Kingdom of Harem


The vast lands of the empire of Harem screams of power and wealth. It comprises of four states headed by CL of the Northern State, Daesung of the South, Taeyang of the West and Minzy of the Eastern State. The center of the empire is at the middle of the four states. Its strategic location is a disadvantage for those enemies who wanted to gain control of the empire. They cannot get through the heart of the empire without passing through the great guardians of each states.

The palace of Harem is a white palace that sits on top of the mountain. You can see the majestic view of the whole empire where people lives freely and in peace...

Hyunsuk, the great leader of the kingdom, is the king of the land of Harem. He usually goes out and mingles with his people outside the palace though he was heavily guarded by his three generals... Jiyong, Seunghyun and Seungri. He does this stuff to know the needs of his people. They wore regular clothes when they are outside the palace. They are currently at the city market where trades where being held.

" My king, we have to get back to the palace... The heads of the states are waiting for you." Jiyong bowed his head to the king. King hyunsuk nodded and was about to turn around when he caught glimpse of a lady that looks like his wife... The lady wears a dress whose color is very much faded and there are some little holes at her dress' sleeves... But her beauty nevertheless stands out... 

He was about to approach the girl when he was stopped by Seungri...

"Sire, where are you heading to? Its time to go." Seungri told the king. The king is stil staring at the girl with longingness... He continued walking to where the girl is and not minding what Seungri had told him. Jiyong on the other hand looked at where the king is heading to. He saw a girl who's back is facing them... He's about to follow king Hyunsuk when a sudden explosion halted everyones activities. 


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mae_me #1
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next chapter..Hwaiting !
allfordara #2
Chapter 1: interesting story. Waiting for more ^___^