Dandyu: EmoShorties

Dandyu: EmoShorties

 "Taeyeonnie! Look, I've got this couple bracelet for us!" Sunny said cheerfully, taking out a pink paper bag. She stops as she sees Taeyeon with her earpiece. "Being emo again?"


Taeyeon, unable to hear anything, raises as eyebrow at Sunny, who now seems sad and is currently pouting. She took a earpiece down so she could hear what her girlfriend is saying, but all she hears is a cute "Hmph" from Sunny, followed by her walking out of the room.


"She really hates you being like that, Taeyeon unnie" Seohyun said, putting down the two's clothes as she enters the room after Sunny walks out. "It's your turn for the laundry tomorrow anyways"


"Thanks for reminding" Taeyeon said and continues listening to her ballads. As she takes out her phone, a message came in.


"Don't be emo, be happy! :D" is written on her screen. It was from no other than her precious girlfriend, Sunny. Taeyeon then decides not to reply and puts her phone beside her pillow, and lies down for a moment.


Sunny, on the other hand is peeking from the door. Disappointed with Taeyeon's reactions to her message, she walks out grumpily and slumps onto the couch. She then decides to send another message just that she wouldn't want to see Taeyeon's reactions again.


"I might become emo too because of you, you know?" Taeyeon stared at her phone screen for a few seconds, before ignoring the text again and continues to listen to her songs.


"Fine" Sunny thought. "Time to put my acting skills in use"


During dinner, Taeyeon had to sit beside Sunny. As Taeyeon enters the dining room, Sunny lowers her head and eats quietly. Taeyeon sits down and does the same, causing the atmosphere in the dining room to become awkward. Even Hyoyeon, who's usually the mood lifter, couldn't do anything this time and had to stay silent knowing the consequences of pissing emo Taeyeon, or Sunny.


Taeyeon, sensing something wrong with the atmosphere, looks up at the members. All of them were eating quietly and there wasn't anything wrong until she looked at Sunny. The midget had her head lowered and is eating silently. But, from what Taeyeon knows, Sunny is always chatty during dinner, regardless of the several warnings from Seohyun not to talk while eating.


Taeyeon nudged Sunny a little, causing Sunny to get startled and look up immediately. She looked at Taeyeon, and Taeyeon mouthed 'Are you alright' to her. She nodded and continued eating like she did previously.


"I'm done" Sunny said and put her dishes away and walks towards the sofa. Taeyeon then quickly follows and sits beside her. She then opened , but no words came out so she decides to keep silent and wait for Sunny to say something instead. 


Sunny said nothing either, and for the next five minutes, the living room is as silent as the graveyard until Hyoyeon joins, after finishing her food. 


"Wow, both of you are staring into an empty tv screen?" Hyoyeon comments, seeing Dandyu sitting beside each other with arms crossed, staring at an empty tv screen. 


None of the shorties said a thing.


None of the shorties even move.


"Fine, ignore me then" Hyoyeon jokes and sits down beside Sunny, the picking up the remote control and switching the tv on. "Hey, Soonkyu, it's T-Ara!" Hyoyeon told Sunny, as the television is now playing T-Ara's songs. Sunny just continued staring into the tv screen, and only God knows what she's thinking. Taeyeon suddenly sits up straight, looking at Sunny suspiciously. 


"What?" Sunny asked, side eyeing Taeyeon.


"Looking at Hyomin again? Fine!" Taeyeon said angrily.


"I-I wasn't!" Sunny stuttered and took the remote control from Hyoyeon, then switching the channel right away.


"I'm kidding!" Taeyeon wrinkles her nose and does her trademark 'Ahjumma laugh'.


"Very funny" Sunny rolls her eyes.


"Hey, stop that" Taeyeon then said. Hyoyeon sensed that something is coming up, she stood up and leaves the room.


"Stop what?"


"Stop your emo-ing"


"Stop yours too"


"I stopped"


"I fooled you, didn't i?"




"Haha! I fooled Kim Taeyeon!" Sunny shouted and laughs, looking at Taeyeon's face.


"Wait, what?"


"I wasn't being emo" Sunny said and laughs like a kid.


"Lee Soonkyu!"


"I was just trying to get you out of being emo. I succeeded for the first time!" Sunny celebrates, jumping while sitting on the sofa.


"Yeah, you did a great job" Taeyeon sarcastically said.


"Of course I did!" Sunny self praised herself and laughs at the sight of something.


"What's so funny, though?"


"Nothing.." Sunny continues laughing.


"Tell me!"


"Y-You didn't zip your pants...."



Hi! Fourth one from my little "Dandyu" series! The ending is kind of random, isn't it? I stayed up until twelve to do this, so I hope you guys like it! Next time then, Ppyong~!

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Chapter 1: Taeng being jealous though XD
eunheelovegg #2
Chapter 1: LOl the ending xD
dandyuhey #3
Chapter 1: Lol the ending xD
Chapter 1: Lol funny ending...so random! :D
DanDyuDream #5
Chapter 1: hahahahaha... funny.. somehow i can relate this with my real life tho... but the ending is different, for me cold war will happen with silent as weapon... hahahaha... but this ending is better than my real life.. hahaha...
Chapter 1: I love your one-shots!
I hope to keep doing more, do not get tired of writing please!
Thank to strive
ejx_sunshiner #7
Chapter 1: Amazing XD i really love your one-shots
jasminelep #8
Chapter 1: wow, you're on a roll with your one-shots LOL