Chapter 3 [Hyun Joong to the rescue!]

Forever mine... :D SS501 Hyun Joong

[Eun Mi's POV]

"I want to know if you reach home safe..."
"I want to know if you reach home safe..."

"Reach home safe..."


"Take care...."

As was walking, those lines keep popping into my head. I dont want to think about it but, im too
curious about what he meant. My house is not that far from school, so it only took me uhmm.. about
15 minutes to walk.. hehe^^ Im use of walking so it feels like walking only 10 minutes xD

Did you experience this feeling, the feeling like someone is following you but there isnt ?
Well, if you have... im feeling it right now. Everytime i turn around to check if someone is following
me, theres none. I dont how i got into this place, a place with no people...

Im the only one walking.. I could her my foot step. Its very quiet... ottoke..
Maybe my feet took me here. Im feeling so nervous now, but i dont know why.

*step step step*
Now i could her foot steps...

I pulled out my phone and started dialing ...
-calling cool guy-

Then someone pulled me and covered my mouth so that no one can hear my scream. Yes, im
screaming now from the top of my lungs, but still no hope.  I even dropped my phone and its broken. T_T
The guy step on it. T_T. The guy is dragging me to a car. A white car. Were getting closer and closer.

As we were getting closer to the car, Hyun Joong's last words pop into my mind again.
"Reach home safe..."
"Take Care..."
"Reach home safe..."

Were getting closer... then someone out of nowhere called out.
"Leave her alone!" a familiar voice shouted.
Then Hyun Joong appeared. Yes, its Hyun Joong who appeared out of nowhere.

I dont even how in the world does he know that im here. I dont care about that at  this very
moment. I just want to be save! Hyun Joong ran towards us, then *Boom*
He just appeared in front of us and punch the guy. *Took* The guy fell and me too.

I stood up and move away from them. Hyun Joong was fighting like crazy! The guy from the
car went out to help the guy who caught me. Well, Hyun Joong's such a professional in fighting
so it was like a piece of cake to him.

Then they went in to the car and drive away *Poof!* and their gone!
Then i realized. Those guys were the guys i saw at the gate a while ago. The guys in uniform.
Hyun Joong was coming near to me while i was super shock of what just happened.

"Are you  ok ? Are you hurt ? What did they done to you ?" Hyun Joong said with concern
I dont know what to say. So i just looked at him. Im still shock of what happened. Its hard to talk.

"C'mon Eun Mi!  Speak up! Are you ok ?" He asked again

"Im fine, im just shock..." I told him, but looking down.
Honestly, i didnt got hurt at all.. although the guy hold my tightly that kinda hurt.
But any fractures or anything.. no...

He grabbed my hand and we walk. I dont know where were going. I dont even know why i let
him drag me around, maybe because i know im safe with him. After what he did to me, that would
be a good reason rite ?

Omo! Havent thank him for saving me.. *deep breath* and ---
I was about to say thank you, but something caught my attention. We were already standing infront
of a car. Must be Hyun Joong's car. He open the door for me and i went in.

Why did i went in ? lols^^ I must be too shock from what happened thats why maybe im
acting like this xD Hyun Joong went in and drive.
While he was driving the car.

"From now on, im going to drive you home from school. Araso ?" He told me

Come again ?!?! What did he just say ?!?! Im i hearing this clearly ?!?!
Am i dreaming ?!?! I pinch my arm and *Ouch!* that hurts. So it means, im not dreaming.
Wooaah! Is this really Hyun Joong ?

Hey Eun Mi! Dont forgot that Hyun Joong is still here waiting for your reply! tsk!
"Ahh, Araso.. But uhmm... i could just.. let... --- interrupted"

"Let your driver drive you home ? Is that what your going to say ?" He asked


"Aniyo, i wont let you. Besides its my fault that you had such an accident a while ago. Mianhe"

Him ?!?! How is it going to be his fault ? Isnt it he who helped me ? This guy must be joking!
"Ahh.. Whatever you say.. and by the way, Thanks for helping me..chincha" i told him.

Then everything went back to my thoughts again. Me, captured by someone i dont know.
I dont even know why would such guy took me. And remembered when Hyun Joong saved me.
Wait! He just said my name rite ?
"C'mon Eun Mi!  Speak up! Are you ok ?"

Then i look outside the window, aaahh... the place really looks amazing.. Its like its my first time seeing this
kind of view. Aniyo, waiiit! This is my first time seeing this kind of view. This is not the rode
to my home. Where is this dude taking me ?

"Yah! Where are you taking me ?"


[Hyun Joong's POV]

"Take Care"

The last two words i told Eun Mi. Im scared. Im afraid that the guys we fought with Jung Min
might get her. They might think that she's my girlfriend. The big guy that hit me is looking at Eun Mi
and im sensing that his thinking something bad.

Jung Min and I went to them. Geezz... When will this guys stop. Cant they face the fact that their
such chikens ?! Hello! Whatever they'll do, they will surely lose from us!

Once again, we fight hehe^^

Then i saw the big guy ran away. I followed him and leave 2 other guy to Jung Min.
Dont worry, Jung Min fights well. He can handle it.

The big guy's so far away from me. Then i realized that he was following Eun Mi. Tsk!
Hmm.. Why is Eun Mi calling me ? I must answer then *beeeeep* call just ended.
What was that all about ? I must hurry now! palli Hyun Joong! palli!

"Leave her alonw!" i shouted
I ran towards the guy and punch him in the face. The guy and Eun Mi both fell.  I grabbed the guy
and started punching him again. Punch the face, Punch the stomach. Punch Punch Punch!

Eun Mi was standing starring at me and shocked. Im so concerned about her right now
because i know this is my fault. Tsk!

I took her to  the car and told her that i'll drive her home from school from now on.
I cant afford that something bad is going to happen to her. And it will be so rude to me if
i'll just let her walk home from school knowing that, that big guy would just go after her.

"... i could just.. let... " then i interrupted her

"Let your driver drive you home ? Is that what your going to say ?"


"Aniyo, i wont let you. Besides its my fault that you had such an accident a while ago. Mianhe"
I wont let her. hehe^^ maybe because i wanted to protect her like how i protect...

"Ahh.. Whatever you say.. and by the way, Thanks for helping me..chincha"

Hehe^^ she said thank you even though i told her that this is all my fault. xD
The moment of silence came.

"Yah! Where are you taking me ?"
Woah! That gave me a shock. How could she shout that way to me ? xD
Omo! Totally forgot to tell her that im taking her to ...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Interesting description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
please update its been a very very looooong time sence u updated please update T_Tme so sad ur leaving us hanging here please update
Plz update !!
new reader here.. nice.. update soon!!:D
Athena13 #9
update pls......!!!!!!!