Your Arms

Your Arms - Yongguk

The cold wind howled and whistled through the cracks of the offices’ window. Placing your hands on either side of your neck you gently leaned from one side to the other as your neck felt sore as you closed your eyes and moved your head in a circular motion.

Coming around the corner, your boss was talking on his phone as you stood up and bowed before he opened his office door and walked inside, taking your seat back in your chair, you slipped off your heels carefully as you feet felt relieved. The door quickly opened as you slipped your feet back into your shoes as you stood up and bowed again.

With his coat over his shoulder and his black shining briefcase in his hand as he turned to you.

"Thank you for all of your hard work today. See you tomorrow." He bowed to you as you thanked him and bowed again as he walked off around the corner.

Saving his schedule on your computer, you gathered your things as you slid your bag onto your arm after putting your coat on. Pulling out your phone, you shut down your computer as you caught up on your messages waiting for the screen to go black.

I’ll be home a little later, we are going to pitch our ideas for new song lyrics today. Wish me luck - Y

Good luck XOXO. 

Sending the sweet message with a smile, you knew that Yongguk, your boyfriend, has been working tirelessly for the past couple weeks. Putting his heart and soul to make the perfect song for their next album, even writing the music to accompany the music he went above and beyond on every project that he had passion for.

Buttoning your coat, you watched the wind whip the trees and blow the passing people along as you slid your hands into your pockets, taking in the warmth of the building before braving the cold.

As your walk continued, the wind began to settle as it blew the clouds that hung around all day to the next town as a clear, star filled sky watched you enter your small apartment.

Slipping off your jacket and your shoes, you entered the warmth and embraced it as you walked to your bedroom to change into something more comfortable. Black tights hugged your legs as a colorful loose tank top acted like a small dress. Walking out of the bedroom, you pulled your hair into a high ponytail as you heard the door open.

Turning your head to look at the new arrival, you saw his strong figure shake off his jacket as he hung it loosely on the hook as he quickly changed his shoes.

"Hey jagiya, how was your da-" You began to ask him as he jetted across the apartment to the only bedroom as he slammed the door silencing you.

His jacket fell from its hook almost in response to the slammed door as you shuffled over and picked it up as his bag was ped with a crumbled papers inside as you took out his sweaty clothes and put them into the washer. Moving back into the kitchen you made a simple meal for the both of you.

Occasionally you would glace over at the closed door as you strained your ears, wanting to hear what was going on in that room. Sighing, you placed some food onto one plate for him as you slowly walked over to the door.

Leaning your ear closer to the door, you didn’t hear anything as your knuckles gently knocked on the door, waiting for a response that never came, you your lips trying to find words.

"Oppa, I have some dinner ready for you if you are hungry, it will just be on the table." You said as you waited for another response but only silence accompanied you.

Shuffling back over to the table, you set his plate down across from yours as you just wanted to see him, to know what happened. Knowing he was under a lot of pressure, you gave him some space as you ate your dinner.

The clinking of your chopsticks on the plates and bowls was the only thing heard throughout your place as the bedroom door opened slowly, then a shuffling of his slippers against the wood floor caught your attention but you fought the urge you stand up and wrap him in a hug.

Standing across the table from you, he picked up his plate and chopsticks as he moved back into the bedroom slowly, your eyes lifted onto his sad, tired figure as you heard the door shut but not click into its frame.

Once finished with your dinner, you looked at the slightly propped open door as you walked over to the sink. Taking care of the leftovers and placing the dirty dishes in the sink, once again you looked over at the door as you decided to see if he was finished with his plate.

Taking a deep breath you walked over to the door as your hand rested on the handle as you pushed open the door slightly. Poking your head through the opening, you saw the finished plate on the desk as you slipped in and took the plate into your hands as Yongguk’s figure hung over his knees with his elbows supporting him as his head hung low, showing his prominent shoulders as they slightly moved. Turning on a bedside lamp, the soft light filled the room and highlighted his muscles as you turned and walked out of the room closing the door all the way.

Yongguk looked over his shoulder as the door closed as he got a glimpse of you. Biting his lip, he stood up and paced the room as his hands fiddled with the loose shirt as he just couldn’t shake what happened those few hours ago.

Slipping the finished plate into the sink of bubbles, you your speakers as you put in one of BAP’s cd’s as you sang along while you washed all of the dishes.

Yongguk opened the door slightly as he looked at you, dancing in place and singing softly as you did your chores. He began to feel a little better but he felt like this place was suffocating him. Taking a chance, he walked out as you heard his slippers against the floor once again. Turning your head over your shoulder you saw Yongguk walking slowly to the front door.

"I’m going to a walk, I’ll be back yeobo." He said softly, almost a mumble as he looked at you as you nodded your head.

Opening the door, he let the cool, calm night air sting his warm skin as he closed the door behind him. Raking in a few deep breaths, the soft breeze rustled through the leaves in the trees as he walked down the steps and sat down as he ran his fingers through his hair as he sat there and thought, letting his mind wonder and make their decision.

