
A Little Fun Never Hurt Nobody

With one quick gulp, Jiyong gladly welcomes the bitter burn of whiskey into his system before slamming the cup down on the glass table.

"More." He grumbled over the loud music of the club. The waiter quickly bows and shuffles out the VIP room just above the dance floor of Club Circle, one of Seoul's hottest night clubs.

"H-hyung... are you sure you want another one...?" Seungri says with a weary smile, clearly worried about the leader. "You've been downing that like crazy..."

"Leave him alone, Seungri-ah." Youngbae says with a sigh before plopping down next to his best friend, "He and __________-ah got into one of their stupid fights again. You know how he gets when he's heartbroken even though they'll make up within the night."

Youngbae rests his hand on Jiyong's shoulder who continues to stare off into space, wishing the alcohol would take him out of his misery sooner. But no luck.

"Shut up, Youngbae." He growled and shrugs away Youngbae's hand, "You don't know what happened. It's over."

The others exchange skeptical glances at each other, but none wanting to make the dragon angry, especially in the mood he was in.

"So you're saying the relationship with 'the love of your life', the girl you would never shut up about, is over?" Youngbae, the only brave soul, spoke up, voicing his disbelief, "Just like that?"

The waiter comes back and places a new glass of whiskey on the table before retreating from the tension in the room. Jiyong quietly picks it up, eyes glazed over while observing the color of the deadly drink and answers before downing it in one go.



"THAT'S IT!" Your best friend, Haelin, cries out while standing up. "No more of this nonsense!"

You look up at her, with puffed teary eyes and a red nose from crying, "W-W-What? No more of what?"

She gestures to you sprawled on the ground, hair and face a mess, in nothing but sweats and tissues scattered all over the place. "THIS! This is not the _________ I know and I'm not letting you and Jiyong be such ing idiots!"

You watch in utter shock as Haelin pulls out her phone to make a call, "Yah, oppa... why is it so noisy?.... what?! Is Jiyong there with you?... that idiot... alright. I know. Bye."

"W-What's going on?" You says through struggled breaths, "Where's Jiyong?" You dare to ask, even though the mere mention of his name brings you a mixture of anger and pain.

"________, tonight you are going to listen to me and do whatever I tell you. Arrasso?" Haelin says and places both hands on her hips, a sign that usually meant she was feeling extra bossy. "Tonight, you are NOT going care, think, or talk about Kwon Jiyong."

You stared blankly at her, not sure what your best friend was up to but you nodded, wanting to know what was running through her mind. "Okay, okay. Will you just tell me what's going on?"

A wicked smile formed on her lips before she tossed her phone to the side, "We're going out."


"HYUNG!" Seungri barges into the VIP room noisily and almost out of breath. His eyes wide and filled with worry. "Jiyong hyung, quickly!"

Jiyong sighs and slams his glass down in frustration, "For god's sake maknae, if you tell me one more time that there's a hot girl down there that would love to meet me or 'make me feel better', I swear I'll--"

"Trust me," Seungri says in a more serious tone, "It is about a girl... but you're going to want to see this." He gestures towards the glass railing that overlooks the dance floor and bar.

Jiyong furrowed his brows at Seungri's strange behavior before pushing himself up from the couch towards the railing after the others who were also curious.

"Oh, ." Jiyong heard someone say under his breath. But before he could identify who said it, his eyes lock onto a familiar figure below, standing beside the bar and looking around nervously.

"Is that ________?!" Daesung exclaimed but it fell on deaf ears as Jiyong immediately bolted out of the room leaving the others, unable to stop him from the show that was about to happen.

Jiyong's heart was hammering against his chest as a mixture of pure anger and worry filled him. He reached the bottom of the steps in a frenzy and immediately dove into the crowd, shoving people out of his way towards the bar.

'What the is she doing here?!' He was practically screaming in his head. His blood boiling more and more as he saw all the men that were standing around you checking you out. He was so driven by madness that he didn't even care about the others he was past to get to you.

None of it mattered, especially once he saw someone approaching you, all he could see was red.


You bit the bottom of your lip to keep your nerves down as you scanned the crowd for Haelin. The club was a lot more crowded and rowdier than you thought it'd be as you kept getting pushed against the bar and jostled around.

