your boss your letter, then go to the airport.” Suho told him. Jongin really wanted to poke each of his friends’ head.

“Jongin, I want you to realize that you too are human. You need to relax! Overworking yourself is not going to help you to forget her! It will only increase your burden! Jesus Christ! When will you realize this?” Kyungsoo scolded him.

“I know but I still can’t! I want her to be proud of me!” Jongin said.

“She is already proud of you, I’m sure! You are making her sad right now! It’s really not an enjoyable view to see you in this state! You’ve got to take care of yourself too!” Suho also joined.

“I understood! I understood but it’s easier said than done! Well –Let’s just see if this vacation can help me.” Jongin said in low voice.

“Well –I’m positive it can do a little favor because we are going to Hawaii!” Chanyeol said happily.

“You’re such a spoiler!” Suho said.

“Well –Tomorrow is a big day, let’s prepare! Do me a favor, please! Wake Sehun and Baekhyun up coz dinner is ready!” Kyungsoo announced. Chanyeol gladly went upstairs to wake up Sehun and Baekhyun whereas Suho and Jongin sat at the dining table. That day, Kyungsoo served Lasagna –Food that not ordinary people can make.

Baekhyun and Sehun along with Chanyeol went downstairs and took the remaining seats.

“Happy eating!” They cheered in unison as they began eating together. One by one of them finished and washed the dishes themselves.

“Guys, it’s been a long time since we have some deep talks, let’s use this opportunity!” Suho said and all of them agreed almost instantly.

“Let’s start from you first, Sehun. How’s married life?” Suho asked. Even though Sehun was the youngest amongst them, he was the first who got married and that time, he was only 23.

“My wife is getting more talkative after Dahee was born. She is now already 4 years old and I’m telling you, being a father is really a tough responsibility.” Sehun said and the table turned into laughers.

“How about you, Jong?”

“I’m still not over her no matter how hard I’ve been trying.” He sighed and his friends decided not to dig in for they knew already.

“Well, don’t ask me. Soojin still insisted to grab her master degree first. This is the drawback of dating a girl 5 years younger than me.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Okay, now me! Min and I are ready to get married and we plan to have it next year! But sshh, don’t tell anybody, okay?” Chanyeol said enthusiastically while adding his famous wink.

“That’s great!” They all clapped for Chanyeol.

“How about you, Baek?”

“Well –Everything is the same. Of course since I am already married, I’m no longer permitted to go to clubs! Hahaha! But other than that, I’m free like a bird!” Baekhyun laughed.

“Good! Because like Sehun said, having a child is really a tough responsibility! Now that my baby girl is able to talk, she is really talkative! I wonder how though since neither I am talkative nor Hyerin is.” Suho frowned.

“You can be talkative sometimes, hyung.” Sehun reminded him.

“That’s sometimes! But she is most of the time! She is only silent when she is sleeping! Well, one again, now that she has grown up, she is really spoilt! She wants me to feed her even though I’ve paid a baby sitter for that.” Suho grumbled.

“To be married is your choice, hyung.” Kyungsoo laughed. Jongin felt a slight jealousy when he heard all of his friends having the happy love life. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy for them. He was happy, but he did envy them for having such perfect life.

His friends noticed his rather gloomy expression; therefore, they decided to just end their talks for that day. Jongin knew that his friends did that because of him and he really was thankful for having such understanding and caring friends. They squished themselves into the room and Jongin couldn’t help but to complain.

“My God, Sehun, move a little, please. You are suppressing my feet!” Jongin said.

“I can’t! Baekhyun hyung is taking half of the bed and he is snoring!” Sehun said in low voice. Jongin could only sigh as he tried to drift to sleep.

The next morning, his house was full of noises coming from 6 men. They were very busy that morning. They did the last cleaning for the whole house and then checking their belongings for the last time.

“Everyone’s ready?” Jongin asked before locking the gate.

“Hell yeah!” They all answered. In front, two taxis had been waiting for them. The first one was for Sehun, Jongin, and Baekhyun whereas the other one was for Kyungsoo, Suho, and Chanyeol. As planned, they first dropped Jongin to his office to hand his boss the permission letter. His boss didn’t seem to be so happy with his sudden notice but he did understand that Jongin needed time for himself because Jongin was the director who took the least time off.

