
Sick Day

"Did you just get to the airport?" You said solemnly into the phone with a pout.

"Mm. We just arrived and will be checking in soon." Daesung replied in a less than cheerful voice, "Don't worry, jagiya. It's only for a few days. I'll be back soon."

You were silent for a moment thinking about how badly you wanted him to stay with you, but you knew work always came first, "Of course, I know... I'll just miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He replied, "I'm already missing you."

A small smile escapes your lips and just when you were about to reply, the air tingles your scratchy throat causing you to double-over in a coughing fit.

"Eh? Jagiya!" You hear Daesung's voice through the phone in a panic, "What's wrong?"

You try to recover and barely get a word out, "I'm... fine..."

"Are you sick? Are you okay?"

You shake your head although you know he can't see you, "No, no. I'm fine! I just..." You clear your throat, "just have a bit of a sore throat, that's all."

"Aigu... I told you to blow dry your hair after showering! That is how you get colds, pabo!" He scolds you but there's still the concern in his voice.

"Arrasso, arrasso. I know." You roll your eyes with a sigh, "Well... anyways, can you call me when you get to the hotel in Japan? So I can know you got there safely."

"I will..." He says hesitantly, "Are you sure you'll be okay? What if your cold gets worse? Who will take care of you?"

"I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much. I just need to rest, that's all." You say through a smile but in actuality, your shivering with a cold sweat.

"Arrasso... I'm going to go then, okay?"

'No... stay with me' was on the tip of your tongue, but you managed to hold them back. "Mmkay. I love you."

"I love you too. See you soon."


Your groggy eyes peel open to the view of your bedroom ceiling. The room was dark, the curtains were pulled shut and absolutely no light was shining through. After your call with Daesung this morning before he left for Japan, you immediately tucked yourself into bed, in hopes that you could sweat out your fever. Looking at the darkness of the room, you guessed it was night time already.

Slowly, your aching body pushed yourself up into a sitting position. But suddenly, something falls from your forehead onto your lap. You furrow your brows and pick it up, noticing that it was a slightly damp towel that you have no recollection of putting on you. You took a while to piece together what had happen until you heard noise coming from outside the bedroom.

"No way..." Your dry lips whispered before rushing out of bed and into the hall. Your heart beating abnormally fast as you can't bring yourself to believe that he could actually be here. But as you came into view of the kitchen, tears welled in your eyes at the sight.

"Oh! What are you doing up, jagi! You should be resting..." Daesung looks at you full of concern with your pink apron wrapped around his waist.

"D-Dae-Daesungie..." You whimper but failing to hold back your tears as they roll down your cheeks. "Daesung-ah...!"

You lunge yourself towards him, nearly toppling both of you over as you wrap your arms around his waist and take in his familiar scent and warmth. He was really there. You weren't dreaming.

"Jagiya... _______-ah," Daesung brings his hand to caress your cheek, "What's wrong? Do you hurt somewhere? Tell me..."

You shake your head against his chest, tightening your hold around him as you calm your sobs, "I thought you left for Japan..."

He chuckles while patting your head, "Thanks to you, Jiyong hyung scolded me big time."

You lift your head and look at him with furrowed brows, "For what?"

"For 'forgetting' my passport." He says with a smile as he wipes the tears stains from your cheeks, "I can't leave the country without it. So I'll have to take the first flight tomorrow morning."

"Aye... Why did you do that for..." You pouted, but really inside you were glowing and giddy with happiness. You knew he didn't forget his passport, because you had given it to him before he left and saw him place it in his bag.

"Remember? I said I'll be with you whenever you're sick. So here I am."

You briefly remember him saying that to you when you two first started going out. You had come down with a small cold and he surprised you with a bowl of soup and a few DVDs to watch.

Speechless and touched by keeping such a simple promise, you smiled brightly up at him and pushed yourself up on your tippy-toes for a kiss, but stopping yourself half-way.

"Oh," You frowned, "I can't kiss you... I don't want to get you sick." But before you could pull away, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you up and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.

"Ah! Daesung!" You protest while your cheeks were flaming.

"I'm as strong as an ox! I won't get sick." He grins at you before leading you to the dining table, "Speaking of sick, are you hungry? I made some porridge!"


"Ahhh~! So good!" You let out a satisfied sigh and rub your stomach, "That was delicious! Thank you."

"Of course." He proudly smiles and wipes your mouth with a napkin, "Come on, let's get you to bed." You protest and whine but none of it works as he leads you to the bedroom.

"But I want to spend time with you. You're leaving tomorrow..." You pout as he tucks you into bed.

"I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere." He smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear before feeling your forehead, "Looks like your fever has gone down... You rest, I'll go clean the dishes."

As he pulls away, you quickly grab onto his hand, "No, forget the dishes. Lay in bed with me."


"Please..." You ask softly, tugging on his hand. But he doesn't make you wait long as he finally crawls into the spot next to you, under the covers and positioning you in his arms.

"I can never say no to you, you know that don't you?" He says softly before kissing your forehead. You giggle and cuddle against his chest.

"Thank you, Daesung... for taking care of me. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." You draw circles on his chest with your finger. He grabs your hand and raises it to his lips.

"You never cause me any trouble..." He says while rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. The gentle motion drawing you closer and closer to falling asleep. "Now rest... I'll be here."


"AHCHOOO!" Daesung sniffles as he slips on his shoes, his backpack hanging to his side.

"I told you you'd get sick if you kissed me." You teased while crossing your arms. Your fever was gone and you were feeling refreshed as you watched him get ready to leave for the airport the next morning.

"I'm..." He clears his throat. His nose slightly pink, "I'm not sick! I'll be fine." He stands up and turns to you, holding his arms out for a hug, which you gladly run into.

"Have a safe flight..."

"Stay warm." He kisses the top of your head.

"You too." You pull back to look up to him, "If you get sick, I'll have to fly to Japan to take care of you."

His eyes light up at the idea and he gives you a smile, "Oh? Then maybe I'll let this cold get worse."

You lightly hit him on the arm before letting him go. He opens your front door and turns to you with a sad but loving smile, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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autumnlady #1
Chapter 1: Daesung has 'boyfriend material' written all over him. That girl is very lucky to have a boyfriend like him. Anyway, cute story :3
xtavista #2
Chapter 1: so cuteeee^^
yyonchoi #3
Chapter 1: