I want you to know


Is this love at first sight.'? If it is the IM INLOVE.


Im busy now pacing back and fort inside my unit. I need to go to work at 9 am. But when i take a glimps in my wall clock its already 9:15. Shocks were it is.?? I already open all my drawers but my freaking big bike keys i cant find. "huhh no choice im going to ride a cab today." I talk to myself like a crazy. I hurriedly take my bag, put my cellphone on it. I making sure to lock my door before I leave. Im sure my supah h0t boss is very angry now because im late.

"oh my g0ody God this is my very unlucky day." im talking inside the cab like a crazy. Its already 9:30 and here I am in the middle of a very traffic highway.

"mr. Taxi driver is there other way.? You see Im very late now.!"

"Im sorry ma'am but there's an accident in the other way so that there's a traffic today." the taxi driver replied.

"0h my God Im doomed!"

When I saw the building where Im working my feeling lighten up a little. When the cab stop infr0nt of the hotel I hurriedly jump the cab and run to the intrance of the hotel. Im repeating my mantra every time im late.

"i h0pe my boss n0t already here, i h0pe my boss n0t already here" with matching cross finger. Im running fast to the elevator and when I get in I heave a long sighed and catched my breathe. Early exercise.

"oh thanked god!" i push the close button but there's a hand who stop it from closing. And right there and then i saw my boss staring furiously at me.

"0h-0h" I know i did something wrong because im 30 minutes late. His eyes darted on me saying that i did s0mething very bad. He get in the lift with his assistant on his side.

"your late miss Shin. You know what punishment for this." he said in a very cold tone. My knees is shaking and I think it turns to jelly. 0h God what to do?? ME and my STUPIDITY"

Thanks for viewing ^_^v SORRY BEWARE OF CUSSING!! Need it to make the scence more Intense.


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Chapter 2: I think you should've made the chapters a bit longer but other than that it sounds interestingly good so far! :D