"Hey, dude, can you pass me a banana? I'm starved," Bambam said as they walked towards the lowlands. "Dude, we've only been out here for like, 6 minutes," Mark replied. "I know, but I'm hungry!"

"Ugh, fine."

Mark threw the banana in Bambam's general direction, too lazy to actually care whether Bambam caught it or not. "Hey, dude, not cool! That would've ended up in the mud if it weren't for my awesome reflexes!" Mark rolled his eyes at his best friend's complaint, shaking his head. "Dude, why you gotta be so whiny? We have a few days' worth of traveling to do, I don't wanna hear you complaining the whole time,"

"Well too bad. I'm gonna be even more whiny now that I know it bugs you."

And he was, even if Mark didn't think he could possibly get any more whiny. The next few hours consisted of:

"I'm bored!"

"My legs hurt!"

"I'm hungry!"

"I want Youngjae!"

"Can we settle down here?"

"It's getting dark, we need to set up camp!"

"I'm—actually, I can't think of anything else to whine about."

In fact, Mark thought, it is getting dark. Bambam's right, we should probably set up camp. "Come on, bud, let's set up camp now. It's getting dark."

"HA! I TOLD you!"

"Yeah, yeah, you told me. Now help me get these hammocks set up."

They set up their hammocks, and Mark sent Bambam out to get firewood. Mark took out their cookable food and divided it up between them. He allowed Bambam a can of beef bouillon, some spam in a can of beef (haha Mark's so tricky), and a banana, while he himself had pasta, chick peas, and an orange. It wasn't much, but the food they were given, though they were told it was three days' worth, was not an adequate amount for how long they were expected to travel. "Either Kahi's stingy, or their village really did get hit hard," Bambam had said. Mark thought there could be truth to both of those statements.

As Mark waited for Bambam to return, he decided to take a look at his surroundings. The trees were very odd, with short, stocky trunks and a wide radius of leaves. The leaves themselves were a beautiful gold color, the kind that made you think of royalty. The bark on the trees was wine red, and the effect was stunning. Many plants littered the ground—anything from ferns to snapdragons. There were mosquitoes everywhere, and their humming created a quiet buzz all throughout the swamp. Small frogs hopped and croaked, and the stream nearby made a subtle trickle sound that was making Mark sleepy. Everything was serene, completely and utterly beautiful—until Bambam came crashing into the clearing. "Hey, dude, I got us some firewood! Now how do you make fire from wood? I forget,"

"Aww, come on, dude, you ruined the peacefulness and all that crap,"

"You're such a woman, Mark,"

"At least I don't spend all my time talking about my boyfriend," Mark retorted.

"Well—yeah, you got me there."

They both began to laugh as Mark demonstrated how to make fire from wood. "Dude, we adventure for a living, how did you forget how to make a fire? Oh yeah, you're Bambam."

"Hey! I resemble that remark!"

They both began to laugh again as they ate their now cooked food—Mark's prank had worked well, Bambam had almost thrown up when he found out that the meat he ate wasn't beef—and now they were both sleepy, so they decided to finish up for the night. 

"Night, dude,"

"Night, Bambam,"


Mark rose with the sun the next morning, and as he ate his breakfast, he noted groggily that it was very extremely early to be up. When the sun was completely up over the horizon, he decided to wake Bambam. 

"Dude, get up. We gotta get to the frog thing today."

 "Youngjae, baby, I know that's not the only thing you wanted to do today," Bambam replied in his half asleep state.

"God, you guys are disgusting."

"Oh! It's you...only you." Bambam said with an exaggerated sigh.

"Come on. Our journey awaits."

My God I'm so sorry, this is so rushed. I promise it will get better, seriously! I'm so confused because I'm working on a oneshot (it's called Pearls Fly, please read it I'm so desperate) and I just watched this movie called Twixt and now I want to write something related to that, so my brain is just so scrambled. Again, so sorry! Please forgive me!

Mikey out!

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Again, not edited! I'm just too lazy to be bothered with it. Ignore and forgive mistakes, please!


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Chapter 1: So good :)
Update soon <3 <3
Can't wait <3