“Hey,Myungsoo. Wake up.” Woo Hyun hit his face lightly. But what only he got is negative response. “Hoya. Your turn.” Woo Hyun say, scratching at the back of his head. “This kiddo is sure a sleepy head.”

Hoya put down his bass. “Geez.” He sighs while walk approaching Myungsoo. “Watch and learn.” He says, then he lean closer to Myungsoo’s ears and whisper. “Myungsoo, Jiyeon was here”

After a while, Myungsoo’s eyes slightly open.  “…And she’s .” Hoya added.

All of sudden, Myungsoo woke up and asked. “Where is she?” 

Woo Hyun burst into laughter. “Wow, I never know this trick is still useful.”

“Hey! Stop playing around like this anymore.” Myungsoo nudge WooHyun’s, Annoyed. Sungyeol hit head. “What’s wrong with you?” He yelled.

“You are the one who should stop watching . ert.” Sungyeol rolled his eyes. The others giggled.

“I-I’m not.” Myungsoo touch his head, blushed. “Wait a minute, what on earth all of you doing here, and how you come into my room?”

“Ahh..” Woo Hyun scratch his head. “We were sick waiting for you, and you didn’t pick up your phone either. So, we decided to come here. And we found you lying on the kitchen. I thought you already dead. What happened?”

“We used the entrance door, by the way. You didn’t lock it.” Hoya shrugged.

Myungsoo knitted his eyebrows, thinking. Then his eyes grew larger as he looks at the crumpled paper in his grip. “I’m not dreaming.” He mutters. “Where’s she?” His eyes roam over the room.

“Who? IU?” Sungyeol laugh out loud. “Wake up.”

“No. No.” Myungsoo wake from his bed and ran out, leaving his friends with puzzled looks.

“What’s wrong with him? Is he already..” Woo Hyun move his index finger, make an insane hand gesture.

“Tch. You are the one who’s crazy in here.” Sungyeol says, walk out from the room, followed by Hoya.

“She’s not in her room. Not anywhere in this house. Where is she?” Myungsoo mumbled, while messing with his hair. “I’m dead. I’m dead.” He mutters, walking back and forth at the living room.

“Are you okay?” Hoya asked. His eyebrows knitted together. “Who are you looking for?”

“I-I’m..erm..” Myungso stuttered. He doesn’t know how to answer it. Should he tell his friends about that girl? That she’s living with a yakuza? No! They won’t believe it. They might think he’s crazy. He shook his head.

Hyun Woo touch Myungsoo forehead with his back palm. “He’s normal.”

“Of course he’s normal, you stupid.” Sungyeol hit Hyun woo’s head. “You should check your brain first.”

“Ah.” Hyun Woo groan in pain, rub his head. “Stop hitting me.”

“Guys, I think all of you should leave now.” Myungsoo push them towards the door. “I’m not feeling well. Will see you guys tomorrow, okay?” He smiled awkwardly, and closes the door. He lean his back at the door and breathe a sigh of relief. “Phew..”

“He’s weird.” Hoya says.

After he make sure the line is clear, he walk out from the house, and lock the door. “Where should I start first? I don’t know where she’s going.” He sighed. “Why should I worry about her? It will be better if she isn’t here anyway.” He rubs his temple. “I’m going crazy.”

1 hour. 2 hours. 3 hours. Myungsoo wait at the living room. “When she’s back I’m going to kick her . How dare she walk out from this house without informing me? I’m the boss in here.” Suddenly, his stomach rumbled. “Ah.” He hugs himself. “It’s her fault I’m forgotten to take my dinner.”

He dragged his legs to the kitchen, open the fridge but frustrated sigh escaped from his mouth. There’s nothing to eat. After a while, the sound of door cracking diverts his attention from the refrigerator. It’s Eunjung. “Where have you been?”

She just walks passed him and walking up the stairs. Myungsoo bite his lip. “Hello. Am I talking to the wall? Or lamp? Or stairs?” He asked louder. Victory smile draw on his face as he succeed to made Eunjung stop but the smile didn’t last longer as he watch she approaching him with emotionless face.  Myungsoo step backward as she came closer and closer till his back meet with the wall. He can’t move further!

Eunjung’s face is an inch with his. “What do you want?” She asked with her icy voice.

Myungsoo swallowed hard. He shouldn’t playing a fire with her at first place.“W-w-where have you been? Y-you know, I-I-Im just worried.” He flashed an awkward smile. He swears, he can’t breathe at the moment.

