Aegyo Couple

Aegyo Couple - Woohyun

A few years had passed since you and your graduating class had finished the High School chapter of your lives. With work and school weighing all of you down, you and your girl friends thought that it would be a good idea if all of your friends got together again after the years. Thinking it was a great idea, you became a planner with your two closes friends, Maegan and Taelor.

The soft sunset was making its way onto the sky as pride flowed through you as you stood in front of your mirror. A white t shirt and light blue jeans, with a black vest. It was classy yet casual as you put on some black heels before you headed out the door.

Checking your phone, you received several texts from Taelor and Maegan, they were wondering when you were going to be there so that you could help decorate. Making your way to the party hall, you found your room as it was equip with a karaoke machine and a partially decorated room. Maegan and Taelor were hanging up the decorations as you sang out their names as they both turned and looked at you.

”______ you made it!” They called as you nodded, helping them with decorations the three of you caught up on what was happening over the years as you all giggled and laughed together like old times. Maegan and Taelor both left to go get the pizza for the night, you stayed behind as you finish the decorations, as your other friends were going to be arriving soon.

The door opened and closed as you heard the click of the door. Not taking your eyes off of the decorations that you were concentrating on, you assumed that it was Maegan or Taelor.

"Hey can you hand me the tape please?" You asked as the person walked up and held up the tape for you to grab, ripping off a piece the person held it up to you as you looked down to grab the tape.

"W-Woohyun?" You stuttered as you took the tape off of his finger. "Y-You’re here early" Looking back up at the decorations you taped them into place as you made your way down the small ladder.

"I thought I would come early, is that ok?" He asked as you grabbed the next decoration.

"Y-Yeah I just wasn’t expecting you yet." You said as he carefully took the decoration out of your hand as he climbed the ladder and put it on the wall with a little tape. Handing him decorations he put them up as you handed him tape, he always flashed a smile at you as he took the tape off of your finger.

Once the room was all covered in decorations, you sat on the couch as you looked at the beautiful room.

"Wow it looks great, doesn’t it?" You sighed, smiling as your eyes moved over all of the decorations.

"It does, but not prettier than this." Woohyun said as you looked over at him as he pointed to you and threw small hearts at you.

"Even after all of these years you are still the King of Aeygo." You spoke with a giggle b your words.

"Only with my Queen beside me." He cheekily replied as he bumped your shoulder with his. A bright smile couldn’t hide much longer as you looked down at your hands that were folded in your lap.

Meagan and Taelor walked in with their arms full of pizza boxes as your friends held the door open for them as there was soon twenty or so people there.

The guys gave bro-hugs to each other as well as shook hands as the girls hugged and complimented each other. Some girls showed off their engagement rings, while others showed pictures of their new additions to their families. The guys boasted about their positions as you walked around serving drinks and pizza to everyone.

With a few hours into the party, everyone was seated on the couches and chairs as Taelor got up and welcomed everyone.

"Annyeong! It is so great to see all of you here tonight, to see old friends and make new ones." Everyone gave a cheer as she smiled and beamed her light around the room. "As most of you remember, we weren’t so popular in High School but we did have good laughs and good times. Brightening everyone’s day even if we were having a bad one, that is what I call friendship." A guy named Seungjo stood up and took the microphone from her.

"We all expanded our circle of friends to make room for new ones and because of that I am so proud that we have all stayed strong and are doing so well." He stated as everyone clapped their hands again. "If you remember in our Senior Yearbook how they had the "Mostly Likely to Succeed". Well, I have made some for our group of friends. He stood to the side as Maegan got up and began to read off one girl name and one boy as they each received certificates.

Some were for “The Most Successful”, others were for “Most Fashionable” or “Always the Trouble Makers”. Clapping for your friends as they went up and one of the guys brought his camera as he snapped pictures.

”_____ and Woohyun earn Aegyo Couple!” Maegan said as you stood up as Woohyun held your hand and helped you up to the front. Holding your little papers, you made a heart for the camera as he did too.

Being the last award of the night, you took the microphone from Maegan as you bowed to everyone.

"Feel free to sing and just hang out for the rest of the night, thank you all for coming." You said as you handed your microphone over for the karaoke as you sat back on the couch next to Woohyun.

"Looks like the King and Queen are on the throne, once again." People said as they walked past as you just smiled and nodded. Some asked to see some Aegyo as you and Woohyun threw hearts and sang cute songs together and even finished each others sentences.

People began to leave, one by one the room felt empty as Woohyun began to sing as you just sat and watched him as your fingers played with streamers as they curled around your finger.

He turned around as you smiled at him gently, walking over to you he held out his hand as you gently placed yours in his.

"Will you sing a duet with me?" He inquired as you nodded softly, handing you the other microphone, he smiled at you as you chose the song. It was a cheesy song but you knew that he would like it none the less.

He began to sing as his arm gently wrapped around your waist as he swayed with you as you both sang.

"Thank you for coming tonight it was a nice surprise" You said as your score was calculating.

"No problem, I love to be with my Queen." He nuzzled your face with his as you gently set down your microphone and he set down his as a slow song began to play.

"Can we take a picture?" Woohyun asked you as he pulled out his phone as you leaned your head on his shoulder as you made a heart under your chin and blew out your cheeks as you eyes moved into crescents. Taking the picture, both of you couldn’t stop as Maegan came back into the room.

"See that award fit you both perfectly." She commented as she saw both of you taking pictures together on the couch.

"Thank you for a wonderful night and the awards were a really nice surprise." You said not taking your eyes away from the camera.

"My pleasure, you both deserved it. Just like old times." She said as she left and you looked up at Woohyun.

"She’s right, but something she didn’t say is that you look absolutely flawless." Woohyun smiled at you as his eyes twinkled as you dropped your eyes from him.

"Thank you but you are such a big star now, and I love your singing." You said shyly as he pulled you closer to him.

"Ah another Inspirit" He sighed as you hit him on the shoulder. "I’m just kidding, you are my favorite too."

"So what number of wife does that make me?" You teased as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Number one, always and forever." He said as his hand brushed your cheek softly. Both of you stayed like that for a while before you rested your head on his shoulder again and his arm wrapped around you.

"I missed you, ______-ah" He whispered against your hair as you closed your eyes slowly.

"I missed you too, Namgrease." Giggling at the name that you had given him in high school was now a worldwide name for him as you embraced this moment as it slowly moved by.

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Chapter 1: Awww how can the aeygo couple separate after high school, this is sad, but I'm so glad they are together! It seems like they already love each other so much... well I do! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
And I loved how they all reunited after years.. so much fun and memories to recall.

It was so cute filled with cheesy Woohyun ❤️❤️ I'm melting
Namgrease marry meeeeee :')

Thank you so much for writing about my Namgrease ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
psungjae1122 #2
Chapter 1: Hohoo to much greaseee buttt... I love it^^ i love namgrease ><
Chapter 1: ok first woohyun story im reading....I THINK....

cheesy but SOOOOO woohyun haha
Chapter 1: I love it :3 thanks for the update unnie :)
eneied #5
Chapter 1: I love love love this! I love reading about Namgrease <33
Chapter 1: I loved it! So cute and greasy [just what I'm in the mood for] and I wish I could upvote but I used up all my karmas orz
Chapter 1: throws heart for the author
*buing buing*
Chapter 1: Awww. Namgrease is so cute! Thank you for another great story! *throws heart like Woohyun* :D