Feeling Forbidden

Feeling Forbidden
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"Jessica!" A slim and beautiful girl with long brown hair and stunning brown eyes called out upon entering the large apartment she shared with the special person, whose name had just left her lips.



No answer.



"Hmm, she should have been home by now." Sooyoung murmured under her breath.


It really was rather unusual for Sooyoung to arrive from school in an empty apartment. Jessica was older than her and already had a part time job, not to mention college. However, she always managed to get home before the brunette, who tented to get a bit worried and often overreacted when it came to her brown haired girlfriend. Jessica thought it was cute though.



"Oh well." She shrugged. That meant she could do whatever she wanted until the brunette arrived. 'Not that I can’t do whatever I want when she’s around, mind you' she mentally corrected herself. It’s not like she whipped… right?' Of course not.'



She hurried to get inside after taking her shoes and jacket off.



'Hmm. What to do? What to do?' she chanted in her head. Upon passing across the living room she noticed Jessica’s laptop on the small tea table. It was on.


Feeling a bit forbidden today, the girl went into the room and kneeled at the table, facing the small screen. Jessica usually never let her use her personal laptop and so Sooyoung’s curiosity got the better of her.


She grinned devilishly at the thought of looking through her girlfriend’s personal files, if anything, just to get some revenge for all the teasing she had to endure since they first met.



She placed her fingers on the small sensor pad and focused on the screen. There were a lot of folders scattered around the desktop but what caught her attention was a folder named ‘Sooyoung’. This, of course, tickled the latter’s curiosity even more and she slowly dragged the cursor over the small icon and opened it.


The window that appeared next surprised her in a good way. There were mostly pictures of… her. At this Sooyoung smiled and her heart fluttered happily. Pictures of her reading… Pictures of her cooking, something which she liked doing despite her girlfriend’s initial surprise… Pictures of her sleeping…



"That ert." Sooyoung muttered and her cheeks reddened, although she kept the small smile. It was actually kind of flattering. It clearly showed that the brunette cared for her a lot.


She shook her head and continued browsing through the folder. Yep, mostly pictures of herself, and the occasional image of both of them kissing. There even were a couple of sketches… who looked very good.


"I didn’t know she can draw so well." The latter marveled with appreciation. There seemed to be some things about her girlfriend which she didn’t even know.



Just as she was about to close the window and turn off the laptop out of sudden guilt, her eyes involuntarily focused their attention on a text file near the end of the folder.


It was called… ‘Guide on bedding Choi Sooyoung’


"What?" she gasped. Jessica had never told her about something like this.



Guilt forgotten, the latter looked around and perked her ears, making sure she was completely alone in the apartment. Then she turned to the screen and opened the file. On top of the text sheet, which appeared after, with huge blue letters it was written ‘Seven Steps On How To Successfully Court Choi Sooyoung’



The latter rolled her eyes and puffed slightly. "Yeah, right. She hasn’t courted me. I’m with her

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I'll update tonight! ^^


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Chapter 1: Oh my goodness. LOL
Chapter 1: Hahaha. Oh, Sooyoung..
Chapter 1: Oooh hoo hoo hoo! *grins

Nice work author! :-)
ctfd_sooyoungster #4
Chapter 1: hahahagaha
Chapter 1: Lol........ Ü
Chapter 1: please share more
4evaSYSY #7
Chapter 1: wow... that was hot..... c-could u.... c-continue what je-jessica is going to do with sooyoungie? XD
Chapter 1: I THINK THIS IS REALLY CUTE!!! hahaha
Chapter 1: Ive been stalking you for a while...Hahaha love your story its cute and hot