Chapter 1

What it's Like

Your grip tightened around the handles of the paper bag, decorated with a light blue ribbon and colorful tissue. It's contents seeming a little heavier than you remember it being a few minutes ago.

"This is it..." You took a deep breath while closing your eyes, but it did nothing to calm your nerves. "You got this... it'll be fine..." You give yourself a firm and encouraging nod just as you hear the bell ring, signaling the end of 5th period.

You stand a little straighter as you look around the corner and see students start to come out of the classrooms and filling the hallway. The sight made you frown, wondering if you could really do this in front of so many people... but as soon as he appeared in the hall, you didn't care in the end.

Your eyes always had a habit of finding him. Maybe it was his yellow hair or the flashy accessories he would always wear with his school uniform, but without fail, you were always able to see him and only him.

You bit your bottom lip, a nervous but excited smile threatening to break through. You watched him heading your way, unaware of your presence, his earbuds in both ears as he moved his head to the beat he was listening to.

"Fighting...!" You gave yourself a little cheer as you moved an inch around the corner, your lips beginning to form his name with a smile, "Ji--"

"Jiyong oppa!" A voice that wasn't yours called out, making you freeze completely as your smile faded away. A familiar figure appears out of nowhere and approached him, blocking his way with her back towards you, giving you a clear view of the cutely wrapped box she was holding behind her.

You watch as his eyes acknowledge her, just shy of seeing you at the end of the hall. A friendly smile curves his lips as he pulls an earbud out, "Oh, Hana-sshi, what's up?"

She pulls the gift from behind her back and extends it towards him with the confidence you knew she always had... and that you never did.

"Happy birthday, Jiyong oppa!" She says with a giggle. His eyes widen and his smile grows just a little bit wider, pricking your heart.

"You didn't have to give me anything, Hana-sshi," Jiyong says politely, scratching his head with his free hand, clearly embarrassed.

She reaches over and grabs his arm, forcing the gift into his hand as your eyes locked onto each and every touch they exchanged.

"I already got it for you and I can't return it." She says firmly, "And when are you going to drop the formalities? I already call you 'oppa', why can't you just call me 'Hana'?"

Even though you couldn't see her face, you could clearly imagine the pout she was making. A face that always won over anyone's heart.

With every second of watching, almost everything inside of you was breaking down into pieces. It was like watching a train wreck, it was horrible to watch but you couldn't bring yourself to look away.

He laughs shyly and bows his head, "Well...then, thank you Hana-ah." The way he said her name so casually brought a burning sensation to the back of your throat.

"You're welcome, Jiyong oppa." She says sweetly as you watch her look towards her feet, a nervous tick she always had. Seeing her do that confirmed all of your suspicions... and helped you predict what was going to happen next.

You retreated immediately, hiding yourself around the corner with your back leaning against the wall, tearing your eyes away from what was unfolding right before you.

"Actually... there's something I wanted to ask you... oppa." You could hear her voice so clearly. It echoed through the empty state your mind was in. You tried to gasp for air, but realized you were holding your breath in anticipation.

"I... really like you, Jiyong oppa. I've liked you for a long time and... I was wondering if you'd go out with me?" She continued, shattering the last bit of hope you had left for yourself. Your hands go limp along with the rest of your body, releasing the bag and letting it topple to the ground, useless.

Not wanting to hear another word, you pushed yourself away from the wall and escaped in the other direction, tears streaming down your face, knowing the outcome of her confession all too well.


-- 3 months later --

"I'm leaving!" You called out as your hand reached the door knob.

"Where are you going?" Your mom asks while adjusting the center piece on the dining table, "Aren't you staying for dinner?"

Your grip around the handle tightened, "No, why would I?"

"What do you mean why would you? We have a guest coming over tonight!" Your mom scolded while walking towards you, giving that disapproving look she always had when it came to you. "You know how excited your sister is about us meeting her boyfriend..."

"So? I've met him already. He goes to our school remember?" You reply a little too harshly, creating tension.

"Lee Yuna." Your mom says your name sternly, "Watch your attitude, young lady. This is supposed to be a family gathering and you are staying for dinner. No buts, no excuses. Understood?"

You rolled your eyes at her overused line, as if that was going to stop you from leaving this potential hell-hole. But just as you were planning on leaving anyways, the door swings open revealing the two people you were trying to avoid.

