Chapter 3

What it's Like

Your tears fell one after another on top of the cotton blanket, the 'pitter patter' sound of every drop filling the small infirmary along with your light sniffles. Your eyes had been glued on Jiyong since the moment he was carried here after catching you from the fall. You got away with a few scraps and bruises, but Jiyong... he was still unconscious and the color of his lips and face were still not returning to normal. His head was lightly wrapped with bandage and a damp cloth was placed on top of his forehead as he lied eerily still underneath the covers of the infirmary bed. The only movement was the steady rise and fall of his chest.

Before leaving the room, the nurse had reassured you that he was fine. That he most likely passed out from the heat and not the fall, but you just couldn't bring yourself to believe it. You could only imagine the worst. And it was all your fault.

What was he even doing there? Why was he outside? Why was here there to catch you? Why did he catch you? All of those questions filled your mind, giving you a headache along with being dehydrated from the endless crying. Feeling dizzy and congested, you laid your forehead on top of your arms that were resting at the edge of the bed, face down as your hair acted as a curtain, hiding your unsightly face.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." You whispered between sobs as your shoulders heaved up and down, shaking. You knew you shouldn't be sitting here, you didn't even have the right to be acting in such a way for him. It should be Hana here, crying like this. But you couldn't bring yourself to leave him, at least not until you saw him awake and moving.

Suddenly, you feel a slight pressure and warmth at the back of your head. A gentle pat and a , causing you to raise your head and your eyes come into contact with brown ones.

"I'm not dead... Stop crying like that." His voice was scratchy as he whispered, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"Oh my god..." More tears seemed to pour out, but out of relief as your whole body felt lighter at seeing his eyes and that smile, "I- I was so worried... You were... You weren't waking up. I had no idea what to do-"

"Shhh..." He closed his eyes with a wince before slowly pushing himself up, the towel flopping down into his lap as soon as he came upright, "You're so noisy. I thought I really was dead for a moment from the way you were wailing."

Without thinking, you lightly slap his arm, the way you usually did whenever he used to teased you. You remember too late as your hand pauses, already just inches away from his arm, both you and Jiyong staring at it as waiting for it to do something.

"S-Sorry..." You stutter, not daring to look him in the eye anymore as you begin to pull your hand away, "I forgot your--" But your words fall short again as his hand suddenly grabs yours, holding it in place and not letting it go anywhere.

You waited for him to speak, to move, to do anything as you two once again sat in silence staring at your joined hands and feeling the warmth you were both emanating along with the vibration of each increasing pulse. Slowly, your eyes moved upwards, following his toned arms, his shoulder and defined collar bone, up his neck, past his pink lips that were in a thin line before finally reaching his piercing eyes that were now locked with yours. The intensity behind his gaze made you gasp a bit in surprise as your nervousness began creeping it's way up your back and tickling at your neck.

"Jiyong..." You murmur, in an attempt to break the awkward silence, blinking the last bit of your tears out of your eye and allowing it to trail down your cheek. Without even a moment of hesitation, Jiyong leaned in, reaching across with his other hand and lightly brushed the tear away with his finger. The touch was so gentle... so warm... so affectionate that it brought a blush to your cheeks and your eyes widened at the contact.

"That's what I should've done... two weeks ago on the roof." He says softly, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he just continued to stare back at you. A look of regret lingering deep within his eyes, "I should've done that when you were crying..."

"Jiyong Oppa!" The infirmary door swings open, revealing a panting and frantic Hana standing by the door. Both your and Jiyong's heads snap towards that direction, still frozen in the position you both were in just seconds before. His fingers still lightly touching your cheek... and his other hand holding your own.

It was like slow motion, watching your sister's eyes move from your face, to his, and then to the contact that was going on between the two of you. It was too late by the time you pulled away, as you saw a flash of confusion cross her face.

"What... happened...?" She asked. You were unsure of what exactly she was referring to, the suspicious position she had found you two in or the accident. But regardless, your mouth started spouting out words in panic.

"I fell, from the ladder while outside helping some friends. Jiyong just happened to be below me when I fell on him." You explained, choosing your words very carefully as your sister's eyes seemed to be digging into you. "He ended up getting hurt. So I felt really bad and wanted to stay until you got here. Just to make sure he was okay. He was just comforting me because I was crying hysterically." You added at the end, can't help but hear how guilty you sounded the moment the words flew out from your mouth.

Hana's lips set into a thin line as she watched you, carefully. As if contemplating on whether to believe you or not. Quite frankly, if you weren't so nervous, you'd be surprised with how your sister was reacting.

