For That Heart

"I like you!!"


"No, I like you!"


"Accept me, I love you!"


"Don't accept her, I love you too!"


"Shut the hell up, shorty!"


"Tippany is gonna accept me, and you shut up too, 2nd shortest!"


"Tippany my ! It's Tiffany, and she likes me!"


"Ppany, who do you choose?"




"Eyy! How many times have you rejected both of us?"


"Sorry, I have a girlfriend?" 


"So what? I love you, Ppany!"


"G-Gotta go, bye!"


"Hey, Fany!"


"Ppany..." Sunny cutely slumps down the chair and pouts. "She doesn't like me!"


"No one would like you, shorty" Taeyeon teases and sits down, opposite her.


"You're short too!" She whines.


"Taller than you by 2cm"


"I'm gonna find Ppany!" Sunny said and runs off, followed by Taeyeon.



"Not giving up yet?" The two short girls were stopped as a hand stretches out to block their path. Sunny stops and Taeyeon bumps into her, causing both to fall down together. "Who are you?" They asked in unison.


"I'm your Tiffany's girlfriend, Yuri. She never told you?" Yuri said and squats down, face to face with the two shorties. 


"She did" Taeyeon replies. 


"So, give up. She's not single anymore. She complains to me everyday"


"I don't want to!" Sunny protests and stands up, patting her skirt.


"And you!" Yuri points to Sunny. "Damn, you're no longer a kid, you're 19 and still Ppany-ing. You disgust me, whatever your name is" 


Sunny sticks out her tongue at her and runs off, with Taeyeon slightly lagging behind.


Sunny then suddenly halts to a stop, causing Taeyeon to bump into her again, difference is that both of them did not fall. "Why are you always following me?" Sunny asked.


"Just in case you found Tiffany and threatens her" Taeyeon answered, as Sunny takes off one of her flats and hit Taeyeon with it. 


"What was that for, Lee Soonkyu?!"


"Stop following me! I wouldn't threaten!" She shouts and puts back her flats. "I don't care, I'm going to!" Taeyeon retorts as she continues to follow the smaller girl.


"Stalker Kim!"



"How much did you get?" Taeyeon asks as she peeks at Sunny's test paper. Having quick reflexes, Sunny moved the paper away from Taeyeon's sight. "Who are you to look at my paper?"


"I'm your partner in crime! To win Fany's heart!" She said as she reaches out for Sunny's paper. 


"My , we're rivals, battling for her heart!" She said and hits Taeyeon's hands off her paper. "That hurts, shorty!" Taeyeon said as she pats her own hand.


"Good that you k--know~ Hah! 10/25!" Sunny said, peeking at Taeyeon's paper when she's caught off guard.


"Damnit, Lee Soonkyu! Let me see!" She said and snatches her paper over, then returning it with a sour face a few seconds later. Sunny smirks and takes back her paper. "I got 19/25! Kim Taeyeon is an idiot!"


"It's only a- wait" Taeyeon said and flips the paper, adding up the marks. "Teacher counted wrongly!" She said and runs to the teacher, demanding for a mark change. She then returns to her seat proudly after a few minutes.


"20/25, Lee Soonkyu is an idiot!" She laughed.


"Old woman!" Sunny sulked.


"Little kid!" She continues laughing like an old woman.





"Hey! Where are you going, nineteen over twenty-five?"


"Don't follow me, twenty over twenty-five" Sunny said and increases her speed.


"Looking for Fany, right?" Taeyeon asks as she catches up with her.


"Yes, so what, old lady?"


"So, I'm gonna follow you, little kid"


"I'm going to suicide are you suiciding with me?" Sunny said and stops on her tracks. Taeyeon stops too and faces her. "Of course not, if you suicide I'll have Fany all by myself!"


"Jeez, I hate you, twenty over twenty-five" Sunny glares at her and walks off, looking for their crush.


"I can't find Ppany the whole day. I wonder where is she?" Sunny sits down on a chair, after all the finding. "Could she be kidnapped?" Sunny said, turning over to face her shorty partner.


Taeyeon sits up and slaps her back, sending her a glare. "Jesus, how can we even stop you from your childish mind?"


"Ouch! I'm just stating the possibilities, Twenty!" Sunny whines and pats her back with her other hand. "Have you checked the library?"


"I've been following you the whole time, if you did, then I did!" Taeyeon says and drank from her bottle.


"Lets check it out later. She might be in there" Sunny suggests, snatching Taeyeon's bottle to drink from it.


A few minutes later, they went to search for Tiffany in the library. "She's there" Sunny whispered, hiding behind the bookshelf with Taeyeon. "Lets find a way to get her out of here"


"What way? Watch me" Taeyeon said and heads off, with Sunny still behind the bookshelf, looking at her partner. Taeyeon walks towards Tiffany, who's reading a book and grabbed her wrist, taking and putting the book down with her other hand. She could see Tiffany was mouthing "What the hell are you doing" to Taeyeon. 


Taeyeon ignored her and pulled her out of the library, then with Sunny following out.


"What the hell!" Tiffany shouted at her. Taeyeon shivered and looked at her innocently. "I just wanna talk to you" Taeyeon said.


"Talk to me about liking me? Kim Taeyeon, Lee Soonkyu, I have a girlfriend!"


"But I like you" Sunny said out of sudden.


"Listen, both of you" Tiffany exhales and looks at them sympathetically. "You both- don't love me"


"What?" Sunny lifts an eyebrow.


"You two, love each other"


"What?" Taeyeon looks at Sunny.


"I figured that out long time ago. You two love me at first"


"I'm sure i love you!"


"But gradually your feelings disappeared as I rejected you everytime. So, both of you always work together, and tadaa" Tiffany rolls her eyes and walks away, annoyed at the childish behaviour of the two.


"I don't get anything, do you, Twenty?"


"I think I got it, Nineteen"


"Explain to me then"


"It means we actually love each other. Like that time when you had to go to America for a short two weeks stay, I cried so hard" 




"I always feel the most comfortable with you, Soonkyu"


"Me too."


"We became very very close friends."




"And we fell in love with each other"


"I think I finally got it"


"Got it right?"


"So what are we gonna do about it?"


"I don't know"


The two of them stayed still outside the librabry for two minutes before Sunny breaks the silence.


"Taeyeon, I"





"I need to use the toilet" She said and rushes to the toilet, with Taeyeon face-palming herself.


As Sunny returns, Taeyeon immediately grabbed her and hugs her. "I've think of it, let's go into a relationship, Sunny"


"O-Okay?" She said, startled.


"So, do you love me?"


"I-I do love you"


"You don't sound like you do"


Sunny quickly leaned forward and gave the (a little) taller girl a peck on her cheeks. "Now I sound like?"




"So, what do we do now?"


"I don't know"



Doesn't the ending ? Hah... This is my FIRST FIRST FIRST ever fic, so please don't judge me too hard T3T Please do support and comment >w< 


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Chapter 1: So cute >.< I wonder how old are they here.
soshi9ash #2
Chapter 1: Sooooo cute...sunyeon the cutest..
eunheelovegg #3
Chapter 1: it's cute >.< :D
Chapter 1: Ayyyy~~~ This is so cute~~ I love how their conversation is an arguement~~ Please make a sequel!!
Chapter 1: your first story? was very sweet, very pretty (:. But it deserves a sequel!
Thanks for writing sunYeon
WickedSoshi #6
Chapter 1: haha. that was totally cute. the ending was kinda rushed. but nonetheless it was adorable
SunnyHorizon #7
Good Story that you got I really love the idea !!!! Keep on writing FIGHTING !!!!