Study With Me

Just another Soosica's One-shot Collection.
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I apologize for any mistakes and any typos or any grammar or whatever errors in this story. Please bear with me.

One day in a very fine morning, there were two girls sitting inside the classroom. It seemed they were having a quite serious discussion. One of those looked so deadly cold and the other one, looked calm and relax.


Sooyoung’s eyes wandered around the empty classroom before shifting her view to her friend who was sitting in front of her. The tall girl narrowed her eyes.


“Are you sure this is going to work, midget?”


“Of course, Soo.” Taeyeon replied, giving Sooyoung her famous charming smile.


“You said the same thing before and she kicked my stomach.” Sooyoung said. She stared sharply at the girl before her.


The smile that curved on Taeyeon’s lips quickly faded before turning in full force.


“That was just a very small miscalculation. I hadn’t got an explanation for that. But, this time, I am certain you will make a path to Jessica’s heart!”


No word came out off Sooyoung’s mouth. She continued her ‘glaring’ session to the short girl in front of her. Taeyeon sighed and changed her voice to more subtle tone.


“Seriously, Soo. You’ve got to believe me. It’s going to be succeed and all you need to do is to listen to what I have told you. Tell me, who’s

the one who has a girlfriend now, Soo?”


Sooyoung stopped glaring at Taeyeon and turned her head to look outside of the window.


“Hm..” Sooyoung said nonchalantly.


“Exactly! Soo, you need to do this! There is no way she will be able to resist you!”


Before Sooyoung could respond to whatever Taeyeon said, suddenly the door being opened from the outside. Then walked in the girl they were talking about, Jessica Jung.


Jessica stepped inside the classroom and her eyes wandered around it. Her eyes landed on Taeyeon and at the certain tall girl.


“Hey, Taeng. What are you doing here so early?” She asked Taeyeon. She smelt something fishy was going on between those two.


Taeyeon turned to look at Jessica who was walking to their direction.


“Oh, Jess! Nothing. How are you in this lovely evening?”


“I am good. How about you?”


“Awesome! May I say this Jess? You look absolutely gorgeous today.”


Jessica shot Taeyeon a look before rolling her eyes and walked to her seat, obviously she did not take Taeyeon’s word seriously. But unfortunately for Taeyeon, there was someone who took that very very seriously. Sooyoung huffed out a annoy, growling breath, causing Taeyeon to stiffen.


“Well, not really gorgeous. Just.. okay.” Taeyeon muttered nervously.


Taeyeon continued to chuckle nervously until Sooyoung slowly stopped growling at her. Taeyeon sighed in relief once the tall girl did not growl at her anymore and started staring at particular girl not far from their seat. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and leaned forward.


“Yah, Soo. Are you going to ask her or not?” She whispered.


Sooyoung’s eyes shifted rapidly to Taeyeon, then to Jessica and then back to Taeyeon. She slowly nodded her head, making the short girl to smirk.


“Good girl.”


A few minutes had passed and the students slowly filled the classroom, but Sooyoung was still sitting on her chair without doing anything.

Taeyeon stared at her friend.


“Soo, you might have to get up now if you are planning to ask her.”


“I will ask her later, not now.”


Taeyeon closed her eyes in irritation. She scooted closer to Sooyoung.


“You better ask her now, before Taecyeon gets here, Soo.”


Taeyeon could see that Sooyoung’s expression changed. Taeyeon knew that Sooyoung did not like Taecyeon. In fact, she never liked every male in this world. Sooyoung hated every male who tried to be near or to be overly friendly with Jessica. Well, Taecyeon wasn’t just being overly friendly, he often tried his luck to ask the blonde to go out on dates. Taeyeon certained the only reason Taecyeon was still alive now, it was because Jessica always turned him down. Sooyoung can be so creepy when it came to Jessica. Taeyeon’s train of thought interrupted when the tall girl in front of her stood up abruptly.


“I guess I should ask her now.”


“Atta girl! Go Soo!”


“And Soo?”


Sooyoung stopped walking but did not bother to look at Taeyeon.


“Good luck, you need that.” Taeyeon whispered.


Sooyoung only scoffed, continue walking to Jessica’s desk which was in the middle of the classroom. Only 2 meters from Taeyeon’s and Sooyoung’s desk. Taeyeon furrowed her brow and looked at those two. He strained her ears to listen what they were talking.


“Hey, Jung.” Sooyoung called the blonde once she stepped beside Jessica’s desk.


Jessica just gave the tall girl an annoy look and continued to ignore her. Still, she replied to Sooyoung though she did not feel it even necessary.


“What do you want, Choi.”


“You will study with me.” Sooyoung said, more like an order to Jessica’s ears. Jessica jerked her head aside to look at the girl.


“Wait. What? Me study with you? Choi Sooyoung, you don’t need me. Aren’t you the best in this class? Who am I kidding?”


“Meet me in the library after the school ended.” Sooyoung continued, totally ignoring everything the blonde had just spoken.


“Wait the minute! Who do you think you are? Who are you to ordering me around like that? I don’t have to listen to you!” Jessica half screamed. Her face flushed red.


“Hey, what’s wrong here. What’s up with all the screaming, Jess?” Taeyeon appeared out of nowhere, smiling bright as if she did not know anything. She looked at Sooyoung, then to Jessica.


“Yes! Your stupid friend here is ordering me around!”


“What did she do, Jess?” Taeyeon asked though she already know.


“She ORDERED me to study with him! I don’t want that! I don’t want to study with her!” Jessica said, totally mad at the tall girl. She really did not like to be ordered around.


Taeyeon held her hands up, as a sign to ask everyone to calm down.  


“Okay, okay. I am really sure Sooyoung was not ordering you around. You know her, Jess. She just doesn’t know how to ask. It is one of her flaws

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Chapter 2: Your SOOSICA stories are so interesting make moee
Chapter 2: please update soon
Chapter 2: Sooyoung is drunk lol.. She so funny.. Pabo sooyoungie.. She afraid of byuntaeyeon.. Hahaha.. Poor her..
Chapter 2: LOL sooyoung is funny and sica is so sweet..

maki_rish #6
Chapter 2: The most horrible thing after getting drunk is FORGET WHAT HAPPENED ON THE NIGHT THAT U GET DRUNK.
And SooYoung did it lol nice!

And yeah, pray for MH370......:(
maki_rish #7
Chapter 1: oh my god....haha, this is funny........
its quite nice that Soo asked the advices from Taeng;
however, she forgot that typical Taeng is a ert lol
epic fail lol
Chapter 2: This is just too funny. Hahaha drunk sooyoung is just too cute.

Im from Malaysia and im really praying hard for them. So heartbreaking :(
patbing-soo #9
Chapter 1: Getting help from the Love Expert Taeyeon is both fun and dangerous at the same time. You get to know all the cheesy things to say and then comes the byuntae moves that'll get you slapped..whilst seeing Jessica's black . LOL

Goodluck with the treatment! Stay strong! Himnae!! ^______^
Chapter 1: Wtf ahahahahaha the ending left me laughing like a mad. Hahahahha