Chapter six

The eyes which hunt me

Jonghyun’s pov

As I transformed into my wolf shape, I put my longbow and arrows up against the tree I had been hiding behind.

When the transformation was complete, I started sneaking closer to him. He was standing with a confused and lost expression on his face, frantically looking for me.

I slowly started to come out from my hiding spot. I growled a bit as I walked closer to the boy. When he finally noticed my growling, he turned towards me and his eyes widened in fear. I kept growling as I moved towards him in a predator like manner. He didn’t run, he didn’t scream. It looked like the fear had frozen him to his spot.

I kept walking towards him in a slow and threatening way. I watched as he slowly got his senses back and started to take some steps back, clearly wanting to get away from me. I jumped towards him while growling loudly. There was now only about 1 meter between us. The boy took a couple more steps back before he finally turned around and began running away from me. I just took a few steps forward and growled after him until he was out of sight. When he was completely gone, I changed back to my human shape and went over to the big tree to fetch my longbow and arrows.

That boy is so stupid, if I had been a real wolf he would have been dead long ago. Why would you wait that long before running away? Humans are really weird and really weak too. Anyway, at least I got rid of him. Maybe I’ll go fetch him on my way back, but for now I would rather want to hunt like I originally intended.

I started walking further into the woods as I kept an eye on my surroundings in order to find something to shoot at. My lips formed an amused smirk as I recalled the boy’s face when he saw me.

I saw a movement coming from a bush nearby. I stopped walking and just stood there, staring at the bush while I tried to hear and smell the animal. Seems like it’s a deer. I put an arrow on my bow as I began moving towards the bush. Suddenly the deer jumped out of the bush and ran away. I shot an arrow and hit it in the leg. I put another arrow on my bow and ran after it in order to kill my wounded prey.


Taemin’s pov

I was standing in the middle of the woods with no idea where to go. Everything had happened so fast. I had tripped over a big root and when I looked up, Jonghyun was gone. Isn’t it weird for someone to just disappear like that?

Then shortly after, I heard a weird sound next to me. I turned around and saw this big black wolf with yellow eyes. It was growling and walking towards me in a really scary way. I was so scared.

I slowly started to take some steps back from the big wolf, but I was kind of scared of turning my back to it. What if it was going to jump on me the moment I turned around? The wolf jumped towards me and I just stood there, frozen. I thought it would be the end of me, but the wolf landed about a meter away from me.

When I realized this I also realized that I had to get away, so I took some steps back before I turned around and ran as fast as I could through the woods. I ran for about 5 or 10 minutes before I finally stopped. The wolf hadn’t followed me. I sighed in relief before I realized that I was now completely lost. Jonghyun was gone and I couldn’t just walk back the way I came since I was too scared to look where I was running and I was scared og running into the wolf again.

I felt so small as I stood there in the middle of the woods all alone. Where should I go? Where was I? I didn’t know and it scared me. There could be more wolves like the black one out here and I was all alone. I had no way of defending myself, so if something were to attack me out here, I would be an easy prey. 


Here you go, another short update. I'm still wondering if you really read this and what you think about the story so far..... so... would you please leave a comment below. I would love it if you could tell me what you like and what you don't. I can't get better if no one bothers to tell me if I do something wrong after all....  It kind of feels empty writing a story to some people you can't see or hear.... It feels like no one's really there.... so please comment, thank you.

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Chapter 7: Update soon
Neci96 #2
Your story seems very interesting and I can't wait to read more!
its really interesting please write more! ^^ I wanna see where this is going (btw I think u made a typo in the title (it should be eyes which hunt me I guess?)
I liked this!
onlykeycanunlock #5
Chapter 1: İt sounds interesting :D I will be waiting for you next update :D please keep going~ <3