"Oh my god!" Your older sister jumps in surprise and places a hand over her chest, "You scared me! What are you doing lurking by the door?"

"Hana! Honey! You're home already? I thought you two were watching a movie!" Your mom's voice raises into the sweetness that she always showers Hana with. "Dinner isn't even ready yet!"

"The tickets were sold out so we decided to take a walk instead and ended up coming home early!" Hana grins while slipping off her shoes. You watch as her 'guest' behind her gives his proper introductions to your mom. She blushes and fawns over him before scurrying back into the kitchen and leaving the three of you alone.

Hana turns to you and gives you a warm hug, "What are you doing, silly? Go get the house slippers for Jiyong oppa!"

"Hana-ah, you shouldn't order your little sister around. You can just get them for me, right Yuna?" Jiyong half- while shaking his head before looking at you warmly, which only made you feel colder.

"It's fine." You catch a glimpse of Jiyong's frown before you turned away, being the good girl everyone expected of you and fetching the slippers.

"Here." You said and tossed them towards Jiyong's feet, not wanting to look at him any more than necessary. "I'm going now."

"Where are you going?" Hana says in the same tone as mom earlier, "You're not having dinner with us?"

You put on a fake guilty smile, "I made plans with Seunghyun oppa. Sorry."

"Liar." Jiyong's voice suddenly chimed in, not as warm as earlier. You turn to see him eyeing you very carefully, "I just got off the phone with him, he's having dinner with his sister tonight."

You glared at him, wondering when did he care so much to bother pointing out your lie. He never used to do that before.

"Psh, nice try Yuna." Hana scoffs and links arms with you happily, "You're not getting out of this one. C'mon, we haven't hung out in so long! Who is going to eat my carrots if you're gone?" She pouts while dragging you towards the dining table.

You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your smile when it comes to your sister, "Mom will just pick it out for you, like always." She sits you down at the table in your usual chair and takes the seat next to you. She pulls Jiyong's arm and makes him take the seat on the other side of her.

"That's not the same! You've been eating my carrots off my plate for years." Hana smiled while pushing a strand of hair away from your face, a gesture of affection that she always did, but it made you feel even worse inside.

"I'm sure Jiyong would eat them. He loves carrots." Your lips moved on your own, catching you by surprise and making you want to slap yourself across the head.

"I'm surprised you remember that, Yuna." Jiyong says while resting his arms on the table and leaning forward so he can get a better look at you. You gulp as soon as your eyes meet, "Since, you haven't spoken to me in months." He says with a small smile, although his words were bitter.

You shoot him another glare, but it doesn't go unnoticed by Hana this time who looks from you to him then back at you, "What? Really? But you guys were such close friends, weren't you?"

Memories from three months ago flood your mind, making your heart hurt with each beat. "We weren't that close of friends." You deny immediately and notice the slight change and displeasing expression on his face. But Hana doesn't seem to notice being in her own world.

"What did you do to my sister?" Hana suddenly says and wraps her arms protectively around you while glaring playfully at Jiyong.

"Me? What makes you think I did anything?" Jiyong's expression changes back to his usual playful one, with an added look of disbelief.

"Because, my sister comes first before anyone, even my boyfriend." Hana states as if it was written by law somewhere. The word 'MY boyfriend' stabbing your ears. "I'll always have her back. I've told you so many times already how close we are! Don't act so surprised."

At this point, despite her touching claims, you really just wanted to get as far away as possible from both of them. Luckily, your mom enters from the kitchen grabbing all the attention.

"Dinner will be ready soon." Your mom stands by your side and places a hand on your shoulder, "Yuna honey, will you help set up the plates and everything?"

"Sure." You agree immediately, taking this as your chance to get away from the two. You leave towards the kitchen as you hear your mom saying something about waking up your dad from his evening nap.

As soon as you were in the other room, you felt like you could breath again. You squeezed your eyes shut, wanting to block out everything, including all the memories that were triggered just by Jiyong being in your house and now, by your sister's side.

You only opened your eyes once you felt calm enough to handle anything fragile. Slowly, you busied yourself around the kitchen, gathering spoons, chopsticks, bowls, and plates without much thought. You placed everything on the counter as you tip-toed, trying to reach the shelves that were holding your dad's wine glasses, knowing he'd probably like to have a glass of wine with dinner tonight.

