A&C Entertainment Roleplay


In the late summer of 2012, someone had a dream. To make the biggest and best entertainment, to become number one and be loved by all in the entertainment business. It was tough, seemed impossible, but the two people did it. Ashley and Changmin, two best friends created A&C Entertainment, with many new people coming every day. Having a passion to sing, Changmin is the head teacher of singing. Though, he mainly helps the teachers and students from time to time without actually holding any classes. Loving to be in control, Ashley became the Ceo, especially since it was her idea, her dream in the first place.


Now, they invite you. A scouter saw you and thought you were handsome or beautiful and chose you out of the millions of other people. Or maybe you were performing at a park and you happened to catch their eye. Or maybe even you applied to become a part of the entertainment because you had heard about it. Either way, once you join, you never want to leave...


When they met, Changmin had just been rejected from yet another company. Sure he was tall, handsome, a little on the shy side, but he had an amazing voice that he wanted to share with the world. No entertainment seemed right for him and no one would accept him. He had known that he would be seen by someone, and he had been. A girl by the name of Ashley had spoken to him after his heart felt performance and told him of her dreams, and he had readily accepted. He had given up on his dream of being a singer, and decided it would be better to help others with their talents.


That is how A&C was created. Will you join, and continue on with this legend? Will you help it become the biggest entertainment business out there?


Or will you be a chicken and join, only to drop out later due to lack of confidence?


The choice is yours.


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