*~Chapter 2~*

Love Is Blind



Two years have past and everyone in school has been very helpful to me. Since Taeyeon Unnie can’t help me the whole time, there would be teachers or students who would fill in that job for me. Living with Taeyeon Unnie is so much fun, she would make delicious food for me, take me to my room, the bathroom, or anywhere. I felt really loved and cared by everyone around me and I’m really happy for that. Also, Taeyeon Unnie has parents and they treat me very well, like I’m their daughter. I guess that’s because they were really close to my family. Schoolwork has been a little harder for me since I couldn’t see, so sometimes have to take private lessons to catch up on things.

One day, I was just walking to around the school to get to my class, I kinda got the whole school memorized, so I know which way is my class and where the cafeteria and the library is, while I was just minding my own business then POW! I’ve been run into by someone and fell on the ground. I felt like something was on top of me, when that weight was off of me, I got up.

“Yah! You should watch where you’re going,” that stranger said.

“Hey! You were the one who ran into me!” I shouted.

“HEY! Why are you looking over there! I’m right over here, turn around!” he shouted at me. “Oh! So you’re that _______ everyone is talking and caring about.” I felt him smirking at me. “Shouldn’t you be helped by other students or teachers?” He sounded more like teasing me then caring for me. I turned around to face him, but I don’t think that does much help for me.

“I didn’t need any help, I know where to go. And don’t you think you should be apologizing for running into me?” I replied rudely.

He smirked, “Yah, a lot of girls would die if I ran into them, so you should be grateful.”

“MWOH?!” Then I realize that voice was the voice of one of the school’s Kingkas, Kim Jonghyun.


Suddenly, I heard footsteps running toward me, “_______! Are you okay?! I saw you fall on the ground.” Taeyeon said.

“I’m fine, unnie,” I replied to her almost forgetting about Kim Jonghyun.

“I’ll be going then,” and he walked away.

“What happened?” she asked.

“He ran into me then told me to watch where I’m going! That stubborn-dinosaur-jerk!” Since I remembered how he looked like before I was blind. Taeyeon unnie was laughing at the name I called him.


“Come on, let’s go to your class,” and off we went.

In the classroom, I heard everyone talking about that there is a student, who just came back from vacation and he is one of the Kingkas.

“Class, settle down please! We have a student who just came back from vacation, Yang Yoseob,” the teacher introduced him.

 yoseob gif

“Yoseob, you may take a seat next to _______. Can you raise you hand please?” I rose my hand and he took a seat right next to me.


Yoseob’s POV

_________? Where have I heard that name before? I turned to her and introduced myself, “Hi! My name is Yang Yoseob.” I said with a smile. She heard me but didn’t turn to look at me.

“Hi! I’m ________,” she replied back to me with a smile.

After class was done, I was packing up my things into my bag. And _______ was talking to the teacher, since she called her to stay after class.

“How have you been doing during your private classes?” she asked.

“Good, I’ve been getting good grades on every subject,” _______ smiled.

“I know it’s been hard for you ever since the accident, but whenever you need something just tell me, ok?”

“Ok. Annyeongigaesayo,” and she left the class.

Accident? Maybe the car crash? I went to go ask the teacher, “Miss, what kind of accident was _______ in?

“She was in a car accident, two years ago. She lost her parents and she also lost her sight,” she explained. That’s when I remembered she was the _________. The one who lost everything, because of…



ooooohhhhh~~!!!! Cliffhanger right there! ><

Hope you guys like this chapter!

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Bye Bye~! 안녕!~~

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Chapter 5: Lol nigahiga
Still Reading
But loving it already^^
Chapter 25: Ahha, I love it <3 update more please :33
Chapter 24: Hahahahha this is amazing everything was great <3
update very soon
Chapter 24: Hahaha, everything is just so random, at least I have this great feeling that all love relations are going to work out happily ^^
I'm looking forward to Jonghyun's chappie next time !! :)<3
Chapter 23: YAAAAAAH! Waiting -_-"
Chapter 22: omo , it feels so good that Yoseob's father apologized, she's such a saint for forgiving him!
Though..... I wanna see more lovey-dovey drama in the next chappie ^^ Please, I HAVE to know what's going to happen next :)<3
Chapter 22: Finalllyyyyyy you updated am really happyyy :DDD
Chapter 22: Long Time No See! Cutie XD
Short Chapter From what im Use To But It's Ok ^^ Oo~ I hope It's all Clean Air now , and I want to go YoYo's house XD, I Want My Guy Friend Shall i call him >3 Jking it's night here right now ...Nawh XD Hope 2 c more chap soons
Chapter 21: Naww it's Ok! Why do i find you Cute? XDD *Poke*
@SeobieLub thanks so much for understanding *^^*