"Dammit Haelin..." You mutter to yourself as you pull down the back of your red skin tight dress that kept riding up exposing your bum, "Where the hell are you...?! What do you mean by 'sit tight and look pretty'?!"

You soon gave up on your attempt to find your friend and turned back to the bar with a sigh. You still had no idea why Haelin had brought you here. She should've known by know that this just wasn't your scene. You were never the "clubby/party" sorta girl and yet she went all out in 'dolling' you up tonight. She did your make-up, hair, and even let you borrow one of her favorite dresses (which right now, wasn't your favorite). And after all that, she dragged you all the way over here and abandoned you on the side... for what?

You glanced side-to-side as you leaned over the bar, observing the sweaty drunk people around you. You your lips and realize how thirsty you were. 'I guess I might as well get a drink since I'm here...'

"Excuse me--" But your voice caught in your throat when two arms suddenly appeared on both sides, trapping you against the bar and someone firmly pressed against your back.

"Don't ing move." Your heart went haywire at the mix of surprise, relief, and thrill upon realizing who it was. That smooth but distinct voice, his smell, the way your body molded against his was all too familiar.

"J-Jiyong..." You stuttered as you tried to calm your heart. You wanted to still be upset or mad at him, but you just felt so relieved that it was him.

"What do you think you're doing?" You hear him growl next to your ear. His breath sending shivers down your spine, "And dressed like that?"

You gulped as you feel him suddenly get even closer to you, increasing your own body heat, "Why? You don't like it?"

He was silent for a while, but you didn't dare to turn around to look at him. You could just feel his anger and rage seething from behind you, plus you didn't know what would looking at him do to you.

"I never said that." He finally says with a hint of amusement in his voice, "But every bastard in this damn club is checking you out and enjoying the view."

Curious, you were about to turn around to take a look for yourself if what he said was true, but he took another step closer, cornering you against the bar.

"Don't even think about it." He hissed but his demanding tone was starting to get on your nerves.

"Really, Jiyong? I can't even turn around now? Is this what it's going to be like being with you, you dictating every single aspect of my life?!" You snapped.

"Don't start with this again." He said exasperatedly, "I don't want you here in that dress and have all these guys looking at you like you're a piece of meat with legs."

"Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Is that the only word you know?" Fed up and with all your strength, you push against the bar allowing you to turn so that you're facing him.

His piercing eyes immediately capture you and make your anger falter a little. 'Why does he have to be so goddamn handsome?!'

"Let me go, Jiyong." You demand.

"No way in hell."

"Jiyong oppa?" A sudden high pitched voice appears to the right and an arm hooks onto Jiyong's, "You're Jiyong oppa right? Seungri oppa told me you needed some cheering up tonight." A young, beautiful girl giggled at him before eyeing you curiously.

Your mouth drops at the sight unfolding before you. Your eyes begin to sting along with your heart as you look back at your boyfriend... or maybe ex-boyfriend now. There was clear panic and confusion in his eyes, but the feeling of betrayal made you blind to all reasoning.

You glare and clench your hands into fists, "Well, whether you like it or not, I'm going to find Haelin and continue to enjoy my night here, as you seem to have been enjoying yourself as well. Sorry for interrupting."

"NO! _______-ah, this isn't--" But as Jiyong turned to release the girls grip around his arm, you took the chance to slip away and into the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies. "__________-AH! WAIT." 

You hear him calling out desperately to you, but you ignore it and push yourself past the bodies quicker, wanting to get away. Not wanting him to see the tears from your stupidity forming.

"Hae! Please! Let's go!" You cried into the crowd, but your words were lost in the loudness of the club. You could feel the push and pull of the crowd from behind you as Jiyong continued to come after you, but that only drove you further away from him.

Suddenly, a hand grabs you roughly by the arm and pulls you against what could only be another person's body. You try to pull yourself free but the man's grip is too strong and you could smell the alcohol on his breath as he breathed against your neck.

"LET GO OF ME!" You screeched, kicked, and flailed but it was no use. And soon dread overcame you as you felt his hands wandering up your thigh and too close to your--

In a blink of an eye, the man was pulled away from you and suddenly on his back on the floor. Your wide eyes find Jiyong hovering over him as he grabbed the man by the collar.