“Your boss is okay?” Sehun asked. Jongin just shrugged. Baekhyun asked the driver the drive faster for he was afraid they would miss the flight.

“We are an hour and thirty minutes late from our schedule! Now, it’s already eleven, Jesus Christ! Sir, can’t you please drive faster, we’re going to miss the flight if you keep on driving with that speed!” Baekhyun said while glancing worriedly at the speedometer. He was driving like a grandpa!

“Oh sure.” He said and stepped on the gas. Baekhyun was thrown to the seat and Sehun couldn’t help but to laugh loudly. Jongin soon joined Sehun and left Baekhyun totally annoyed.

“That really was not funny.” He said.

“Oh yes it was!” Sehun said.

“Stop! We are near already!” Jongin announced as he could already see the ‘Incheon’ word from the window.

“Great!” Baekhyun said. In just 5 minutes, they had reached their destination. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Suho had been waiting for them and they immediately rushed inside the airport. They sure did not want to miss the flight!

Chanyeol quickly scanned the board in front of him and breathed in relief as they hadn’t missed it. He led them to the waiting room and after waiting for an hour, they were permitted to get into the plan.

“This is going to be a long journey.” Kyungsoo muttered beside Jongin before he rested his head on the younger’s shoulder and continued sleeping. Jongin’s eyes soon felt heavy too and he joined Kyungsoo then.

“This is it guys! Hawaii!” Chanyeol grinned as he stretched his arms. It was a really exhausted journey for all of them. 22 hours in total, that was a quite long time.

“Let’s get to our hotel first. Hey, you book the one near the beach, right?” Suho said and all of them nodded in agreement.

The hotel was not just near from the beach but very near and that was a very luxurious hotel!

“I will be poor after coming home from here.” Kyungsoo said and they laughed. That was a total bull.

“Hey, let’s go to the beach! Don’t waste our time, kay?” Chanyeol suggested and all of them seemed to be very interested. Only Jongin that felt not so excited.

“C’mon, give your eyes a break! I heard there are a lot of hot girls there!” Baekhyun winked and patted Jongin before catching up with the others. Of course, they had changed their clothes!

Jongin decided to just stroll at the beach. Surprisingly, it was not that crowded at that time. Good thing it wasn’t on high season. He then decided to buy a coconut to drink coz he saw a lot of people enjoyed the beautiful sea while taking a sip of their coconuts.

When he was drinking his coconut, he then bumped onto someone.

“Oh My God! I’m sorry!” She said almost immediately.

“It’s –“ Jongin turned speechless as he lifted his gaze to meet eyes with someone that just poured his coconut to his clothes. It was not because she was breathtakingly beautiful, but because she looked exactly like someone he could never get over from.

“I’m not her if that’s what you’re thinking.” She said suddenly making him totally surprised.

“Eh –What did you say?” Jongin stuttered as he uttered the words.

“I’m not her.” She repeated her words.

“Huh?” He grew even more confuse because that was totally like a dream to him.

She heaved a sigh before she explained, “I can read someone’s past. I’m not your girlfriend and I am not the reincarnation of her either. I’m just someone else that happens to look so alike to her.”

“You’re not her?”

“No.” She said and was ready to leave. Jongin quickly held her hand and said, “Do you –Do you have something to do?”

“Not really.” She said and raised her brows, “What?”

“Then I’d like to invite you for a coffee, is that okay?” Jongin asked nervously. It felt like de javu to him.

“Sorry, but I don’t take invitation from strangers.” She said rather coldly.

“I’m Jongin, Kim Jongin. Now that you know my name, we are not strangers, are we?” He turned frustrated.

“That doesn’t make us not strangers by the way. Nice try, but no.” She said stubbornly.

“Wait!” Jongin chased her. “How about as an apology for pouring my drink and staining my shirt?” He tried. She stopped and turned to him, “Since I’m at fault, then I am supposed to say yes?”

Jongin didn’t know why but he felt happy when she said that. They both walked in silence to the nearest coffee shop and took the seat at the corner of the shop. Jongin ordered two cups of coffee as she declined to choose.

“Well –I haven’t known your name. What’s your name?” He tried to break the ice.

“Is name really necessary for you?” She laughed rather sarcastically.

“Quite necessary.” He pretended to be serious.

“Well then. I’m Lee Nara.” She said.