Just as your fingers grazed the stem of the glass, a shadow casted over you as you watched a hand reach from behind and grab it with ease. You felt the warmth radiating towards your body from behind and your nose was filled with a familiar scent that could only be described as distinctly Jiyong.

"Let me get that." His voice sent shivers down your body. "We both know how clumsy you get with fragiles." Your face immediately flushed from the closeness, his whole body barely brushing up against your back.

"I got it." You said harshly, mostly because of how flustered you were feeling. You didn't dare to turn around, not knowing what sort of state your face was in.

You watch his hand place the glass gently onto the counter before pulling away. But you could still feel his presence behind you.

"We need to talk." He says quietly.

"Where's my sister?" You change the subject.

"She went to help your mother. Why are you avoiding me?" He asks immediately after, not giving you a chance to even try to get out of this situation.

"Why does it matter?"

"Doesn't it to you?"

"Not really." You lied and gripped the counter to keep you steady.

You hear him let out a frustrated sigh. "We were friends, Yuna. Close friends." He says, trying to remind you of something you've been only trying to forget, "We used to hang out all the time. But ever since I started..."

He paused, as if hesitant about his words, "dating... Hana, you--"

You quickly turn around to face him when you were positive you had yourself under control, but facing him only made you realize just how closely you two were standing in front of each other. So much so that you could feel his breath against your face. You hated how it made your heart throb faster.

"It doesn't matter to me who you're dating, even if it is my sister." You say the lines you've rehearsed in your head, specifically for this moment that you knew would come. "We were friends once, but I grew tired of hanging out with you, to be honest. You were boring, always talked about the same stupid things, it was getting really old. So now we aren't friends. It's really as simple as that." Your performance was perfect as you stared back at him straight in the eye, your mask not cracking even the slightest.

Seconds go by as you both remain quiet, his eyes digging into yours for a weak spot you knew he wouldn't find. You almost wanted to smirk at how believable you were.

"If you..." He begins, his voice unwavering, "If you really think I'm going to take such a crappy lie like that, you're wrong. Now, are you going to tell me what's going on or do I have to figure it out myself?"

Your heart stops and a lump appears at your throat as you try your best not to emote your surprise. But despite all your efforts, you couldn't voice a reply as you two continued to stare at each other, both wondering what went wrong.

"Jiyong? Yuna?" Your ears twitch at the sound of your sister's voice. Her footsteps getting closer. Panicked, you push hard against Jiyong's chest, much to his surprise and creating a good amount of distance between the two of you just as Hana appeared at the kitchen door.

"Oh? So you were in here?" She asks completely oblivious to the tension in the air, "What were you two doing?"

"Nothing. I just thought I'd help Yuna out with the plates." Jiyong says more normally than you possibly could've.

"You don't have to do that. You're the guest tonight!" Hana says with a wide but proud smile at her polite boyfriend before grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the kitchen, "I'm going to introduce Jiyong to daddy and I'll help you with the plates, okay Yuna?"

"Y-Yeah. Sure." Your voice fails you and Jiyong notices immediately. You lock eyes with him one last time before he's completely out of sight, finally letting you exhale.

Your whole body began shaking, causing you to have to hold onto the counter top to keep you standing. You took in long and deep breathes to calm your beating and aching heart as your ears listen to the muffled voices of your family and Jiyong, all happy and excited as can be.

Your hand clutches at your chest, wanting to rip out the pain right then and there so that you didn't have to deal with it any longer.

"How did this happen... How did this happen...?" You whispered to yourself while shaking your head, wishing that it was just one long nightmare.

But it wasn't. It was very much real. After three long painful months, it had finally sunken in:

You were in love with your sister's boyfriend.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 3: Her sister is evil
Hana_Kwon #2
pinkpinky #3
Chapter 3: Is been a year, I still waiting for your update, aurthor nim plz!!!!
Chapter 3: update soon please it a good story
pinkpinky #5
Chapter 3: Two sis love the same guy... It is hurt to see Yuna and Jiyong suffer . Hope Hana can let go
Baimonnxx #6
Chapter 3: Woahhh great chapter here!! Update soon please
Chapter 3: Wow, her sister is very manipulative, she confirmed what I knew all along she has known the whole time that Yuna likes Jiyong. I am anticipating how this will play out even more. Good update!
Chapter 3: Yuna love jiyong before hana so stop being annoying sister !! i'm going to kick her ....... let jiyong an yuna be happy okay