
DongHo's 'When I'm 19' Wishlist !


---Recording Room----

"Baby girl museuniri itdeorado namanbarabwa hamkkeramyeon urin eodiseona fly high.."

Shin Dongho started to rap to the song with his smooth and deep voice, already passed his puberty and threw out his old squeaky soundbox.

"...iboda deo haengbokhalsun eobseo flee so nice nawa gatdamyeon blink twice..."

He was 100% focused, his rapping was smooth and fit the mood.

"...neowa gippeum seulpeum sesangui modeun gamjeongdeureul nanugo sipeo..."

He was thinking of how great it is, to have a feeling like this.

“…you’re the one that i live for naenune neon jinjja ippeo”

But he is still a kid, as his hyungs and family calls him. The sudden thought made him distracted from his rapping.

“Yah, DongHo-ah! Why finish it like that? It was almost, ALMOST, perfect! Did you thought of something disturbing?” No Gi Tae, the singer of the song Love Manual, the song that DongHo is rapping, scolded him jokingly. He was a nice man, he knew of DongHo’s talent and had personally picked him as his rapper. And Gi Tae also knows the mind of the boy, since he too was DongHo’s age.

“Mianhe.. I just got something in my mind” DongHo apologized with his usual chipmunk-ish eye-smile, while rubbing the back of his head. “Can we do it again?”

Gi Tae just chuckled. “Sure, sure. Just don’t get those feelings in the way alright? Come on, you just need to wait for 4 more months kid!” The man then ruffled the blushing boy’s head and started to get ready for another recording.

“Y—yah! Gi Tae-hyung! After 4 months, you won’t be calling me kid anymore!” DongHo retorted, while throwing a light glare at the member of 2Face.

Again, Gi Tae chuckled at the immature attitude. “You’ll forever be a kid like that kid. Come on, start recording!”

DongHo just pushed the matter away with a bitter pout, and recorded perfectly after one try.

----U-Kiss’s Dorm----

“I’m back hyung~” DongHo greeted as he lazily went into his group’s dorm, and slumped into a big lumpy sofa, tummy first.

“Welcome back DongHo-ah” AJ greeted him, being as formal as ever. DongHo lifted his head and gave a small smile, and AJ replied with one too.

There were 2 new members in U-Kiss, after Alexander and Kibum left. AJ and Hoon. DongHo was frustrated about the 2 members leaving, leading to a rebelling drastic move (he ran away from home*), but soon realized that there are no other choice so he came back. He missed the ex-members dearly, as he was very close to them, but he didn’t mistreat the newcomers either.

AJ and him is still awkward with each other though.But because AJ used to be a maknae, they shared the same ‘pain-in-the--being-a-maknae’ feeling, so they had this some sort of weird friendship and understand each other’s feelings of being a maknae. (lol)

Hoon was a different matter. DongHo somehow became quite close with Hoon, who resembled a bit of both Kibum’s manliness and Alexander’s silliness. Hoon also treated DongHo not as a kid, but as a normal friend, making DongHo like him even more.

(A/N: I made this up, on my own perspective, sorry if you guys disagree, but this is MY story, so go bother somewhere else if you hate it :P… P/S: Xander’s and Kibum’s personalities will NEVER be beaten, xDD <3 them 4ever J)

As AJ leaved to the kitchen, DongHo decided to follow as well. But he regretted it.

“AJ-hyung… what are you drinking?” DongHo watched with interested at the can that AJ was gulping from.

“hrm? This? It’s American Beer. You can’t have this DongHo-ah, wait till 4 months, okay?” AJ smirked as he ruffled the maknae’s hair. The maknae reacted on impulse and slapped AJ’s hand away, while the older just laughed it off.

DongHo was left there, jaw down. ARGH!! NO FAIR!! It looks so tasty.. Does it taste like Ice-Cream Soda? He thought as he pouted, shoulders slumped and went to his shared room with Kiseop.

*Knock Knock*  No answer… *Knock Knock!* Still no answer…

“Kiseop-hyung! Open the door! How many times do I have to tell you not to lock the door?!” DongHo yelled, irritated at his weirdest hyung’s habit.

The door opened and revealed a blushing and sweating Eli, in the background was Kiseop covering his laptop screen with his (oh so y  :D ) body , while trying to act as if he was doing a body gag with a flushed face.

“W-wae DongHo-ah? B-back so early?” Eli stuttered as his eyes peeking warily at the member behind him.

“Ah.. nothing. Just want to change my clothes. Can I get in? It is MY room, right?” DongHo asked as politely as possible, but still couldn’t help being a bit angered at his hyung. He pushed through the panicked looking Eli, not bothering to wait for an answer and went to his closet.

His eyes then turned to look at Kiseop’s attempt to hide the laptop screen as DongHo lifted his shirt.

“Ne Kiseop-hyung, what chu hiding there?” DongHo asked innocently.

Eli and Kiseop both flinched and widened their eyes.

“ Nothing you would want to know DongHo, you’re still a kid.. ehehe..This is only pleasure for grown-ups..” KiSeop explained slowly, trying to close the windows opened in the laptop with his hands as he stared at DongHo who finished changing.

“Ahh! Wae hyung?! Can’t I know?!” DongHo exploded, irritated that he was calling him a kid. Pleasures? What pleasures?! He pouted and stomped his feet. KiSeop and Eli just avoided his glares and started to become nervous.

“Yah DongHo-ah! Wanna watch a movie with me tonight?” Kevin called out from the living room, with SooHyun and Hoon by his side getting ready to go to the cinemas.