"Why does it matter?" Jiyong chimes in, grabbing both you and Hana's attention. "I'm fine. Yuna's fine. There's nothing to be worry about now." He says calmly.

Silence again falls around the room, until finally Hana begins to move, making her way straight past you and sitting herself right at the side of his bed, close enough for her to lean into him if she wanted to.

"You're right..." She says with a concerned look, all her attention and focus was on Jiyong. "I'm so glad you're not seriously hurt... I almost had a heart attack when I heard you were sent to the infirmary."

"I'm fine, Haha-yah. You should worry about your sister, too. She fell from pretty high up." Jiyong said, tiredly as he takes a glance towards you.

Hana turns to face you, with a small smile. But it wasn't one you were used to... something about it gave your shivers.

"I'm glad you're okay too, Yuna." She says with a sigh, "But you should really be more careful, okay? What if you seriously injure someone next time?"

You were stunned, too shocked to speak or react. Hana had never spoken to you that way before, like your mother. With that tone of utter disappointment, shame... and there was something else that you couldn't quite make out.

"Hana." Jiyong says her name firmly, "It wasn't her fault, someon--"

"You must be tired, Yuna. You should go home first and rest. I'll take care of Jiyong now." She cuts him off and says with finality, no warmth or caring in her smile in her words.

Still out of sorts, you simply nod before grabbing your things from off the chair and making your way towards the door. Just before you reached the doorway, something seemed to be pulling you back, preventing you from leaving. When you turned your head to check what it was, you realized it was Jiyong's heavy stare again this time full of concern, weighing you down like  bags of sand tied at your ankles.

But even when you stepped through the doorway and out his sight, the heavy feeling was still there as you started your trek home.

- - -

"Why haven't you dated anyone yet, Yuna?"

You nearly choke on your own saliva at Hana's sudden question as she sat on your bed, drying her brown hair with her towel. You were in the middle of finishing up your homework for the night, but honestly you hadn't been able to concentrate on a single world since you got home. Especially since Hana's attitude had done a complete turn around since the infirmary.

As soon as she got home, she was her cheery usual self, hanging around in your room, asking you to watch TV with her, etc. It was nerve wracking.

"Um... I don't know... I never got the chance to?" You answer, pretending to just be deeply concentrated on the equations lying on the sheet of paper you still haven't touched.

"There's no one that you like? Not in your year?" She asks again, more persistent this time.

"No. Why?"

She's silent, you can hear that the 'swooshing' sound of her towel from rubbing her hair had stopped.

"I was thinking we should go on a double date." She finally speaks, but this time she had appeared right next to you, forcing you to look at her.

"W-What?" You didn't have enough time to mask your discontent with that idea. A whole day spent watching your sister with the person you loved? That was just out of the question. "B-But I don't even have a boyfriend."

"That's okay! I have tons of friends who are dying to meet you actually." She counters excitedly. A wide grin on her lips, "I always tell them how cute my little sister is, so they've been dying to meet you. Please, it'll be fun. And you and Jiyong are friends right? So it wouldn't be awkward."

Your heart jumped at the way she emphasized the word 'friends' as you were getting that ominous feeling from her again. But seeing the desperate and excited smile on your sister's face made you push that thought away, giving your sister the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, you were still trying to get over Jiyong... right?

"...Fine..." You said with a long and deep smile which your sister responded with a satisfied smile. "But you better not ditch me with this random guy, okay?"

After getting what she wanted, she begins making her way out of your room, swinging the towel happily in the air.

"Don't worry, I won't. Trust me, you're going to have fun. And who knows? You may even fall in love."

- - -

"Oppa! Minho!" Hana said while waving her arm back and forth as you two were just entering the amusement park. You had spot Jiyong from a mile away already, dressed in faded jeans and a black t-shirt in contrast to the uniform you always see him in. Standing next to him was a taller guy, lean like Jiyong but instead of relaxed and casual like Jiyong, this guy seemed puffed up with excessive confidence.

"Sorry we're late." Hana says, immediately hooking onto Jiyong's arm which stayed glued to his side as he looked at you. Your quickly divert your eyes away from the still painful sight and try to concentrate on your 'date'.

"It's fine, Ji and I were just chatting about sports." The taller guy, Minho said with a crooked grin.

"Well, Minho this is my little sister Yuna. She's a year below us. Yuna, this is Minho, the second most popular guy in our year." Hana says with somewhat pride, unsure of whether it was pride in you or the fact that she picked you a 'good one'.

