The whole Day with Him

My Sweet Prince

As Sungjong woke up, He brushed his hair and got water for the Sunflowers in the vase He went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast but He was surprised His brother left pancakes on the table because usually Hoya eats all before leaving for work As Sungjong sat and ate He also remembered it is Saturday He hurried up in eating and called Myungsoo As he was calling Myungsoo woke up because of His call





Myungsoo-ah you just woke up?

Yes Sunjongie what is it?

Can youcome over?? My brother is gone untill tomorrow!!

I would love to! I'll come by maybe 10;00 am okay?

okay Myungie!


As Sungjong  called Myungsoo Myungie Myungsoo was happy he likes Myungie than Myungsoo-ah 

Sungjong took a shower and wore his clothes As he waited for Myungsoo He  cooked popcorn and prepared the movie they are going to watch Sungjong heard a knock from his door he came to the door to open it He saw Myungsoo well dressed He took Myungsoo inside and let him sit on the couch While Sungjong got the popcorn and cola for them to drink and sat on the couch and played a horror film As Sungjong plaed the Movie Myungsoo came closer to Sungjong while eating the popcorn 


As 1 hour passed Sungjong just kept laughing and yawning during the movie while Myungsoo kept shaking while getting frightened as the movie finished  they drank the cola and took a deep breath then Sungjong and Myungsoo chatted about what they like and what they hated and Someone knocked in Sungjong"s Door


Sungjong! open this I'm tired My trip was cancelled>:(


Alright Alright I'm coming!


As Sungjong opened the door Hoya just passed by him and went to the living room He saw Myungsoo and Greeted him


Myungsoo! It's you! nice to see you again!

umm Hi Hoya! I remember you from yesterday!

Hoya! Don't embarrass me in front of Myungie!

Alright then Sungjong 


As Myungsoo and SUngjong were alone they played board gams watches movies and played sports it was already 6:00 pm Sungjong prepared dinner for Hoya And Myungsoo they ate together after eating Hoya wanted to talk with Myungsoo


What is it you want to talk about?

can you stay here for a while just until tomorrow?

okay then 



As Myungsoo told Sungjong there was a big smile on his face they prepared for sleeping ungjong has to sleep with Myungsoo on one bed  As they slept Sungjong watered the Sunflowers then went to sleep


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Chapter 6: Thank u very much ... this is super cute!!! ^.^
Chapter 4: Omg update eonnie <3 <3
Chapter 4: XD why?? ok then..... Update soon