

„Nice job, girls! No kidding.“ The manager praised when they arrived and took their seats in the van. “Ahw, thank you a lot.” Jina thankfully received his compliment. “It felt awesome, didn’t it?” asked EunSun though it seemed like she was in thoughts a little. Her group members simply nodded without speaking a word. Only SooYeons head didn’t move a centimeter. “What are you staring at your cell phone screen?” XueMin asked anxiously while ChonHee tried to throw a glance at the screen. “It’s just” she started carefully and caught the members’ attention due to the serious sound. “I still can’t realize it finally happened. We had our first performance just a few hours ago and when I think about the future. Just imagine what else we’re going to do.” A minute of awkward silence followed which was broken by EunSun. “Look at our SooYeon-shi trying to be serious and leaderlike.” The hidden undertone fueled by sarcasm couldn’t be unheard and made even SooYeon herself laugh. “Hey hey, she’s just trying to do her job.” XueMin tried to justify her but added with a lower voice. “More or less successful.” “I’m really having a hard time with you!” SooYeon sighed and continued staring at her cell phone screen.

Whether it was because everyone was probably thinking about a thousand things or because they were still overwhelmed by their emotions or simply because they were tired they didn’t talk a lot on their way back to the dorm. ChanHee occupied herself with her PlayStation Portable, EunSun seemed to take a nap, Jina was nomming on some strawberry pocky and texted messages, XueMin stared out of the window probably in deep thoughts and SooYeon was still checking things on her phone though she was somewhere else with her thoughts as well.


About 10 minutes later the van finally reached its destination and the girls quickly grabbed their things and hurried to their dorm since it was heavily raining outside.
“Aish, what a weather.” EunSun complained after she opened the door and the lights with a routined move and threw her things on the next table. The others did pretty much the same and everyone but ChonHee laid down on the couches. “Shall I get you a drink as well?” ChonHee asked while opening the fridge followed by an unanimously “yes”. “What time is it actually?” asked Jina and answered herself by throwing a glance at the clock. “Oh my god, time’s passing by so quickly today.” EunSun said when she noticed it was already past midnight. “Catch!” demanded ChonHee and threw a bottle of coke towards her which she luckily caught. “Omo, you scared me!” complained EunSun. “And why don’t you throw the other bottles at them, huh?” “Why are you like this?” ChonHee couldn’t hold a quiet snicker. “You were talking and I thought you’d be quiet then and you see, just as I expected it worked.” EunSun just shook her head laughingly and opened her coke. “Oh oh, wait a sec.” XueMin drew her group members’ attention. “Let’s have a toast.” “Awesome idea.” Jina agreed. “Leader-shi, any words you want to share?” SooYeon threw a clueless look at everyone first, then started to stammer. “What am I supposed to say? I really hope e.strucked will go far and that we’ll work together one as five. Here’s to us.” Without any complains the girls agreed and clinked their bottles. “We should head to bed soon though, shouldn’t we?” asked XueMin. “What’s the schedule for tomorrow, Soo-ji?” “Activities will start in the afternoon. First we’ll have an interview at 2pm, afterwards it’s rehearsal time and then the next performance for Music Core. But don’t think that’s all, probably our manager will give us a call for unexpected surprises.” “We know he loves to do this.” Commented Jina. “Getting up around 9am will be legit then?” ChonHee wanted to know SooYeon nodded. “Yes, I guess that’s fine.”
Suddenly XueMin got up, drawing everyone’s attention again. “I’d suggest we should go to bed then now. We should be thankful for so many hours of sleep and we’ll need it tomorrow.” “She’s right.” Everyone agreed and the next 15 minutes the girls got dressed, removed their make-up and brushed their teeth. Due to everyone’s tiredness it was done very hurried and rushed.
It was almost 1am when finally everyone laid in their bed. A “Good Night” and a “Sweet Dreams” was heard here and there before everyone fell asleep quickly. Understandable after such an exhausting and tiring day. 

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oh, congrats :D
Thanks for choosing me :]<br />
and I love the first chapter~! They're already debut :O
itsgottabeyou #3
@bitterswee-t<br />
i decided to start the story at this point because i thought it might could <br />
become a little boring if i'd also have to describe how they're spending<br />
their weeks before the debut, since they'd probably be training all the time.<br />
v.v but i guess there will be some moments where they're talking about their<br />
pre-debut times. :D it's not like they're together for only a week or two. 0:<br />
leader-ssi is awkward, that's why.<br />
thanks for the comment. ♥<br />
<br />
@LabxUno125<br />
as i said, they already know each other for some time and i'll reveal more<br />
information about these times later on. :><br />
to be honest i already thought about the dorm as well and i even made up <br />
plans for the rooms and stuff like that lmao. :D<br />
thanks for the comment as well. ♥<br />
<br />
@purrrplehong13<br />
i'm so sorry i couldn't choose all the applicants but it would have been<br />
too much because it's hard to remember all the members. :<<br />
thanks for applying anyways again. ♥
mignons #4
It's cool on how they get along so fast. :))<br />
Awesome~ We already debut? :P<br />
I wonder what does our dorm look like. <br />
Or how is our schedule. <br />
Till then. Amazing~ :))
whoopwhoop, thanks for picking XueMin! ^^ Congrats to the rest of the girls who were picked as well (;<br />
Awesome first chapter, the girls seem close to one another already, yayayay. Whoop -toasts with the girls- TO e.strucked! :DD Leader-ssi seems to be so.. in her own world, hahahaha :b Looking forward to seeing what they do on their schedules! :DDDD<br />
Update soon !! :DDD
mignons #6
Kamsahamnida for picking me. :))<br />
Congratulations to bitterswee-t, devil_ChonHee & HeartSeobie. :))<br />
Hwaitting!! :P
itsgottabeyou #7
Just wanted to announce that I've already chosen bitterswee-t, devil_ChonHee & HeartSeobie. <br />
Congratulations. (If that's something you congrulate for.)<br />
I'm still thinking about who to choose as the rapper position. I have two awesome characters<br />
and I probably won't take both because I've said from the start: 5 members.<br />
Guess I will decide tonight.<br />
Sorry to everyone who wrote their applications for nothing, I'm really thankful though and I guess I will write the promised oneshots after all.<br />
I try to post the first chapter as soon as possible, be patient please.<br />
<br />
i applied as Nam Mingi :D and i think i sent it twice ;0 sorry!
I applied as Yip XueMin, Jade! :D<br />
I hope you like it!~<br />