“Do you get her with your parents or maybe your friends or –“

“Not with anyone. I’m just taking a break from work. Are you always this nosey?” She asked frankly. She was really different from the girl he loved. Lee Nara was very straightforward and looked really ignorant.

Jongin laughed a little before he spoke, “Not really, only when it comes to a beautiful girl.”

She shook her head. This time, her expression showed sympathy to him as she said, “Only when it comes to a girl that looks alike to your lover.”

Jongin choked on his coffee as she corrected his words. This girl was really full of surprises.


“I guess I have finished my coffee and you just finished yours, so that means I owe you nothing. Excuse me, I’ve got to go, bye!” She said and stood up, leaving him completely stunned. When he was back to reality, he chased her but she was nowhere already. Someone then patted his shoulder and it turned out to be Kyungsoo.

“Who are you looking for?” He asked.

“Hmm.. No one.” Jongin said in a depress tone. He was not in a mood to talk, so he just left Kyungsoo there and decided to just clear his mind.

It was now finally their last day there and they had checked out from the hotel. Jongin still couldn’t believe he let his chance to get to know her slipped before he even knew it. For ten days, he had searched her and he could never spot her.

“Hey, hyung, you alright?” Sehun nudged him.

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?” He tried to smile but everyone would know that he was faking it.

“If you don’t want to tell us, don’t try to smile. What happened actually?” Suho suddenly butted in.

“Nothing.” Jongin shrugged. His friends could never really succeed to make him spilt his secret. Hence, they would just wait until he was finally ready to tell them.

“You know you can always tell us everything, right?” Kyungsoo patted him and he nodded. For the rest of the journey to home, he just stayed silent though.

At the airport…

“Good bye, guys! It was really fun!” Chanyeol was the first to take the cab home. One by one of his friends had gone from his sight. Jongin was not in the mood to get home quickly, so he decided to grab a coffee first. As he took the seat at his favorite spot –The corner, he saw a figure that he had known for his life time was waiting for a cab. He immediately stood up from his seat and walked approaching her.

Poor him, she already went inside the cab when he finally reached there. When he was frowning and felt depressed, he saw something that caught his eyes, a wallet. He braced himself to open it and surprisingly, it was hers. He immediately stopped the next cab and asked the driver to follow the cab that the girl had taken before.

The cabs finally stopped in front of apartment building. Jongin quickly got off the cab and knocked her cab’s window.

“Looking for this?” He showed her the wallet and her eyes widened immediately.

“Are you a pickpocket now?” She asked in disbelief.

“Easy girl, I’m a good guy. You happened to drop it at the airport. Aren’t I nice enough to return it to you?” He smiled.

“Cut the . What do you want as the trade now?” She asked. It was now his only chance.

“Let’s watch a movie this Saturday.” He grinned and she sighed. But he knew she would say yes. Maybe fate was playing him once again. But maybe, just maybe, he was given another chance for love. He hadn’t known yet, but he believed everything happens for a reason.

How was it guys? I hope you like it ^^

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47 streak #1
Chapter 4: Awww..first of all, I really loved the garden arrangement and his heartfelt confession to her.. that was so heartwarming and sweet... but after their fluffy and sweet moment..ugh...TT TT TT TT...the first ending was so heartbreaking and emotional..I was too stunned and shocked at the consequences..never expected that.. 💔 the double plot twists for the main ending part really made me emotional and happy.. yup.. everything happens for a reason..loved it authornim... but I love the alternative ending more.. don't want to spoil more.. well written everything.. thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing story ❤️
Chapter 4: Omg so sweet jongin you've got there.. i like this.
Hermin #3
Chapter 2: Its soo sad
Halique_ #4
Chapter 4: Awwwww. You got my emotions mixed lalalalalalala
Monisha92 #6
Chapter 3: It was a short & sweet story, I really appreciate that you have come up with an alternative ending. Lov'd it very much.
Chapter 2: It's.. a happy ending yet turned into a tragic one. U broke my heart authornim T^T
It was a great sweet-tragic story tough. Love it ❤
Yoosanghye #8
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: is it bad that i burst out laughing when the car came out of no where, it was just like a happy atmosphere full of flowers and joy and then all of a sudden *boom* dead. Am i the only one? Lol
Chapter 4: Awww I love the bonus even though the oc died but there's someone who look like her. :3