"Second? Who's the first?" You couldn't help but ask and immediately say that Minho didn't appreciate that question or the title.

Lazily, a hand goes up belonging to Jiyong who gives you a little joking smile. You simply scoffed and rolled your eyes in response, remembering how cocky he liked being, even if it was a joke.

"Dude, you're such a liar. You don't even compare to me or Seunghyun." Minho says quite bitterly while pushing Jiyong's arm down. You could tell just by one look one Jiyong's face that he didn't like this guy already, although you were starting to see why, it wasn't usual of Jiyong to dislike someone so easily. Maybe they've already known each other for a while?

"Seunghyun? Choi Seunghyun?" You asked with disbelief, hoping to settle the rising tension Minho was creating, "That's hard to believe. He's so quiet all the time."

"Yeah, but the girls love it. They find him mysterious and 'y'." Minho explains with air quotes and a roll of his eyes, making you laugh a little at his immaturity.

"Aww, look at you two. You're already getting along. I knew this was going to be a good idea." Hana clapped her hands together and tugged at Jiyong's arm as if to get his confirmation, but he just simply stared at you two before turning.

"Let's go before the lines get longer." He says abruptly while walking deeper into the park, Hana having trouble keeping up with him.

Realizing that they were quite far away already, you give a nervous glance towards Minho who returns you with a bright one. You did have to admit he was handsome.

"Don't worry, I know it's pretty awkward. We'll take it slow. Cool?" He asks while giving you a nudge with his elbow. Although you weren't quite sure of him at the beginning, that offer alone was able to make you appreciate his presence a little more. Thankful that you at least had him to distract you for the day.

- - -

The whole day went unexpected. Minho was actually decent company who managed to keep you entertained and somewhat distracted from the couple you couldn't take your eyes off of. Unlike what Hana promised, she left you alone with Minho majority of the time, but also never failed to express some sort of affection towards Jiyong every moment you ever looked their way. Whether it be hugging him, clinging onto his arm, giving him a kiss on his cheek when he wasn't paying attention. Witnessing all of that would've been almost unbearable, if it weren't for the other thing that was going unexpectedly, Jiyong's lack of concentration on Hana and his extra-concentration and attention towards you and Minho. But especially you.

Whenever Hana had tried to pull him away to look at something or ride something with her, he'd always lag behind, waiting for you and Minho to catch up and ask if you'd like to join. Whenever the rare moments Minho would make you laugh by saying something stupid, Jiyong would swoop in, wanting to get in on the action and know what was happening. His strange behavior not at all helping you settle your heart and mind, especially when you noticed started noticing that Jiyong's lack of attention towards Hana was causing something to grow within or around Hana. As the day went on, she grew quieter, colder and would barely even whisper a word to you except for "Go with Minho" or "You and Minho".

Finally, the sun was setting and the colorful lights of the amusement were slowly awakening. As you admired the colors of the sky and the air of fun and excitement around you, you couldn't help but secretly take a glance at Jiyong. Watching the colors and lights bouncing of his face, how his eyes danced in excitement from everything around him, the rides, the games, the atmosphere. You knew he always liked places like this and somehow, despite everything you managed to feel at least somewhat grateful for being able to be here with him. Even if there were two other people, even if you weren't with him here. You could at least pretend.

"Let's go on the ferris wheel before we leave!" Hana cheers while pulling Jiyong's arm quite roughly. His feet slightly dragging while he turns to see where you and Minho are, again.

By the time you and Minho reach the front of line where the carts are passing by, you see Hana slip into one of the carts after Jiyong and closing the door shut.

"We'll meet you guys down below! Have fun!" She calls out as the cart begins lifting off the ground, swinging a bit in the wind. As you watch it raise up, you think you see Jiyong looking over the side down below, but it became too far away to tell for sure.

"Come on, let's get in this see-through one." Minho says with a childish excitement that manages to make you smile. He allows you to slip in first before crawling in after you, taking the sit right beside you rather than across. You shift closer to the wall of the cart, trying not to look down through the see-through floor as the view scared you more than you thought. So instead you were forced to look ahead of you, which turned out to be an even worse view, as it gave you the perfect view into Jiyong and Hana's cart.

The higher up your cart got, the easier it was to look into their's and watch them as if watching a movie. Their backs were facing you, but you could almost see their faces so clearly. With Hana's head leaning comfortable on his shoulder, her arm wrapped tightly around his... her eyes must be closed as she breathed in and out his intoxicating scent. He must have been smiling too, enjoying the romantic ride with his beautiful girlfriend getting a great view from a top of the ferris wheel, the setting sun as their backdrop. You watched as Hana slowly lifted her head and turned it slight towards him, hesitantly. You watched move and his head turn at her words, their faces just inches apart. moves again, but this time she leans forward closing the gap between their mouths until...