“It’s none of your business. I can go whenever I want. You should worry about yourself, kiddo.” She rolled her eyes, as she keeping her distance from him.

He inhaled amount of oxygen before voice out. “Dad leaves you to me, so I have to take care of you since you are my responsibility.”

“No worry. I can take care of myself.” She walk upstairs, heading to her room. But before she enter the room,  she turn over her shoulder. “By the way..”


“Go buy some groceries and fill up the refrigerators. Tomorrow I have to go somewhere, make me some breakfast. The menu is in your jeans’ pocket.” She says, more to order.

“W-w-what? B-But..” He never cooks before in his life.

“Make sure it tastes good. Or I’ll make you as my breakfast for sure.” She ends her words with a sly smirk and slammed the door.

Myungsoo’s jaw drop, she left him speechless. He fish out a note from his pocket. His eyes bulged in surprise. “”


“Hey dude. What happen to your eyes” Hoya laughed as Myungsoo approaching them.

“You look like a panda.” Hyun Woo says as he laid his hand over his shoulder.

 “Shut up.” Myungsoo rolls his eyes. He leans his back at the couch, closing his eyes. The earlier moment flashed in his mind. Eunjung almost stab him with the knife because his dishes taste . Yes, he admit it but what is she thinking when she ordered him an Okayu, Miso Soup, Natto and Tamagoyaki? He’s Korean not Japanese! He can’t even fry the egg without burn it.

Seungyeol who just enter the room, surprised with Myungsoo condition. He exchanges his looks with other members but they just give him a shrugged. He placed his beside him and pats his laps. “Hey friend, what’s up? Got something to share?”

A heavy sigh escaped from Myungsoo lip. He sits straight, looking at his friends one by one. “My dad, he ran again.”

“I thought its normal?” Hoya lifts up his eyebrows.

“Yeah. Well, you didn’t bother about it before.” Hyun Woo added.

“It’s normal if he just went and leaves me nothing. But he left me with a girl. And she makes me crazy. She nearly pulls my soul from my body this morning!.” Myungsoo blurt it out. He can’t keep it alone anymore.

The silence kept for a few seconds till the laughter from the other members broke it out. Myungsoo eyes grew bigger; never expect his statement can burst them into laughter. “What? Do I look like I’m spitting some jokes just now?” He cries out, disbelieved.

“Oh, you are not kidding?” Sungyeol asked, holding his laughter. “I’m sorry.”

“Yeah. She’s a little girl by the way. Why so serious? Or…” Hyun Woo paused, flash out a naughty smirk. “Did she do something to you that take your breath away? I heard you say you are dying just now. Is she too hot to handle?”

“You are such a lucky !” Hoya exclaimed, his pump to Myungsoo shoulder. Bringing the other two let out a voice of jealousy and disappointment.

“What the hell?” Myungsoo rolls his eyes. “Guys.”  He added, to grab their attention. But they are too busy gossiping with each other. He doesn’t have another choice except for shout his lung out. “Stop it!” And he succeeds since all of them turn into silence.

“Good.” He breathes out a heavy sigh before adding some words. “She’s not a kind of girl that playing in all of your nasty head right now. She’s a that will chop off part of your fingers if you disable to complete a task.”

“You are not talking about a Yakuza, didn’t you?” Seungyeol asked, faking a laugh.

“Unfortunately, I’m not.”

“You are kidding me.” Hyun Woo says, disbelieve.

“I don’t have a lot of times for a stupid joke.” Myungsoo said as he walks out from the room.


“Is she in there?” Hoya whispered, holding Hyun Woo arm.

“No worry. Just keep your mouth silent and you will be safe.” Advised Myungsoo before he step into his house.

As they enter the living room, it was a complete silent. No words utters from any one of them. Their eyes scanned every inch of the house, looking for any suspicious human being in the room. After a while, still there is no yakuza-like girl that they are looking for.

“Where is she?” Sungyeol asked, sighing.

“I don’t know. She was here this morning.” Myungsoo shrugged.

“Are you looking for me?” A voice echoed in the room, giving all of them a sudden goose bump.


Myungsoo swallowed hard as his eyes move to the owner of the voice. An image of Eunjung wearing skinny fit black jeans, short sleeve white shirt, hat and sunglasses caught his eyes. ‘Doesn’t she know how to dress up like a girl? I wonder about her gender.’ He thought. But then he get his mind back as Eunjung walk towards him. His friends at his back didn’t make any sound, he wonder if they already dead or not.

