
Dream Come True!

You were so excited that you couldn't sit still. You loved the hotel room you had in Korea, and the view was just beautiful.  You immediately ran to your best friend and partner in crime room to see what his looked like.

"Wow!" You squealed as you looked at the view from his room that was across the hall. 

"Would you calm down?" You turned to see Izzy, your best friend, in the door way.

"How can I?? You know I have been a kpop fan for most of my life, I'm just really happy I finally was able to visit Korea!"  

"Yeah, yeah. I remember, and you are always talking about that one leader from B.C.D. or something like that." He whined as he flopped on the bed. You knew he was tired and had jet lag, you were too but the excitement won over the jet lag.

"His name is Bang YongGuk, and its B.A.P not B.C.D." you laughed as you jumped on the bed next to him. 

Izzy and you have been best friends from high school and even though he was about three years younger than you, there was a lot of the same interests shared between you two. One being music and dance. He was an amazing rapper and could dance even better. You both decided to form our duo called Crowned Wings where he raps and dances while you sang with an extremely open range of high and low notes with a little bit of rap. The good thing about doing songs with your best friend is that there are a range of songs to make, it can easily go from a love song, to just a party kind of fun song.

It started out as just youtube videos that you both up loaded and from there it just grew. You started to hum Ride or Die by G-Dragon as you pulled out your phone to take a picture with Izzy to upload on social medias stating that you both arrived safe and sound. 

"So you excited to rap in Korean?" You asked Izzy as you sat up on the bed.

"No. I am going to mess up and look like a fool"  he moaned into the pillow.

"It's not that hard." You said which earned you a glare from him. "Well get some rest grumpy, we have practice tomorrow bright and early." You said hopping off the bed.

"You do realize that you are worse in the mornings then I am, right?" He asked. You stuck your tongue out at him and closed the door. 



The next morning you awoke to Izzy shaking you and threatening to get a bucket of cold water. 20 minutes later you were both dressed, fed, and walking to a car to take you to the stage you would be preforming at in two days. 


After going through your regular songs from the newly released album, you both prepared to work on the two kpop songs fans voted for. One being Ride or Die by G-Dragon and the second being I Remember by Bang YongGuk.  Ride or Die went well with only one mistake but I Remember was a bit harder because Izzy kept messing up the lyrics.

"Take 5" the manager called from the booth. You greatfully grabbed the water bottle that was handed to you as you sat next to Izzy. 

"Why don't you rap and I sing?" Izzy suggested before he took a gulp of water. You laughed as he attempted the high notes in I Remember. 

"I will help you with the pronunciation more" you said as you bumped him with your shoulder.

Practice dragged on until the sun set. Later that night you collapsed in bed after helping your best friend with the lyrics for 3 hours. 




It was the night of the concert and the show was going off well with out a hitch. Every time you were back stage, Izzy and your manager would have this knowing look and share a nod. Pushing it to the back of your mind you prepared to start one of the last songs of the night, Ride or Die. 

After you both preformed the crowd erupted in applause. Izzy ran off back stage as you introduced the next song to your korean fans -you were very thankful at that moment that your love for kpop caused you to learn Korean.-

"HELLO!! Thank you so much for having us both here. This really means the world to the both of us. This next song that we will be closing the show with is one of my favorite because it is the solo of my one and only bias from the group B.A.P, the amazing Bang YongGuk!!" The crowd screamed even louder then before. You smiled as the music started and you started to sing. 

Izzy's part was coming up to enter but you heard a deeper voice start the rap and turned to stare wide eyed as the crowd cheered so loud that you were sure the stage vibrated. 

There entering the stage Izzy was supposed to come out from stood none other than Bang YongGuk himself. A smile formed on your face as you both made eye contact and he started to walk towards you. 

He has his gummy smile as you has tears in your eyes. He reached out his hand to take yours as you willingly gave your hand to him. And in this moment fate decided to play a cruel trick on you as you tripped on your own feet. 

As if it was practiced YongGuk caught you in a dip as he rapped the last part of the intro looking into your eyes.

"Because its you whom I loved. Yes, I remember." 

You closed you eyes as you sang the chorus and the crowd once again exploded into applause.  "Even with my eyes closed, The light that shined us is still there." YongGuk lifted you from the dip and spun you out of his arms but still kept your hand in his. 

You both finished the song and did a little more little dances together that caused the audience to scream. As the song ended yongguk raised your intertwined hands in the air . The crowd went wild. Izzy then came out with a mischievous smirk on his face as you punch his shoulder lightly. 


You three walked off stage into the back to get a some bottles of water and for the mics to get taken off your faces. 

"Surprise!" Izzy said when you were off the stairs. 

"I absolutely hate and love you very much at this point in time." You said as he gathered you into a hug. 

"You are welcome. Did you cry?" He asked as you pushed him off.

"Almost." You replied at the same time YongGuk did. 

You turned to him and bowed. "Thank you so much for preforming with me. It was seriously a dream come true." 

"Anything for someone who claims me as their one and only bias." He teased as he smiled that gummy smile. 

"Oh my gosh!" You covered your reddening face as he laughed. You both talk more and even trade numbers. It was time for you to leave as Izzy waved you over. You turned back to YongGuk. 

"It was really good to meet you." YongGuk said as he stuck his hand out to shake yours. You looked down at his hand and then up at him. You pushed his hand away and hugged him as you said "it was good to meet you too Oppa!" You then quickly ran over to Izzy.  You turned back to see a red faced YongGuk with a smile on his face looking at you. 

You waved as you walked backwards. He returned your wave then turned to leave with his manager.  


"So you get your boyfriends number?" Izzy teased. 

"Oh shut up!" You laughed as you shoved him to the side.



 So what did y'all think? Im sorry for any errors, im writing this on my phone when I should be sleeping lol I will edit in the morning I promise!!! Tell me if you like it, hate it, or just eh.

So I went back and edited, but if there are still errors please point them out in a nice way lol

Thank you so much for reading! ^_^

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14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awwww is there a sequel to this story??? I really wanna know what happened at the end like did they get together..
Channinuna #2
Chapter 1: I love it!! But i need to know what happened later... Lol