You tear your eyes away at the last second as you focus back inside the cart. You realized you were gasping for air, from unknowingly holding your breath... and there were tears trailing down your cheeks.

"You really like him, huh?" Minho's voice echoes in the cart, bringing you back to focus on him. You had completely forgotten he was even in here with you. From the comfortable position he was in, you could tell he was watching you for a while now, undoubtedly from beginning to end.

"W-W-What?" You say while trying to wipe off your tears, in a measly attempt to hide them away. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"I think you know exactly what, who, I'm talking about." He says with a strange smirk, a smirk that made your stomach feel uneasy.

Slowly, you watch him inch closer on the bench towards you. The slight tilt of the cart making you grab tightly onto the sides as you press yourself up agains the ways and away from him.

"You know you can't have him." He says while his lips, "What's the point right?" Despite your obvious reaction to his unwanted advances, he still gets closer. This time even placing a hand on your lap and one on your shoulder. You try to swipe them off, but each time you do they just find another place to hold.

"Just forget about him, Yuna. Come to me," He leans. His eyes were dark and unreadable as his hot breath rolls over your face, making your stomach turn, "I'll take good care of you."

"N-No!" You screech while clawing at him with your nails, your only accessible weapon. But he was too strong, too eager to taste your lips. "Stop it, Minho! Stop!"

Just when you felt a dap of wetness on your bottom lip, you hear the loud creak of the iron gate before the cart shook and the heavy air and pressure was yanked away from you, letting you finally breath. When you opened and looked through your blurry eyes, you saw two figures on the ground one straddling the other on the ground and a fist being raised in the air.

"Jiyong!" Hana yells, clearly upset and distraught while watching Jiyong send punch after punch into Minho's face.

On shaky legs, you crawl your way out of the cart and see all the shocked faces of the bystanders around you before your eyes return to Jiyong who was enraged. Without another thought you collapsed forward, wrapping your arms around Jiyong's back and arms.

"Jiyong, stop! Stop it! It's okay! I'm okay!" You yell while closing your eyes and holding him tight. Your tears pouring out from the seams of your eyes, "You can stop!"

You could feel his heavy breathing from underneath your cheek, the sweat seeping through his cotton shirt. Slowly, you felt his arm drop down to his side before you look up to see the back of his head. You couldn't even imagine what sort of expression he had on his face right now. You've never seen him this way before.

You unwrap your stiff arms from around his waist and pull away as Jiyong slowly pushes himself up and steps over a groaning Minho, his back still to you.

"I'm leaving." He says, his voice tired but also full of pain, "Sorry, Hana." He whispers before walking off through the crowd that had gathered around the commotion before disappearing.

You were still on your knees as Minho slowly pushed himself up, spitting blood and saliva onto the ground while touching his face.

" this, . I'm out of here." He curses under his breath, not even bothering to acknowledge either you or Hana as he walked off in the opposite direction.

Your legs had lost all energy and power as the scene replayed in your mind, it had all gone by so quickly you didn't have time to process anything you might had done or said. Slowly, you look up and meet a pair of eyes that were similar to yours. But instead of confusion and guilt that were in yours, they instead had anger and hatred in hers.

She took slow, but careful steps towards you. Her heels clacking against the metal of the platform that echoed in your empty mind. Once she was just a foot away, she kneeled down bringing her to eye level with you and letting you see the true colors of your beloved sister.

For a second, you believe she's not going to say anything but just stare at you, stare at you for as long as it takes for you to disappear into dust. But you were wrong, as what she asks knocks the air right out of you.

"You love Jiyong, don't you?"

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 3: Her sister is evil
Hana_Kwon #2
pinkpinky #3
Chapter 3: Is been a year, I still waiting for your update, aurthor nim plz!!!!
Chapter 3: update soon please it a good story
pinkpinky #5
Chapter 3: Two sis love the same guy... It is hurt to see Yuna and Jiyong suffer . Hope Hana can let go
Baimonnxx #6
Chapter 3: Woahhh great chapter here!! Update soon please
Chapter 3: Wow, her sister is very manipulative, she confirmed what I knew all along she has known the whole time that Yuna likes Jiyong. I am anticipating how this will play out even more. Good update!
Chapter 3: Yuna love jiyong before hana so stop being annoying sister !! i'm going to kick her ....... let jiyong an yuna be happy okay