Final: Starting Over

Starting over!

            Doctor: She fainted due to her fever. She is over working and not eating the right amount of nutrition. She needs to stay at here for next several days until she is healthy enough to continue working.                  

            Wooyoung: Thank you sir. Please take good care for her

I nodded as he smiled at me and left. Looking through the window of her room; she was now awake and just staring at me. I opened the door and sat down right next to her.

            Wooyoung: the doctor says that you need to rest more and you need to stay here for a couple of days.            

            Taeyeon: ah…

I grabbed a hold of her hand and tightly gripped it receiving a light smile from her.

            Wooyoung: I will take care of…

Again; interrupted as the door swung opened, why is Leeteuk here?

            Leeteuk: Taeng! Are you okay?

Confusing, Taeyeon forcefully got loose from my tight grip as Leeteuk ran over and hugged her. I sat there looking at them not fully knowing what was going on… she gave me a light smile…then it hit me as I finally knew was going on…I forcefully let a smiled and left the room leaving them be…

(No one’s pov):tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun, soshi members, were making their way to Taeyeon’s room but as they were getting there, they recognized someone.

            Tiffany: Woo!

Tiffany called out hoping to get his attention but instead he kept walking on

            Tiffany: weird why is he here?

            Jessica: who knows?

            SeoHyun: unnie! Here is the room

They were distracted from why Wooyoung was here as SeoHyun grabbed their attention and left for Taeyeon’s room.

(Wooyoung’s point of view):

            Watching the waves hit against the shore, I sighed...why am I always late at everything; Late to realize the truth, Late to apologize to Taeyeon, Late to know that she was hurt by me and Late to…to…have her. Why do I make so many damn mistakes? I guess god is being fair…

            Wooyoung: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Taeyeon always says yelling out eases your anger, she right…it does…I sighed again and walked back to the dorm…

[Later that night]: I slowly walk down the hallway towards the last room; where she was staying in. A part of me wanted to see her but another part I didn’t want to…I didn’t want to see her with Leeteuk. I sighed as I reach the door…creeping it opened, I hoped to see a beautiful small girl but instead saw nothing but a bed with marks of a person there before. Where did she go? I quickly dropped my hand off the doorknob and ran out. I grabbed the nearest nurse and shook her.

            Wooyoung: where did Taeyeon go?

            Nurse: Taeyeon…the client staying in room __b?

I nodded my head quickly…I just want an answer just answer me!

            Nurse: she is outside…

Before she could finish I dashed out to the field. Where is she?

            Wooyoung: TaeYeon!

I yelled as I ran all ways to find her…then a small figure caught my eye, she was sitting on a wheel chair close to the edge of the hill looking at up at the stars. I patted my heart as I stopped it from jumping out and ran over to her. I faced her only seeing a confused smile. I quickly grabbed her waist and pulled off the wheel chair tightly holding on to her.       

            Wooyoung: How can you just leave the room without telling anyone! You know that I was worried for you!!

            Taeyeon: sorry…

She quietly whispered. I eased down a bit after hearing her voice and held her tighter. We stayed like that for a while until I suddenly realized and set her back down….I gulped…

            Wooyoung: sorry…

She just weakly smiled.

            Taeyeon: it is fine…

I took a breath out and awkwardly sat down on the bench right next to her. I quickly glance at her and look back to the sky as I realized she was staring at me.

            Wooyoung: there are a lot of stars tonight

I said trying to change the subject.

            Taeyeon: yes…yes there is…

We both stayed silent after she said that.
            Taeyeon:…Leeteuk asked me out…right after the whole scandal thing between him and I…

My eyes widen as I heard what she was saying, I turned around and looked at her face as she continued to look at the sky.

            Taeyeon: he…told me…that…he loves me…and that he wouldn’t lie to me like you did

She faced me causing me to gulp.

            Taeyeon: I guess…being angry at you…I just yes…

I kept quiet.

            Taeyeon: and we have been going out ever since.

            Wooyoung: are you happy?

I asked out of the blue shocking not only myself but her as well. She nodded quickly

            Taeyeon: yes…yeah I am

            Wooyoung: well I’m glad you are…

            Taeyeon: thank you

She looked away from me and glanced back to the sky…the silence continued….now it is my turn…

            Wooyoung: I’m sorry

She had no reaction.

            Taeyeon: it is fine

            Wooyoung: no it is not fine…I know that you are hurt from me…It’s my mistake…my fault that you feel this way towards me…mistakes are forever and I know that you can’t possibly forgive me.

            Taeyeon: you’re hurt more than me….having someone accuse you of rapping a girl making lose everything that you once had… is even more painful than knowing that the one man you love the most out of everything in your life had slept with different girl. My pain is nothing compared to yours.

She grabbed hold of my hand and gently smiled.

            Taeyeon: I’m sorry for not believing in you…

            Wooyoung: no…It’s my fault for not realizing the truth earlier….if I was to known earlier…I wouldn’t have hurt you or myself least had to lose you from someone else. Now I’m just glad that your happy…please forgive me

I slipped my hand out of her grip…

            Taeyeon: From the moment I heard the truth from you…I forgave you…Hara told me the truth a couple of weeks back…but I have been selfish I was waiting for you to come and tell me.

            Wooyoung: I’m sorry I’m so late…I wish everything could start over again…back to where when none of this happened.

She just smiled and watched the stars…I’m sorry Taeyeon…this last time…..we stayed quiet for the last time…until I noticed that Taeyeon’s hand was out. I’m confused…what she doing?

            Taeyeon: Hello my name Taeyeon…I’m from snsd…nice to meet you…a beast idol…

She said…just like the first time we met…I smiled at her foolishness and shook her hand.

            Wooyoung: I’m Wooyoung….I’m from 2pm…nice to meet you too…I hope become friends.

I said exactly as I remember the first time. I just smiled again as she just laughed…I was glad she was letting me back into her life…and most importantly she was letting me have a second chance…we were staring over….


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Chapter 3: i know this has been a year or so but i found this and this story is gooooooood
Chapter 5: wootae is cute :D
Kimberheo #3
Thanks for subscribing! <br />
@Imnotyourdoll: well you will find out soon! :D<br />
<br />
@Taecyeon4Ever: thank you hehe lol <br />
<br />
I will upload tonight! I'm almost done!
imnotyourdoll #4
oh no! :O what will happen next? :D<br />
update soon :)
Taecyeon4Ever #5
Plz update. I really like ur story :)