Jimin's Luv Affair

Jimin's Luv Affair

Jimin woke up this morning after five continuous minutes of ringing by his alarm clock only to fall asleep again after sweeping the annoying thing off his nightstand, smashing it on the ground. He turned in his bed and snuggled down beneath the warm covers, hugging his plush toy and smiling in his sleep.

A beeping sound made his snores falter. Still with his eyes closed, he d around at the nightstand, seeking out his phone. He wanted to set it on snooze, thinking it was his alarm but then realized it was an incoming call. He quickly answered it.

“Jimin-ah.” A sweet voice said and Jimin unconsciously placed the phone closer to his ear, wanting to hear the beautiful voice better.

He was smiling like an idiot when he said, “Yes baby?”

“You’re still in bed aren’t you?” The girl said.

Jimin could hear a pout in her voice and he imagined his girlfriend pouting cutely in front of him which made him laugh.

“What’s so funny?” She asked. “Yah, hurry up. I’m waiting for you.”

“I’m already on the way, baby.” Jimin yawned. “I’ll be there any minute.”

“Alright, see you soon Jimin-ah.” She said and then added “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jimin replied before yawning again. “Bye baby.”

“Bye Jimin.” She said before hanging up.

Jimin placed the phone back on his nightstand and pulled the covers up to his head. He’s going on a date with his girlfriend, Ayu, today. He promised her he’ll meet up with her at 9.00 a.m. today at the movie theatre. His sweet, beautiful girlfriend. He just love her to bits.

Jimin couldn’t help but smile as he thought of her. He loved everything about her: her cheeky grin, her cute button nose, her bright eyes, her tousled shoulder length hair, her personality...everything. She’s perfect in his eyes. She’s his angel.

Jimin just couldn’t wait to meet her. 9.00 a.m. Hmm...he wonders what time is it now. It’s still early in the morning right? Right?

He cracked his eyes open, reaching out for his phone. He checked the screen and widened his eyes at the numbers on them: 11.37 a.m.

Jimin sat bolt upright, throwing the covers off of him and swinging his legs off the bed. He stood up and took a step only to tread on the pieces of his alarm clock on the floor. He hopped around on one foot, muttering curses as he made his way to the wardrobe.

Jimin put on a pair of black jeans, a shirt and a leather jacket before rushing to the door. He then remembered he hasn’t cleaned his teeth yet. Ugh, no way is he kissing Ayu with his disgusting mouth. Jimin went to the bathroom and took his toothbrush, grab the tube of toothpaste and squirting a generous amount on it before proceeding to brush his teeth.

The toothpaste tastes funny and he frowned at the tube in his hand before spitting the facial wash out of his mouth. He cleaned his mouth and gargled, wanting the stuff gone. Great, he’s already late enough as it is and everything seemed to slow him down.

After getting the right tube, he brushed his teeth and a sudden thought came to him. He hasn’t showered yet. No wonder something smells off. It was him. Cursing, he took off his clothes, still brushing his teeth, and scrambled in the shower. He turned the knob and water started spraying down on him in a fast spurt. He scrubbed himself with soap at a rapid pace, all the while his toothbrush is still in his mouth. After that, he rinsed his body, cleaned his mouth, dried himself and scuttled into his clothes that he wore before.

Grabbing a comb, he briskly combed and styled his hair before taking a bottle of cologne and spraying a load of the stuff on himself. Satisfied with his look, he snapped on his watch and grabbed his phone before running out of his apartment.

He came back a few seconds later, cussing at his forgetfulness and locked his apartment door, tucking the keys in his pocket.


Jimin arrived at the movie theatre. Late. He searched everywhere for Ayu but she’s not here. He kept looking around, hoping that she hasn’t left but his hopes were left shattered as he sat on a bench, 30 minutes later.

He tried calling her but she wasn’t answering. Jimin was on the verge of tears from the guilt. He left her a bunch of voicemails, apologizing for his lateness. He’s a rubbish boyfriend. What type of gentleman eaves his lady to wait for him for more than three hours?

Jimin pressed his face in his hands, frustrated. Where are you? He said to himself. Ayu, where are you I need you, I’m sorry Baby.

He looked up with his eyes slightly bloodshot and there, right in front of him was his beautiful angel, Ayu. True she might be glaring at him with her arms akimbo but she’s still beautiful to him plus, he’s to relieve to think of anything else.

“Ayu!” He cried out, throwing his arms around her and squeezing her tightly, not wanting to let her go. Ever. “Baby I’m sorry, I woke up late and-...”

Ayu pushed him away. “Do you know how long I’ve waited?! Hours. Hours!” She glared. “I called you but you didn’t show up. I already bought the tickets for the movie and everything but you-...”

Jimin hugged her once more, kissing the top of her head.

“Yah, Jimin!” Ayu protested cutely. “You let me go right now! I won’t forgive you no matter how many times you apologize. You’re a jerk!”

“Baby,” Jimin said looking into her eyes. “I’m sorry. So, so sorry. Please forgive me.” He blinked his eyes adorably at her, showing her his best aegyo. She loves his aegyo.

Ayu resisted. “No!” She said. “No aegyo will work on me. Now, let me go.”

“I will never let you go.” Jimin said tightening his hold on her, practically crushing the girl in his arms. “I love you too much for that. No matter what happens, I will never let you go.”

Ayu pouted. “Fine. But I still won’t forgive you.”

“Really?” Jimin asked kissing her forehead. “How about now?”


Jimin kissed her nose, making him hit him playfully on the chest. “How about now?”

“No, stop it!”

He kissed both of her cheeks. “Now?”

Ayu laughed, trying to disentangle herself from his grip. “No.”

JImin kissed her passionately on the lips. “Now?”

Ayu pushed him away, her face red. “You meanie!”

Jimin grinned. “So that’s a yes?”

“I didn’t say that.”

He pulled her into a hug once more before kissing her again, this time, letting himself linger on her beautiful lips. “I think it’s a yes.” He whispered, looking into her eyes. “Baby, do you forgive me?”

Ayu punched him lightly on the shoulder, blushing lightly and smiling. “Fine.” She murmured.

“YES!” Jimin whooped.

“But only if you buy the movie tickets and treat me to lunch.”

Jimin nodded eagerly. “Yeah, of course. No problem.”

“And,” Ayu added. “Take me shopping.”

Jimin smiled. “Anything for my Baby.”

Ayu beamed. “Then I forgive you.”

Jimin hugged her, kissing her for the third time. “Baby, thank you. I love you so much!”

“I love you too.” Ayu said hugging him back.

“And baby...” Jimin said.


“I left my wallet at home.”



The End.   

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Chapter 1: Oh. That's just typical Jimin. ;D
v-kookiee #2
Chapter 1: lol it's so cute XDD Jiminnie, what's wrong with you ? XDD he's soo cute ;__; YOU BIAS WRECKER. I hate you author-nim *le cries* Jiminnie is now my bias wrecker