The pain that will never fade

Regrets that pains

It's new years eve, and MinJi was seating alone by the balcony of her small apartment.

The pain in her eyes were more than visible, if anyone had bothered to look into them. This pain, would never disappear. MinJi knew that for sure.

flashback: new years eve 8 years ago

'Omma, you promised I could go see the fireworks didn't you?' MinJi asked her mother brightly.

'Yes dear, I did say you could. But please don't wander off in your own again alright.'

'Don't worry omma. I'll be really good this time, I promise!! Plus oppa would be with me~'

'Oh, alright alright' she relented, 'SungMin ah, make sure not to let MinJi out of your sights ok'

'Deh omma, I'll make sure to always be by her side no matter how crowded it gets at the park' SungMin smiled and ruffled MinJi's hair. 'Lets go now, twerp'

'Yayyyyyyyy' MinJi hurried off to pull on her shoes with her oppa chuckling softly behind her.

'Bye omma!!!' MinJi screamed as soon as she was ready. 'See you later!'

'Bye darling, remember not to wander off alright'

The two siblings walked hand in hand to the park just a dive minutes distance from their house, and found a bench to settle on to await the fireworks. But somehow, whilst waiting SungMin managed to fall asleep and little MinJi had wandered off to look at the ducks on the pond. The next thing she knew, MinJi has slipped and fell into the pond with a loud splash awakening SungMin.

Seeing that MinJi had disappeared and remembering the splash he had just heard, SungMin immediately dove into the freezing pond water and whisked little MinJi out. However the worse was yet to be over. Having immediately asked the gathering crowd to call an ambulance, SungMin pressed MinJi's shivering body as closed to himself as he could, trying to warm her up.

When the ambulance arrived, and MinJi was brought to the hospital, SungMin had refused to receive treatment until he saw that MinJi was cared for well as he felt that it was his fault MinJi was in this predicament as he had fell asleep. By the time SungMin had gotten treatment, it was because he had fainted due to hypothermia. Doctors had tried their best to save him, but the cold had already began to eat up his fingers, freezing it so bad that nothing could work.

It was this tragic incident, that had caused SungMin his hands, and left him a handicap for life.

-end of flashback-

Large beads of tears were unconsciously rolling down MinJi's face. She blamed herself for her brother's lost of his hands, even if he did not blame her, and still loved her the same. But the pain and guilt, would not be something to ever leave MinJi's heart, especially so every new years eve.

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ohyeahyeahyeah #1
aw, this is nice!
@poutygirl and @whiteheart<br />
I've updated!! Hope you like my story!! :)
update soon^^