"You dare touch her with your filthy hands, you bastard!" Jiyong's eyes were livid and you watch him raise his fist into the air before bringing it down swiftly, contacting hard against the man's jaw.


"HYUNG, STOP!" You hear the familiar voices of the boys, awakening you from the shock of it all, with your hands covering your open mouth.

The boys got to Jiyong quickly and it took all four of them to hold Jiyong back from delivering a second blow to the man who was clearly unconscious now. The crowd dispersed even more as the bouncers of the club began to make their way towards the fight.

", Ji. Go NOW!" Youngbae practically pushes Jiyong in the opposite direction, towards the back door exit. "Get the hell out of here!"

You watched as Jiyong's eye return back as if from a faze and look towards you, who was still clearly in shock. You saw the confusion and conflict in his eyes, but soon he stumbled past the whispering crowd and out the back door of the club.

"Go." You turn to look at Haelin, who you hadn't noticed came to your side, "Hurry, go after him. We'll take care of things here."

You turn to see Seungri and Daesung trying to calm down the angry bouncers while TOP and Youngbae tended to the unconscious man. Haelin rests her hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring squeeze and nod.

On shaky legs, you begin making your way towards the doors you saw Jiyong pass through earlier. It led you through a long hall way until finally you've reached the doors to the emergency staircase.

With one swift push, you open the door to find him sitting on the floor, leaning his back against the wall and resting his red and swollen hand on the first step of the stairs.

He looked up from a daze to surprise at the sight of you, "________, what are you doing here?"

You frown at the stinging in your chest as you slowly walk towards him and seat yourself in front of him, "Why didn't you run further... what if they came after you?"

He was silent for a while before looking down at the ground in front of him, "I wanted to be around... to make sure you got out okay..."

You winced at the pinch in your chest at his words as you look at the state he was in. That was the first time you had seen him get so angry and it was because of you.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly spoke, "That girl... earlier, it's really not what you think. Seungri was just messing around and trying to cheer me up. I didn't... I didn't do anything with her or any--"

"I know. You don't need to explain." You said quietly. You knew well enough that wasn't the case, but you had jumped to conclusions in the heat of the moment and just wanted to blame him for everything wrong.

Another silence came before he spoke.

"Are you... okay?" He glanced at you, "Did that guy...hurt you?"

But before you could even answer him, he started again, "I... just lost it, when I saw him grab you. I can't even describe the torment I felt seeing him touch you like that... Thinking of him hurting you, hearing you scream. Just thinking of it makes me-- augh!" You jump as he winces and clutches his hand. He couldn't even ball his hand into a fist without excruciating pain.

You got on your knees and moved closer to him. Gently, you use both of your hands to cradle his injured one, "...does it hurt...?"

"W-Well..." He trails off, clearly unsure of whether he should answer the question truthfully or not, although it's quite obvious.

As carefully as possible, you raise it up to your lips and give it a small peck before bringing it to your cheek. You closed your eyes and felt his hand against your cheek... how abnormally hot it was... the slight throbbing pain he must have been feeling.

'This... getting angry and hurt on my behalf...' You thought to yourself as you felt tears burning behind your eyelids.

"__________-ah...?" His soft voice sends tremors through your body.

'His hand looks like it hurts a lot...' You bite your bottom lip to control the turmoil of emotions that were bubbling up inside you. 'It makes me want to cry...'

"I'm so sorry... Jiyong-ah. For everything." You feel a tear drop from the corner of your eye. "I love you."

After a few seconds of silence, he moves, slowly. He reaches his other hand to your cheek, holding your face as he leans in, kissing away the falling tears one by one. You close your eyes to savor the feeling of his affection as he then moves to kiss your forehead and the tip of your nose. Your eyes open and when you feel him pull back and are welcomed by an unreadable expression.

"I love you, too."

He says just above a whisper, as if he was out of breath. You see relief spread through his face, from his eyes down to his lips that curve into a smile. But before you could smile back, those lips claim yours.

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Chapter 1: omg!!! squeling hard here!! demmit jiyong! u r so protective,u lucky girl!
authornim,nice story,i like it so much!
Chapter 1: nice!!! love it!!!