Bad Puppy

Bad Puppy

"No! Either you sleep out here or i sleep out here!"


"no buts i made myself clear enough you shouldnt have done that!"

You and Chanyeol just got back from a party. But Chanyeol also brought back home bloody knuckles...

----couple hours before---

you and chanyeol arrive at your sisters birthday party

"unnie! happy birthday!"

"thanks ___ and Chanyeol for coming hope you have fun!"

"Chanyeol im thirsty im going to go get a juice"

"ah let me go, i saw some weird guys near the juice stand"

"okay i will be right here"

few minutes later you feel someone tap your shoulder

"excuse me ___?"

"ah! Changmin oppa is that you? wahh you look so different haha"

"yea i just got back from a tour"

"i see- AH!"

you suddenly slip causing Changmin to grab your waist and try to pull you back up. The two of you kinda stumble and he turns the two of you around so you are cushioned by his arms against the wall.

Chanyeol sees this and gets the wrong idea


"Chanyeol its not what it looks like, Changmin oppa you can go-"

"What this guy tries to steal you from me and you let him go?????"

"no its that-"

"no im not letting him-"

and with that he punches him and Changmin tumbles to the floor.


"saving you from geting stolen from me!"


another punch goes to Changmin who has already got the breath knocked out of him


he then pauses and pulls him self together and glares at you

you are taken back by how scary he looks but you need to tell him the truth

"he was only trying to help me i fell and he tried to catch me"


"yes i do actually we were friends since grade school"

then the look in Chanyeol's eyes changed from anger back to the soft and bright eyes you remember

"Changmin oppa im so sorry"

"he loves you ____ hes a keeper haha"

"are you okay?"

"im fine, he cares ___ go to him i'll be fine i have Hana"

and as if on cue his girlfriend comes and takes him home

"im sorry unnie we will be leaving now happy birthday again"

"alright have a safe drive"


"look im sorry"

"you didnt even tell him sorry"

you were on the verge of tears and Chanyeol knew that, so he decided to do the one thing you couldn't stand

Chanyeol had this problem where instead of turning into a fierce wolf like the 11 other members in the pack, he also turns into a wolf pup

"im going to sleep, good night Park Chanyeol"

as you walk into the room you dont hear footprints behind you which makes you sigh in relief that you dont have to get mad at him again for following you

you leave the door cracked open and start to change when you suddenly hear the familiar creak of the same door you just closed

"i thought i told you-"

then you all of a sudden heard whining..

'what?' you thought to yourself as you turned around to find an adorable fluffy wolf cub at your feet wagging its tail.

but you know exactly who it is, you know its Chanyeol by the way its big round eyes glow and that big derpy smile of his.

you refused to fall for that same trick so you decided to ignore him

but the more you walked, he followed

"you know just because your adorable and fluffy dosent mean any differently."

you dared not to look at his puppy eyes so you didn't turn around but you heard his whining and wanted to cuddle him so badly

"go away Chanyeol"

you then felt two arms hug you from behind

"im sorry"



"why did you do that?"

"because i love you, and i was scared that someone might steal you from me"

you couldnt be mad at him and just melted in his arms

"i dont forgive you"

"i will apologize to him tomorrow"


he then muzzles into your hair and breathes the fruity leave in conditioner you use 


"i forgive you then, you've been a bad puppy"

"hey its not my fault i cant control what i turn into"

"i like it, and i love you"

"i love you more, your mine"


"nobody can have you, just remember that"


then the two of you share a sweet, loving kiss and cuddled in the bed and watched movies on Netflix and had a sweet and warm night


hello everyone~

3rd one shot! yayy

i love this image of chanyeol better #justsayin

hope you guys enjoyed it

love you guys

bu bye~

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