Once the cd had finished and the dishes were all cleaned, dried and put back in their places, you looked out the window to see any sign of Yongguk but when you pulled out your phone to text him, you saw his phone on the counter as you just slipped your phone next to his as you grabbed a blanket off of the couch and a jacket for you as you were prepared to wait for him on the steps; or so you thought.

Opening the door, startled by Yongguk sitting on the steps as he was leaning on his elbows that rested on his knees, his fingers gently played with the rings around his fingers as his eyes stared straight ahead. Unfolding the blanket, you carefully draped the blanket over his shoulders as his head perked up at you and followed you as you sat next to him as you slid your hands into your pockets of your zip up hoodie.

His strong hands, grabbed the ends of the blanket and pulled it around him as you looked up at the stars as they twinkled next to the moon. Wanting to say something, anything, you decided to break the ice.

"Beautiful night tonight." You remarked as Yongguk looked over at you as he glared at you

"You’re really talking about the weather at a time like this?" He said as you smiled and nodded.

"It got you to speak, didn’t it?" You glanced over at him as a small smile shined on his face for a few seconds before flying off with the steady breeze. Both of you looked back up to the sky as both of you felt comfortable in each others’ presence.

"I messed up, _______." Yongguk couldn’t hold it in anymore. Turning your head to look at him, you just let him speak as he brought his bottom lip between his teeth. "I wanted to be on the list of composers for the album, I wanted to be somebody that creates beautiful music as well as sing, well more like rap, it. I wanted to show them my talents and expand my horizons, but they just want me to be the rapper. They don’t like it when I write songs and they don’t like me, what if I am not ever going to be good enough?" His head slowly turned to you as you looked at him trying to place the pieces of the puzzle together.

"They didn’t like the song that you wrote for them?" You asked moving closer to him as he shook his head, his insecure side was showing more and more with the passing seconds.

A long silence hung between the two of you as Yongguk’s head gently rested on your shoulder as your arm wrapped around him and rubbed his back and shoulder slowly.

"I wanted to be make you proud of me." He sweetly said as he pulled the blanket tighter around him.

"Yonggie, I am proud of you. Every time I hear your raps, your voice and watch your dancing I am very proud of you. I am very proud of you." Your fingers moved up and played with his hair as your pushed it from his forehead as you planted a kiss on his forehead as your fingers gently played with his hair drawing circles slowly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His wet tears gently ran down his face to your tank top as he tried to keep his breath steady to hide his weak and insecure side from you

"I want to write a song for our wedding." He whispered as you froze. Both of you haven’t talked about this and you were scared of the next, to be honest.

"Y-You would write a song for me, for our wedding?" You asked as you didn’t feel anymore tears roll onto your shirt, you just wanted to make him happy.

"Mhmmmm, it wouldn’t be that hard since there are so many things about you that I love." He played with the hem of your shirt as he wrapped it around his fingers just to let it go. "I would even try and play the accompaniment for you." His voice got soft and loving as your fingers gently brushed the skin on his neck as you rested your head on his.

"Then at lease one person would love my songs." He mumbled as you kissed his head again.

"I will always love you and your songs." Pulling him closer to you, he closed his eyes as you wrapped both arm around him. Sitting there in each others arms, you rocked him slowly back and forth as there was the only place where he felt like he belonged, where he mattered, where he was loved. In your arms.

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 1: This is one of my favorites in your series! I loved this story, they way she walked on egg shells & how he was so quiet & yet rather cold. The way she gave him space, only to find our he needed her more than ever! Instead of saying that, which would've been easier, he had to go about it the hard way! haha, much like a guy ^_^ But I love how he expresses his appreciation for her & his realization of her support. Glad he opened up about his bad day! Truly loved this one! Thank you
Chapter 1: this is a beautiful fic.. i cant find words to describe it but i really loved it~ the way men show their insecure sides to their women.. they are so precious at those times.. love it~
Chapter 1: This was so damn CUTE!
I should find better words to describe this story but my mind is still fuzzy from reading this><
Seriously, I'm loving this too much. I like it when the male can just cry in front of their loved ones.
It's more manly and sweet for me. Gahd and that phrase when you wrote, "Sitting there in each others arms, you rocked him slowly back and forth as there was the only place where he felt like he belonged, where he mattered, where he was loved. In your arms." It got me squealing till the end:P Haha...

Good job author-nim, I really enjoyed this^^
Chapter 1: OH.MY.GOD!! this is so sweet,this kind of scenary is what I lovethe most,when the girl takes the place of the one pampering♥ perfect! ;)
Chapter 1: The last part is reaaal sweet.
Chapter 1: Okay so I always enjoy reading your stories and I actually look forward to reading them through out the day. But today my dear, you made me a very happy fan girl. As soon as I saw YongGuks name I immediately thought "she loves me!!" THANK YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK FOR WRITING ABOUT MY BAIS!!!! *throws you my heart, confetti,love, sparkles, engagement ring and more* lol thanks so much!!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Aww Yongguk. Your songs will always be good. C: Another great story!!! <3
Chapter 1: Awww. Oh Yongguk. ; __; IT'S OKAY YONGGIE, BABY'S ALWAYS LOVE YOU. Aigoo. My heart felt that pang of pain for him. asdkfjaskdlf. Another job well done Author-nim! <3