“Who are they?” She takes a glimpse at the guys whose hiding on Myungsoo’s back. “Your friend?” She added.

“Y-y-yes.” Myungsoo answered. His face turned white as paper.

 “Pfhhh!” Hoya muffles his laughter. “Is she is the one that u told us?” He point to Eunjung. “U got to be kidding me.” His eyes diverted to Myungsoo back as he burst into laughter.

Eunjung placed her sunglasses on her head, tilting her eyebrows. “What did he told u?”

“He sa-” Before Hoya could finish his word, Myungsoo clamped his mouth shut.  

“I think it’s better if you guys leave now.” Myungsoo says, flashing an awkward smile.

“W-We already done with him. S-so, we should make our move first.” Hyun Woo stated. “Right guys?”

“B-but..” Hoya trying to talk as Hoya drags him along.

“Y-yeah.” Sungyeol respond nervously. They make their quick move to the front door, leaving Myungsoo with Eunjung. She gives him a dead glare, makes sweat forming on Myungsoo’s forehead.

“Wait a minute.” Eunjung voice made them froze on their way. The guys turn their back.

“What’s with the rush? No worry, I don’t bite.” She asks with a friendly tone.

Hoya, Sungyeol and Hyun Woo gawked at the scene in front of them, same with Myungsoo. ‘Am I dreaming?’ He pinched his cheek. ‘It hurt.’

“Why all of you look so white? Am I looking scary?” She doubted, furrowing her eyebrows.

 “N-No-No. You are looking fine.” Sungyeol interjected as he wave his palm.

“So, why don’t all of you sit on the couch? I buy some cakes on my way home, all of you can take some bites before you leave.” She proposed.

“It-It’s okay. They are busy.” Myungsoo insisted, giving them a signal to leave the house.

 “But it won’t hurt to stay for a few minutes, right?” Eunjung flash her sweetest smile.

“Y-yeah. Why not.” Hoya said as he happily placed his on the couch. The other two followed. Myungsoo’s jaw dropped looking at the scene.

“Good.” Her lip curves a smirk. “Kid, lend me some hand. Take the cakes and serve them on plate. And make them some drinks too.” She commands, her voice was too stern to Myungsoo ears as he quickly grabs the cakes and bring it to the kitchen.

Eunjung turn back to the trio. “By the way, I’m Eunjung. Ham Eunjung. I guess he already tell you guys about me.”

“Yeah.” Hyun Woo nods. “He did. But u look differ than we thought.”

“Why? Did he say I’m a fatty crazy girl?” Eunjung guessed.

“No. but worse. He told us you are yakuza.” Hoya says, chuckles.

“He did?” Eunjung paused, looking at the kitchen. “He surely loves to make a joke.”

“Yeah.  Myungsoo is a funny cousin is he?” Sungyeol giggled. “If you are a yakuza, then Hoya is a Yamaguchi-gumi leader.” He added, jokingly.

“Hey. Why me?” Hoya slaps his back, bring the laughter to the others except for Eunjung. Her face darkens.

“Excuse me for a while. I wonder what it took him so long.” Eunjung says as she flash a weak smile and moved to the kitchen.

“Yeah. Sure.”

Myungsoo was on his way to bring the cakes and juices to the living room as Eunjung barged into the kitchen. Her face is full with anger as she stares at him like a hungry lion. Myungsoo take a step backward.

“I hate people who act nice to my face then talk behind my back.” Eunjung paused as she took the knife, and bring it closer to his neck. Myungsoo gasped at her action, he almost drop the food tray as his hand is trembling so hard.

“If I hear you talk about me again, I personally will cut your throat and throw your body in the ocean. Nobody will find u as the sharks are very hungry there.” She threatened.  There is no smile like before plastered on her face. “Understood?”

“Y-yeah.” He gulped. “I-I’m sorry.”

Eunjung take a glass of juice from the tray and drink it in one gulp and put the empty glass back to the tray. Then, she took a full bite of the cake.

“Next time don’t bring visitor into this house again. I don’t like smiling. Too much smile makes me hungry. When I’m hungry, I’m easy to get mad. And when I’m mad it gives me an urge to kill someone.” Eunjung uttered as she took another bite of the cake. Myungsoo watch it with puzzled look. ‘How smiling can lead to killing?’