DongHo immediately rushed to where they were, leaving Eli and Kiseop who thanked Kevin as if there was no tomorrow in their hearts. As soon as the maknae left, they continued to continue their dirty activites…


“Oh hyung! Look, look! Isn’t that the new movie ‘Antique Bakery’ showing right now? I heard from the girls that it’s super awesome! Should we watch it?” DongHo exclaimed excitedly as pointed at a life size poster of the movie’s characters, impersonate some of them, making his hyungs laugh.

Though they were at the cinema, none of their fans recognize them because of their disguise. All 4 of them were wearing bulky clothes, to hide their muscular body, wore wigs, and no-lens glasses. DongHo was having fun with this get-up, saying it’s like playing undercover. Unknown to him, Kevin, SooHyun, and Hoon thought their maknae is still a kid as they chuckled silently.

They’ll never say it to him though. Shhh~ (>vO)v

“Alright, I’ll go check the tickets at the counter. Meanwhile, Kevin, why don’t you read what’s the movie about? I’m sure there’s an information book around here” SooHyun instructed, being used to the leader position, gave out a responsible aura to his underli-cough-members.  Kevin just nodded and went to find anything that’s useful while Hoon and DongHo went to buy popcorns and drinks.

Few minutes later, they met up near the entrance and SooHyun passed out their tickets. DongHo was so excited, his face was lighting up all the way to the hall. But the other three had very nervous expressions…

(seating arrangements:: from stairs:: SooHyun, Hoon, Kevin, DongHo)

As they sat down and relaxed, the credits finished and the movie then started. Kevin was rubbing his sweaty hands as he sat next to his maknae, looking at his face from time to time. Then it came…


The crowd was now currently sending heated glares at the four of them, who were tackling DongHo down and trying to keep his mouth shut. All of them quickly rushed outside the hall, and DongHo released his tantrum at the hallway, not bothering other people’s stares.

“Hyung! Explain this to me!! Why the heck are we watching a lame kid’s movie like Ice Age 3?!” (I like the movie, no offense :{D) <= random mustache man)

“Calm down Dongho… You see… there had been some difficulty…” Kevin slowly explained. His eyes averted to Hoon and SooHyun, desperately asking for help. SooHyun suddenly found his shows so interesting, and Hoon just sighed.

“Antique Bakery is gay movie, you can’t watch it DongHo” Hoon blurted out, his face impassive.  SooHyun and Kevin mentally praised his muscular attitude, but unknown to them, Hoon is just as hella nervous as they are.

DongHo just stared at them, his mouth a bit hanging. As the words processed in his brain, his head had become a huge big burning cute tomato. The older three thought that he was blushing from embarrassment, thinking that his reaction was so childish and cute.

But the Chipmunk- had thought otherwise.


Chipmunk- had his rabies tantrum attack and had let it all out on the three poor tree-stiff hyungs.

“Ah…. B-but DongHo-ah.. er.. you do know you’re underage right?” Tree-Kevin slowly started to calm the angry maknae down, but he was just adding fuel to the Chipmunk fire.


Before DongHo could finished his sentence, his head was already turned to the side with print on his left cheek. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the person who did this to him.

“Stop this nonsense DongHo. Act like that, and you are still a kid. No, not a kid. A stinking brat.”



Choco here lmao

Yesh.. this is my second fic.. (stares warily at first fic.. I’M HAVING WRITERS BLOCK ON THAT ONE! SORRY ;A;) 

*just love the new story button :DD*

 (this is my feelings right now)

Well, leaving a cliffhanger... it was a sudden idea, and i became like the above woman man .ehehe.. >.>"

Hope you guys enjoyed this /// comment are critisms are well loved >u ///shot///


sorry if my story is lame.. > >" here's something to cheer you guys up, xDDD

just had to lmao at this, xDDD

P/S::: About the (*) somewhere above in the story, I'll explain it to you guys.

Earlier this year, (or late in 2010) DongHo appeared in Strong Heart and apparently confessed that he ran away once, from EVERYTHING. He explained that he was forced to put into tight schedules without him knowing and his hyungs and him are in a difficult moment back then. He was so tired that he decided to run away from it all, so he packed his bags and ran away from home. He had another phone with him, with nobody knowing it's number and shut off his usual phone. He brought out all of his money from the bank and his shares (yes he had shares 0.0") from various companies and rent out a week suite hotel room somewhere in Busan i think. He wanted to call his friend, but he didn't have he friend's num on his new phone, so he opened his old one. There were tons and TONS of missed calls formhis parents, manager, and his hyungs. One msg from his mom made him cry, (me as well...cough)

His mom told him that she understood what her son is feeling, and that if he wants to quit, he can. But his mom adviced him to think of others around him as well. DongHo knew his mom cared and worried a lot about him just by reading the msg. 

What his mom said made him remembered something VERY heartbreaking. That day, the day he decided to dissapear, was his grandfather's birthday, and they are celebrating it in Busan, apparently the same destination he was going. DongHo changed his mind and went to his Grandfather's house, seeing his mom and dad. His mom's face was a bit upset, but he knew how much she worried about him. Then he saw a family picture of his family and his grandfather, and cried. In the picture was all of his family members, but DongHo wasn't in it. He saw his parent's smile, but it was stiff as they were worried about him.

Finished with his story, he teared up a bit and said that he won't do something like that again. The he joked around, saying that whenever his friends ask his advice on running away, he would tell them not to do it and told his friends his story. But is friends would ignore him and then came back to him after running away, saying, "What you said is so true,"  then the whole set laughed.

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marshielisa12 #1
sounds interesting! :)