Jongup is


What if Himchan woke up and saw Jongup with dog ears and a tail?

I had an idea to make jongup a puppy so...yeah. My muse decided to come knocking at 2 am 


Himchan opens one eye lazily, slowly lifting a hand to shield himself from the sunlight streaming through the window. He looks over at his bedside table, where his clock reads 6am. He groans inwardly as he rolls over turning his back to the window. He smiles sleepily at the sight in front of him, his boyfriend sleeping peacefully, snoring occasionally. 

Himchan eyes how the covers are barely draped over his lower half, leaving his top half for himchan to stare in awe at. He starts at the curve of the youngers hips, eyes going up to rest on his toned stomach and abs. Loving how his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. 

He takes a few minutes to stare at the youngers full plump lips, watching as his tongue slowly darts out then back in again, reminding himchan of a lizard. 

Himchan loves everything about this boy, the way his eyes shine when he smiles, the way he'll pout with hit signature puppy eyes, making it impossible for himchan to say no. He loves the way his eyebrows furrow when he's concentrating, his tongue poking out a little. He especially loves the dog ears on the sides of his head, smiling slightly when they twitch a little. 

Himchan smiles to himself as he closes his eyes trying to go back to sleep, when a thought pops in his head, and his eyes shoot open sitting up in bed, staring at the boy next to him. DOG EARS? He looks at the younger confused and slowly reaches out his hand, touching the ear slowly and pulling back suddenly when the younger mumbles and turns with his back to himchan. 

Normally himchan would love the view of the others backside, if it weren't for the bushy tail sticking out of the youngers boxers, tip twitching slightly. 

Himchan rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, hard. He slowly removes his hands and opens his eyes, hoping that he was just imagining things. But no, when he opens his eyes the tail is still there, thumping against the bed. 

Himchan decides he dreaming and slowly lays back down on the bed, closing his eyes thinking he's crazy, jongup can't have dog ears and tail. It's all just a dream, he repeats until he finally falls back asleep. 


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