After a few second, the plate is empty. Myungsoo enjoyed the show in front of him. Never has he watched a girl eating without thinking about the calories and fat that they consume. “Are you done?” He asked.

Eunjung give her a sharp stare. “It’s mine. I can eat how much I want.” She says as she fish out a packet of powder from her pocket, tear it up and fill it into the glasses of juice on the tray.

“What was that? What are you trying to do?” Myungsoo asked.

“Nothing. And you see nothing too.” She uttered the words with poker face.

“They are my friends!” He cries out; bring a death glare from Eunjung.

“Yours, not mine.” She answered nonchalantly. Myungsoo bite his lower lip.

“No worry, it’s not a poison. I’m not that cruel.” She took the tray and walk away.

“Yeah, right.” Myungsoo hissed. He takes a big gulp of the juice and pulls his leg to the other. He looks at Eunjung, she goes well with his friend. Her acting is great, even his stupid friend fall for it.

“Kid!” She called him make him snap back into reality. And she just gave him a new name. Jeez.

“Dude. Your cousin is very nice.” Hyun Woo give him a thumbs up as he take a sip of the juice.

“Y-yeah.” Myungsoo smiles awkwardly.

“Enjoy yourselves. Make sure you finish it all. I’ve to go upstairs.” She announced.

“Ohh.. I thought we can hang out longer.” Hoya pouted. “It’s a waste.”

“Hey!” Sungyeol pat his head. “Don’t you have any shame?”

Eunjung grab Myungsoo shoulder, she lean closer. “Behave.” She whispered. “S-sure.” Myungsoo nods.

“No worry, we still have a lot of time. Please serve your friend very well.” She said as she repeatedly tapping Myungsoo back.. “Do inform me if he's talking bad about me again.” Eunjung added, jokingly warned the guys. Myungsoo gulped

“I will.” Hyun Woo replies excitedly.

“Of course you have to. See ya.”

Myungsoo followed Eunjung till her shadow missing from his sight.  He breathes a sigh of relief. At least she looks normal when his friend were along. Dangerously normal.

“Hey! Why you lied to us about her? Damn u, Kim Myungsoo..” Sungyeol barked.

“What’s wrong with that?” He rolled his eyes. “It’s nice to have a joke. Right?”

 “Just look at her. She’s cool. Look at her outfit.” Hoya says resting his chin on his palm. “Even she’s a real yakuza, I don’t mind marrying her.”

“Yeah. In your dream.” Woo Hyun smirked, taking a bite of the cake. “This is good. She has a great taste.”

“But don’t you think she’s a little scary? Just look at how she smiles.” Sungyeol said, mimicking a scary smile.

“That’s much scarier though!” Woo Hyun throw Sungyeol a pillow, hitting his face.

“It’s an evil smirk.” Myungsoo mumbled.

“What did you say?” Hoya asked.

“Nothing.” Myungsoo let out a heavy sigh. “Just finish your drink and go home.”

“Ayyy..” Sungyeol wrap his arm around Myungsoo’s shoulder. “Look like our Myung is trying to keep the fun alone.” He says with a teasing tone. The other two laughed over his word.

“What the heck?” Myungsoo yelled, pushing Sungyeol away from him. “Stop talking rubbish.” He rolls his eyes. “You don’t know how “fun” she can get.”


Author note : I’m sorry for late update. I’m currently busy with my Final Year Project VIVA. Wish me all the best. I’ll be full time writer after I’m graduating this February.Nickhun will appear in next chapter. :p

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 4: We miss ur story.. Please update soon :(
Ramjung #2
Chapter 4: It's been a long time since you update this story :( hope you will comeback and update it ^^
1133 streak #3
Chapter 4: Wahh Khunjung or myungjung don't care as long as it's one of them... hehe
Mickey01 #4
Chapter 4: OMG, I really love your story <3
myungjung, khunjung and eunjung with boys it was so cute, funny oh i love it. but it's so bad that eunjung grandfather was died. update soon :)
Princess910603 #5
Chapter 4: Wahhh.. update more please
T-araFans #6
Chapter 4: OMG!!! Nichkhun stop!!!!
Nice update ^^
yasminajung #7
Chapter 4: update soon please...
Ramjung #8
Chapter 4: Omg :o i'm so excited hehe ^^ update soon plz
hahmjungie #9
Chapter 4: i like your story.. please, next chapter.. khunjung or myunjung.. I love to both partners. a fun story..
Princess910603 #10
Thanks for the update..